Classification and identification of conopeptides using profile hidden Markov models and position-specific scoring matrices
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Konopeptiidid on soojades meredes elavate koonustigude (Conus sp.) mürgis leiduvad lühikesed valgud. Koonusteod on kiskjad ja toituvad ussikestest, teistest molluskitest või kaladest. Nad tulistavad saaki mürgiga täidetud harpuuniga, mürk muudab saaklooma liikumatuks ja tigu saab ta rahulikult tervelt alla neelata. Mürgi kiirelt uimastav ja halvav toime tuleb paljude erinevate konopeptiidide segust. Konopeptiidid sünteesitakse eellasvalkudena, millel on signaaljärjestus mürgitorusse transportimiseks ja propeptiid, mis aitab mürgipeptiidi õigesti pakkida ja mürgipeptiid. Konopeptiidid jagatakse sarnaste signaaljärjestuste alusel perekondadesse.
Teadlased uurivad konopeptiide lootusega leida nende hulgast uusi ravimikandidaate. Konopeptiidid on väga spetsiifilised närvirakkudes leiduvate ioonkanalite modulaatorid ja omavad suurt potentsiaali valuvaigistite või lihastelõdvestajatena.
Antud uurimistöö esimeseks eesmärgiks oli välja töötada meetod, mille abil saaks suurtest järjestuste hulkadest välja otsida ja klassifitseerida konopeptiidid. Klassifitseerimine on oluline, sest uuele valgule sarnaste valkude teadasaamine annab palju informatsiooni tema omaduste kohta. Meie valisime sarnasuse võrdlemiseks kahte tüüpi mudelid - profiil-HMM’id ja PSSM’id. Kuna signaalpeptiidid on ühe perekonna piires väga konserveerunud, siis on nende olemasolul järjestuste klassifitseerimine meie mudelitega 100% tundlik ja ka 100% spetsiifiline. pHMM’ide ja PSSM’ide kombineerimisega saavutasime 91% tundlikkuse ka mürgipeptiidide klassifitseerimisel.
Töö teiseks eesmärgiks oli otsida konopeptiide koonusteo Conus consors’i genoomist ja mürgitoru transkriptoomist. Konopeptiidide otsimiseks järjestatud transkriptoomist ja genoomist kasutasime teiste meetodite hulgas ka pHMM’e. Me leidsime C. consors’i genoomist 214 konopeptiidi, millest 187 olid uued järjestused.
Meil õnnestus teada saada 13-sse erinevasse perekonda kuuluva 15 konopeptiidi geenide ekson-intron struktuur. See on oluline, sest geenistruktuur võib mõjutada konopeptiidide mitmekesisuse teket.
Conopeptides are small proteins found in the venom of cone snails (Conus sp.). Cone snails feed on worms, molluscs and fish. They paralyze their prey with venom and swallow it whole. The fast immobilization appears as a result of the mixture of conopeptides in the venom. Conopeptides are synthesized as prepropeptides with a signal sequence for transport into the venom duct, pro-peptide that facilitates proper folding and mature peptide. Conopeptides are grouped into superfamilies according to the signal sequences. Scientists are studying the conopeptides hoping to find new drug candidates. Conopeptides are specific modulators of ion channels in nerve and muscle cells and therefore can be potentially used as painkillers or muscle relaxants. Aim of this study was to develop a method for finding and classifying conopeptides from large amounts of sequences. Classification is important since finding the proteins similar to a newly discovered protein we get a lot of information about it. We used two types of models for classification and identification – profile hidden Markov Models (pHMMs) and position specific scoring matrices (PSSMs). With the signal peptide present the classification is 100% specific and sensitive. By combining the pHMMs and PSSMs we were able to obtain 91% sensitivity also for classification of mature peptides, which is better than with other methods. The second aim of this study was to find conopeptides from the genome and venom duct transcriptome of Conus consors. We used multiple methods, including the pHMMs, to locate the conopeptides. We discovered 214 conopeptides from the genome, 187 of which were novel. We also described the exon-intron structure for 15 conopeptide genes from 13 different superfamilies. Gene structure may influence the propagation of conopeptide diversity.
Conopeptides are small proteins found in the venom of cone snails (Conus sp.). Cone snails feed on worms, molluscs and fish. They paralyze their prey with venom and swallow it whole. The fast immobilization appears as a result of the mixture of conopeptides in the venom. Conopeptides are synthesized as prepropeptides with a signal sequence for transport into the venom duct, pro-peptide that facilitates proper folding and mature peptide. Conopeptides are grouped into superfamilies according to the signal sequences. Scientists are studying the conopeptides hoping to find new drug candidates. Conopeptides are specific modulators of ion channels in nerve and muscle cells and therefore can be potentially used as painkillers or muscle relaxants. Aim of this study was to develop a method for finding and classifying conopeptides from large amounts of sequences. Classification is important since finding the proteins similar to a newly discovered protein we get a lot of information about it. We used two types of models for classification and identification – profile hidden Markov Models (pHMMs) and position specific scoring matrices (PSSMs). With the signal peptide present the classification is 100% specific and sensitive. By combining the pHMMs and PSSMs we were able to obtain 91% sensitivity also for classification of mature peptides, which is better than with other methods. The second aim of this study was to find conopeptides from the genome and venom duct transcriptome of Conus consors. We used multiple methods, including the pHMMs, to locate the conopeptides. We discovered 214 conopeptides from the genome, 187 of which were novel. We also described the exon-intron structure for 15 conopeptide genes from 13 different superfamilies. Gene structure may influence the propagation of conopeptide diversity.
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konopeptiidid, klassifitseerimine, Markovi ahelad, statistilised mudelid, conopeptides, classification, Markov chains, statistical models