Nucleic acid amplification from crude clinical samples exemplified by Chlamydia trachomatis detection in urine
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Seksuaalsel teel levivad infektsioonid (STLI) on oluliseks koormaks tervishoiusüsteemile. Iga päev nakatub nendesse üle miljoni inimese maailmas. Ainuüksi Chlamydia trachomatise uute juhtumite arv ulatub 130 miljonini aastas. STLI-de diagnoosimine on keeruline, sest enamus nendest ei põhjusta sümptomeid. Samas ravimata jäänud suguhaigused võivad viia krooniliste põletikkeni ning avaldada selle kaudu olulist mõju inimese reproduktiivsele tervisele. Kõrgesse riskigruppi kuuluvate inimeste testimine on ennast tõestanud efektiivne strateegia STLI-de leviku piiramiseks ning nendega seonduvate tüsistuste vältimiseks. Profülaktiline STLI diagnostika vajab aga usaldusväärseid ja kiireid lahendusi, mille puudumist peetakse peamiseks STLI-de laialdase leviku põhjuseks. Tsentraalsetesse laboritesse koondunud nukleiinhapete amplifikatsioonil põhinevad meetodid pakkuvad väga täpseid diagnostika tulemusi. Nende miinuseks on aga kõrge hind, infrastruktuuri vajadus ja pikk ooteaeg tulemuseni. Alternatiivina on kasutusele võetud mitmed ühekordsed kiirtestid, mis enamasti võimaldavad diagnoosida haigustekitaja olemasolu poole tunniga ning ei vaja spetsiifilist aparatuuri. Praegu turul olevad immunoanalüüsil põhinevad C. trachomatise kiirtestid ei suuda aga pakkuda vajalikku diagnostilist täpsust. Suur valenegatiivsete vastuste arv piirab nende laialdast rakendamist. Käesolevas töös uuritakse võimalusi nukleiinhapete amplifikatsiooni rakendamiseks ühekordselt kasutatavates diagnostika kiirtestides. Töös näidatakse, et isotermilise amplifikatsiooni kasutamine võimaldab asendada nukleiinhapete puhastamise etappi lihtsa proovi eeltöötlusega, võimaldades seega amplifikatsiooni otse kliinilistest proovidest. Uus metoodika on lihtne, sobib instrumendi-vabaks rakendamiseks ning võimaldab saada diagnostilist vastust poole tunni jooksul. Lisaks näitas kliiniline uuring, et selle diagnostiline täpsus on oluliselt suurem C. trachomatise immunoloogilistest kiirtestidest.
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a serious healthcare burden with more than million new cases acquired every day worldwide. Chlamydia trachomatis is one of the most spread STIs with 131 million reported cases annually. Majority of the STIs, including C. trachomatis infection, are asymptomatic, not causing any discomfort to the patient, which further promotes their spread. Screening high risk groups has been proven to be an effective strategy to restrict STIs spread. This requires support of accurate, fast and affordable diagnostics. Nucleic acid amplification techniques used by centralized laboratories offer high level of diagnostics accuracy, but they are often time-consuming, require expensive machinery and well-trained personnel. To date, the lack of cost-efficient and reliable point-of-care (POC) diagnostics has been considered to be the major barrier for STI control and prevention. Most of the C. trachomatis POC tests are immunoassays with major drawback being low sensitivity levels. High false negative test results number has restricted their wider use. In this work, we explore the possibility of bringing nucleic acid amplification based diagnostics to POC applications. We show that using isothermal amplification allows replacement of the nucleic acid purification with simple pretreatment procedure, therefore enabling amplification directly from clinical samples. The resulting diagnostics is fast, fairly-simple and can be potentially applied in completely instrument-free manner. It also offers a significantly increased diagnostics accuracy as compared to C. trachomatis immunoassays, thus carrying a high potential for POC application.
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a serious healthcare burden with more than million new cases acquired every day worldwide. Chlamydia trachomatis is one of the most spread STIs with 131 million reported cases annually. Majority of the STIs, including C. trachomatis infection, are asymptomatic, not causing any discomfort to the patient, which further promotes their spread. Screening high risk groups has been proven to be an effective strategy to restrict STIs spread. This requires support of accurate, fast and affordable diagnostics. Nucleic acid amplification techniques used by centralized laboratories offer high level of diagnostics accuracy, but they are often time-consuming, require expensive machinery and well-trained personnel. To date, the lack of cost-efficient and reliable point-of-care (POC) diagnostics has been considered to be the major barrier for STI control and prevention. Most of the C. trachomatis POC tests are immunoassays with major drawback being low sensitivity levels. High false negative test results number has restricted their wider use. In this work, we explore the possibility of bringing nucleic acid amplification based diagnostics to POC applications. We show that using isothermal amplification allows replacement of the nucleic acid purification with simple pretreatment procedure, therefore enabling amplification directly from clinical samples. The resulting diagnostics is fast, fairly-simple and can be potentially applied in completely instrument-free manner. It also offers a significantly increased diagnostics accuracy as compared to C. trachomatis immunoassays, thus carrying a high potential for POC application.
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chlamydia trachomatis, diagnostika (med.), uriinianalüüs, nukleiinhapped, diagnostics, urine analysis, nucleic acids