Skill performance of Estonian online journalists: assessment model for newsrooms and research
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Selle doktoritöö eesmärk on kaardistada oskused ja pädevused, mida veebiajakirjanikud oma töös kasutavad. See eesmärk jaguneb kolmeks alameesmärgiks: 1) uurida, milline on ajakirjanike ootus ja tegelik praktika ajakirjanike oskuste ja pädevuste rakendamisel tööprotsessis; 2) anda ülevaade oskuste sobituvusest tööprotsessiga; 3) kaardistada oskused ja pädevused, mis on spetsiifilised veebiajakirjandusele.
Publikatsioonide eesmärgid, uurimisküsimused ja uurimismeetodid eraldi on erinevad, kuid neist moodustavad ühisosa ajakirjanduslikud oskused ja pädevused ning nende rakendamine tööprotsessis. Kuigi doktoritöö raames tehtud uuringute artiklid ei lähtunud ühest ja samast teoreetilisest lähenemisest, raamistab need ühtseks käsitluseks Derek Layderi sotsiaalsete domeenide teooria. See võimaldab mõtestada inimestevahelise kommunikatsiooni ning tehnoloogilise muutuse mõju tööpraktikatele.
Doktoritöö osaks olevatest uuringutest selgus vastuolu ootuste ja praktika vahel. Ajakirjanikud (pidades nende all silmas toimetajaid ja reportereid) eeldavad, et veebiajakirjanikud on paljuoskuslikud, samas igapäevatöös rakendatakse väga väheseid oskusi (II ja III uurimus). Tööprotsessides domineerib konstrueeritud ajasurve – enamikul erinevatel aastatel intervjueeritud veebiajakirjanikest oli kohustus “hoida linti” ehk avaldada pidevalt (näiteks iga tunni jooksul üks) artikleid, mida ajakirjanikud nimetavad “ühikuteks”. Samas I uurimuses püüdsime leida, kas ja millise veebiajakirjandusliku sisu eest on üks auditooriumisegment valmis maksma. Teisisõnu – mida auditoorium ootab veebiajakirjanduselt. Muu hulgas selgus, et auditoorium ootab ennekõike sisukat ja põhjalikku käsitlust ning ka sisu, mille loomisel on kasutatud veebi kui platvormi spetsiifikat meisterlikult. Nii ilmnebki I uurimuse vahel vastuolu II ja III uurimuse tulemustega: veebiajakirjanduse toimetused on orienteeritud pidevale ja kiirele sisutootmisele, mis ei soodusta veebispetsiifilise või põhjalikku käsitluse loomist, kuigi auditoorium seda just kõige enam ootab.
Siinse doktoritöö üks olulisemaid tulemusi on väide, et valitseb märkimisväärne erinevus selle vahel, milliseid oskusi veebiajakirjanikult eeldatakse ning milliseid oskusi ta tegelikult oma töös kasutada saab. Selle põhjus on toimetuste töökorraldus ja -praktikad. Peamine põhjus, miks veebiajakirjanikud saavad kasutada vaid piiratud hulka oskusi, on ajasurve ja nõuded avaldada pidevalt “ühikuid”. Tööpraktikad kanduvad edasi toimetuste vahel, mis omakorda teeb toimetused oma töökorralduselt ja -praktikatelt küllalt sarnaseks.
Siinse töö üks väide on, et veebiajakirjanduses on võimalik rakendada mitmekülgseid ajakirjanduslikke, kuid ka tehnilisi ja teemavaldkonnale spetsiifilisi oskusi. Selleks, et kasutada veebi kui tehnilise platvormi võimalusi täiel määral, on vaja kasutada märkimisväärselt suuremat oskuste ja pädevuste paletti kui näiteks televisioonis, raadios või ajalehes. Kuid veebiajakirjanduses saab teha tööd ka nii, et ajakirjanduslikke oskusi kasutatakse väga piiratult ning see sõltub toimetuse toimetuslikest juhtimisotsustest ja ressursijaotusest.
Selleks, et hinnata, milliseid oskusi konkreetses veebitoimetuses esineb ja milliseid rakendatakse, töötasin välja oskuste ja pädevuste hindamise mudeli, mida saab kasutada nii veebitoimetajate oskuste hindamisel kui ka edasistes teadusuuringutes.
The aim of this doctoral thesis is to analyse the role of skills and competences in online journalistic practice in terms of aspects of 1) outlining the expectations and actual performance of journalists in relation to the work processes involved in online journalism; 2) showing the skill performance that is behind online journalistic content in relation to audience expectations; 3) charting the skills and competences that may be specific to online journalism and to develop a model for the assessment of those skills and competences. The aims, research questions and methods of the separate studies of this thesis were different, but they all concern the expectation to and performance of skills and competences of online journalists. The theoretical framework of an introductory cover article is built upon the theory of social domains developed by Derek Layder (1993; 1997). The studies of this thesis revealed a discrepancy between the expectation of skills and the real performance of skills in online newsrooms. Journalists (the term is used in this thesis to refer to both reporters and editors) expect online journalists to be multi-skilled, but in everyday practice a limited amount of skills and competences are performed (Study II and III). By restricting time as a resource and forcing quantity as a criterion, fewer and fewer journalistic skills and competences are applied. Even though Study I indicated that fragments of the audiences may expect high-quality online journalistic content that would also demand multi-skilled and expert journalistic content production, Study II and III showed that the sort of content that respondents of Study I are expecting is not produced. Neither the practices nor the skills and competences applied in Estonian online newsrooms meet the specification of specific, exclusive, in-depth, quality online journalistic content. Although I do not study journalistic roles, I argue that journalistic role performance can be platform-specific, if to study this from the perspective of performance of journalistic skills and competences. Defining who is a journalist is nothing new per se, while defining a journalist through the performance of skills is. For the assessment of skill performance in the (online) newsroom I developed a model. This model can be applied on an online newsroom, but possibly with adjustments also in newsrooms on other technical platforms. The model makes it possible to analyse the skills and competences performed on a specific platform, and trough that outline the journalistic role performance on that platform. It can also be a supportive tool for the evaluation of employment of human capital in the online newsroom, or for a newsroom on any other platform.
The aim of this doctoral thesis is to analyse the role of skills and competences in online journalistic practice in terms of aspects of 1) outlining the expectations and actual performance of journalists in relation to the work processes involved in online journalism; 2) showing the skill performance that is behind online journalistic content in relation to audience expectations; 3) charting the skills and competences that may be specific to online journalism and to develop a model for the assessment of those skills and competences. The aims, research questions and methods of the separate studies of this thesis were different, but they all concern the expectation to and performance of skills and competences of online journalists. The theoretical framework of an introductory cover article is built upon the theory of social domains developed by Derek Layder (1993; 1997). The studies of this thesis revealed a discrepancy between the expectation of skills and the real performance of skills in online newsrooms. Journalists (the term is used in this thesis to refer to both reporters and editors) expect online journalists to be multi-skilled, but in everyday practice a limited amount of skills and competences are performed (Study II and III). By restricting time as a resource and forcing quantity as a criterion, fewer and fewer journalistic skills and competences are applied. Even though Study I indicated that fragments of the audiences may expect high-quality online journalistic content that would also demand multi-skilled and expert journalistic content production, Study II and III showed that the sort of content that respondents of Study I are expecting is not produced. Neither the practices nor the skills and competences applied in Estonian online newsrooms meet the specification of specific, exclusive, in-depth, quality online journalistic content. Although I do not study journalistic roles, I argue that journalistic role performance can be platform-specific, if to study this from the perspective of performance of journalistic skills and competences. Defining who is a journalist is nothing new per se, while defining a journalist through the performance of skills is. For the assessment of skill performance in the (online) newsroom I developed a model. This model can be applied on an online newsroom, but possibly with adjustments also in newsrooms on other technical platforms. The model makes it possible to analyse the skills and competences performed on a specific platform, and trough that outline the journalistic role performance on that platform. It can also be a supportive tool for the evaluation of employment of human capital in the online newsroom, or for a newsroom on any other platform.
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electronic journalism, journalists, skills, professional skills, competence, assessment, Estonia