Determining categories of self – efficacy and levels of teacher ownership following promotion of science teacher’s operational needs
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Tänapäeva ühiskonna tulevikusuundumused eeldavad kõigi selle liikmete senisest paremat arusaamist loodusteadustest ja tehnoloogiast tagamaks nende aktiivset ja vastutustundlikku osalemist sotsiaalsetes otsustusprotsessides ja teadmistepõhises innovatsioonis. Ühe võimaliku vastusena antud väljakutsele nähakse sotsiaalsete ja tehnoloogiliste aspektide ning uurimusliku lähenemise senisest tõhusamat rakendamist loodusteaduste õpetamisel-õppimisel.
Antud eesmärgi saavutamiseks tuleks teha olulisi muudatusi üldhariduskooli loodusteaduste õpetamisel ning loodusteaduste õpetajate ettevalmistamisel.
Käesoleva doktoritöö eesmärgiks oli töötada välja teaduslikult põhjendatud loodusainete õpetajate täiendkoolitusprogramm, mis toetaks õpetajate enesetõhusust “haridus loodusteaduste kaudu” lähenemisviisi rakendamisel ning selle lähenemisviisi omaksvõttu.
Käesoleva doktoritöö tulemusena täiendati konstruktivistlikku sotsiaal-kultuurilise koolitusmudelit ja töötati välja loodusainete õpetajate koolitusvajadusi mõõtev uurimisinstrument. Fenomenograafilist analüüsi rakendades jõuti järeldusele, et õpetajate õpikäsituses toimunud muutuste ja uue lähenemisviisi omaksvõtu kategooriad saab jagada kolmeks: paradigmaatiline, eksperimentaalne ja emotsionaalne. Kategooriad on hierarhilise struktuuriga ja eristavaks tunnuseks on õpetajate reflektsioonioskus.
In today’s rapidly changing world, our daily lives are increasingly affected by different technologies and scientific achievements. There is a growing awareness of the need to focus on creating citizens who are versatile and capable of coping in a modern technological society. My PhD thesis were aimed to construct and evaluate a science teachers in-service programme, based on an ‘education through science’ philosophy. The study initially targets the determination of the effectiveness of the CPD programme through determining teacher’s self-efficacy and then, with the teaching enhanced by means of an action research component, involving the creation and use of teaching-learning modules, the study ultimately seeks to determine teacher’s degree of ownership with respect to the 3-stage teaching approach. As a result, a constructivist socio-cultural training model was constructed and a research tool measuring the training needs of science teachers in science was developed. Using phenomenographic analysis, it was concluded that the categories of changes in the teacher's learning styles and the adoption of a new approach can be divided into three ownership categories: paradigmatic, experimental and emotional. Categories have a hierarchical structure and a distinctive feature is the reflection skills of teachers.
In today’s rapidly changing world, our daily lives are increasingly affected by different technologies and scientific achievements. There is a growing awareness of the need to focus on creating citizens who are versatile and capable of coping in a modern technological society. My PhD thesis were aimed to construct and evaluate a science teachers in-service programme, based on an ‘education through science’ philosophy. The study initially targets the determination of the effectiveness of the CPD programme through determining teacher’s self-efficacy and then, with the teaching enhanced by means of an action research component, involving the creation and use of teaching-learning modules, the study ultimately seeks to determine teacher’s degree of ownership with respect to the 3-stage teaching approach. As a result, a constructivist socio-cultural training model was constructed and a research tool measuring the training needs of science teachers in science was developed. Using phenomenographic analysis, it was concluded that the categories of changes in the teacher's learning styles and the adoption of a new approach can be divided into three ownership categories: paradigmatic, experimental and emotional. Categories have a hierarchical structure and a distinctive feature is the reflection skills of teachers.
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science education, teaching methodology, science teachers, efficacy expectations, training needs, continuing training, teacher training, Estonia, 2010s