Computational investigation of the electrical double layer at metal–aqueous solution and metal–ionic liquid interfaces
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Käesolevas teadustöös uurisime metalli ja vesilahuse ning metalli ja ioonse vedeliku vahelist elektrilist kaksikkihti, keskendudes pindkihi dipoolse struktuuri analüüsile. Hindasime selle komponente elektrilise kaksikkihi kompaktses osas, mis jääb Helmholtzi välise kihi ja metalli pindkihi vahele.
Alustasime pindkihi struktuuri ning elektrilise kaksikkihi diferentsiaalmahtuvuse arvutusliku uuringuga vismuti, galliumi ja elavhõbeda pinnal vesilahustes. Saadud tulemused kinnitavad molekulide adsorptsiooni olulist rolli elektrilise kaksikkihi omaduste kujunemisel. Seejärel kogusime arvutuslikke andmeid metalli ja ioonse vedeliku pindkihi struktuuri kohta, ning uurisime kuidas see määrab pindkihi dipoolse ehituse ning diferentsiaalmahtuvuse. Kasutasime ioonse kaksikkihi mudelit, mis sobib nii vastasioonide adsorptsiooni tõttu tekkinud dipooli kui ka anioonide ja katioonide vastastikuste mõjutuste tõttu tekkinud dipooli kirjeldamiseks. Süsiniku pinnal paiknevat ioonpaari käsitlevas uuringus näitasime, et kovalentne side vähendab oluliselt dipoolmomenti väärtust ning potentsiaalilangust elektroodi–elektrolüüdi pindkihis, mille tulemusena suureneb elektrimahtuvus. EMImBF4 ioonassotsiaatide võrdlemisel kulla, vismuti ja süsiniku pinnal selgus, et elektrolüüdikihi dipool mõjutab oluliselt mahtuvuse elektroodi potentsiaalist sõltuvuse kõvera kuju.
Põhimõtteline erinevus vesilahuse ja ioonse vedeliku elektrilise kaksikkihi omaduste vahel tuleneb nende molekulaarse ja ioonse struktuuri erinevusest. Esitatud andmed annavad kasulikku teavet vesilahuse ja ioonvedeliku adsorptsiooni kohta erinevatel metallidel. Teave nende tegurite vastastikuste mõjude kohta võib aidata leida seoseid metalli ja elektrolüüdi pindkihi struktuuri ning pindkihtide toimimise vahel energia muundamise ja salvestamise seadmetes.
In this thesis, we investigated the electrical double layer at metal–aqueous solution and metal–ionic liquid interfaces. For both aqueous and ionic liquid interfaces, we focused on the characteristics of interfacial dipole created at metal–electrolyte interface. We analysed its components on the example of the compact layer – the region between the outer Helmholtz plane and the interface. We started with a computational investigation of interfacial structure and differential capacitance of the electrical double layer at Bi, Ga, and Hg electrodes in aqueous electrolyte solution. The obtained results stress the significant role of the interfacial water layer in the interfacial properties of a metal surface–electrolyte solution interface. Then we gained computational insights into the structure of the metal–ionic liquid interfaces and how it determines the interfacial dipole as well as the differential capacitance. We introduced an ionic bilayer model that accounts for the dipole formed due to the adsorption of counter-ions as well as for the dipole formed due to anion–cation interplay. In a study of an ionic pair at circumcoronene surface, we showed that the covalent bonding significantly reduces the interfacial dipole moment value as well as the potential drop at an electrode–electrolyte interface, thus, leading to the capacitance increase. Comparison of the behaviour of EMImBF4 ionic associates at gold, bismuth and circumcoronene surfaces revealed that electrolyte layer dipole composition and structure play a crucial role in determining the shape of the capacitance vs. electrode potential curve. The conceptual difference between the properties of the aquoues and ionic liquid electrical double layers is dictated by the difference in their molucular and ionic structures. The reported data provide useful information on the water and ionic liquid adsorption on the metal surfaces. The enlighten interaction mechanisms may help to find links between the interfacial structure of the metal–electrolyte interfaces and their performance in energy conversion and storage devices.
In this thesis, we investigated the electrical double layer at metal–aqueous solution and metal–ionic liquid interfaces. For both aqueous and ionic liquid interfaces, we focused on the characteristics of interfacial dipole created at metal–electrolyte interface. We analysed its components on the example of the compact layer – the region between the outer Helmholtz plane and the interface. We started with a computational investigation of interfacial structure and differential capacitance of the electrical double layer at Bi, Ga, and Hg electrodes in aqueous electrolyte solution. The obtained results stress the significant role of the interfacial water layer in the interfacial properties of a metal surface–electrolyte solution interface. Then we gained computational insights into the structure of the metal–ionic liquid interfaces and how it determines the interfacial dipole as well as the differential capacitance. We introduced an ionic bilayer model that accounts for the dipole formed due to the adsorption of counter-ions as well as for the dipole formed due to anion–cation interplay. In a study of an ionic pair at circumcoronene surface, we showed that the covalent bonding significantly reduces the interfacial dipole moment value as well as the potential drop at an electrode–electrolyte interface, thus, leading to the capacitance increase. Comparison of the behaviour of EMImBF4 ionic associates at gold, bismuth and circumcoronene surfaces revealed that electrolyte layer dipole composition and structure play a crucial role in determining the shape of the capacitance vs. electrode potential curve. The conceptual difference between the properties of the aquoues and ionic liquid electrical double layers is dictated by the difference in their molucular and ionic structures. The reported data provide useful information on the water and ionic liquid adsorption on the metal surfaces. The enlighten interaction mechanisms may help to find links between the interfacial structure of the metal–electrolyte interfaces and their performance in energy conversion and storage devices.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone
electric double layer, metals, water solutions, ionic liquids, adsorption, computational chemistry