Cross-media in public service broadcasting: the struggle between producers and audiences
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Tänapäevane meediamaastik, mis hõlmab arvukalt nii traditsioonilisi kui uusi audiovisuaalide tootjaid, ajendab ühest küljest ringhäälinguorganisatsioone uurima televisiooni ja interneti ning teatud juhtudel ka muu meedia vahelise sünergia poolt pakutavaid võimalusi ning teisalt kujutab see endast võimalusterohket väljakutset meediasõnumite tõlgendamiseks auditooriumide poolt.
Käesoleva väitekirja eesmärk on vaadelda, kuidas tootjad auditooriume kontseptualiseerivad, uurida erinevusi ja sarnasusi oodatavate meediaüleste tekstide tõlgendamises ideaalse publiku poolt ja selliste meediaproduktsioonide võimalikku ühtlustamist tegeliku auditooriumi poolt.
Töö ülesandeks meedia muutuvas olukorras on kujutada suhet Soome ja Eesti avaliku meedia tootjate ning auditooriumide vahel kindlal ajaperioodil – täpsemalt aastatel 2016-2017.
I, II, III ja IV uurimuse kombineeritud tulemused annavad üldpildi, mille kokkuvõte on järgnev:
• avalikõiguslikud ringhäälinguorganisatsioonid püüavad luua avalikku väärtust, kaldudes ristmeedia poole. Nende eesmärgiks on reageerida killustuva auditooriumi probleemile ja sellest tulenevale väljakutsele säilitada oma roll ühiskonnas;
• ristmeedia produktsioonipraktikale ülemineku potentsiaalset mõju ohustavad produtsentide uskumused ja meediavastuoluline vastuvõtt auditooriumide poolt;
• produtsendid asetavad status quo säilitamise ristmeedia pakutavate võimaluste ära kasutamisest kõrgemale, sest ristmeedia poolt pakutavat auditooriumide osalust peetakse ohuks kvaliteedile ja vastutusele;
• produtsendid kujundavad kujuteldava auditooriumi lähtudes iseendist, oma eelarvamustest ja ettekujutusest;
• avalikõiguslik meedia, mille eesmärgiks on avaliku väärtuse loomine, võib kaasavaid ristmeedia võimalusi kasutades sattuda vastuollu eetiliste juhtnööridega;
• auditooriumide valmisolekut olla tekstidesse aktiivselt kaasatud ei reguleeri mitte ainult meediumi ja tekstide lubatavused, vaid see, kuidas neid lubatavusi tajutakse.
Today's media landscape – which includes a multitude of audio-visual providers – is, on one hand, pushing television networks to exploit the opportunities offered by the synergy of television with the internet and, in certain cases, other media and, on the other hand, it represents a potential enhanced challenge to the audience’s interpretation of media messages. The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to explore producers’ conceptualisations of audiences, and to explore the differences and similarities between the ideal audience’s expected interpretation of productions across media and the possible appropriation of such media productions by the actual audience. The objective of this work is a snapshot of the relationship between producers and audiences of the public service media of Finland (YLE) and Estonia (ERR) at a specific time, namely the period 2016-2017. The doctoral dissertation consists of an introductory article and four related studies. The combined findings of Studies I, II, III and IV provide a picture that can be summarised as follows: • Public service broadcasters strive to create public value by leaning towards cross-media. They do so in an attempt to address the fragmentation and loss of audiences and, consequentially, to maintain the role they have in society; • the effectiveness of a shift to cross-media practice is put at risk by both producers’ beliefs and by the audience reception of the different media; • producers privilege the status quo over cross-media, which, since it implies audience participation, is perceived as a threat to excellence and accountability; • producers imagine the audience to be based on their own self, leaving room for approximation; • public service media, whose aim is to generate public value, may fall into the contradiction of overruling their ethical guiding principles in the attempt to implement engaging cross-media productions. • audiences’ willingness to actively engage with a specific medium is regulated by the their perception of that medium.
Today's media landscape – which includes a multitude of audio-visual providers – is, on one hand, pushing television networks to exploit the opportunities offered by the synergy of television with the internet and, in certain cases, other media and, on the other hand, it represents a potential enhanced challenge to the audience’s interpretation of media messages. The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to explore producers’ conceptualisations of audiences, and to explore the differences and similarities between the ideal audience’s expected interpretation of productions across media and the possible appropriation of such media productions by the actual audience. The objective of this work is a snapshot of the relationship between producers and audiences of the public service media of Finland (YLE) and Estonia (ERR) at a specific time, namely the period 2016-2017. The doctoral dissertation consists of an introductory article and four related studies. The combined findings of Studies I, II, III and IV provide a picture that can be summarised as follows: • Public service broadcasters strive to create public value by leaning towards cross-media. They do so in an attempt to address the fragmentation and loss of audiences and, consequentially, to maintain the role they have in society; • the effectiveness of a shift to cross-media practice is put at risk by both producers’ beliefs and by the audience reception of the different media; • producers privilege the status quo over cross-media, which, since it implies audience participation, is perceived as a threat to excellence and accountability; • producers imagine the audience to be based on their own self, leaving room for approximation; • public service media, whose aim is to generate public value, may fall into the contradiction of overruling their ethical guiding principles in the attempt to implement engaging cross-media productions. • audiences’ willingness to actively engage with a specific medium is regulated by the their perception of that medium.
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cross-media, public broadcasting, producers, audience, Estonia, Finland