The dual role of teachers: school-based teacher educators’ beliefs about teaching and understandings of supervising
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Üliõpilaste pedagoogilist praktikat juhendavad õpetajad on oma igapäevatöös kaksikrollis: nad peavad õpetades kindlustama õpilaste igakülgse arengu ja samas üliõpilasi õpetajatööks ette valmistama. See võib osutuda õpetajate jaoks keeruliseks ülesandeks. Et saada rohkem teadmisi selle kohta, kuidas toetada õpetajaid kahe rolli samaaegsel täitmisel, uuriti doktoritöös õpetajate uskumusi õpetamise eesmärkidest ja õpetamistegevustest ning seda, kuidas õpetajad tajuvad ülikoolipoolseid ootusi juhendajatele ja mõtestavad oma tegevust üliõpilaste juhendamisel.
Uurimusest ilmnes, et õpetajad kasutavad tunnis nii õpilaste kognitiivset kui ka sotsiaalset arengut toetavaid õpetamistegevusi, kuid ei oska samas sõnastada selgelt eesmärke õpilaste sotsiaalse arengu toetamisel. Õpetajate peamised eesmärgid üliõpilaste juhendamisel on eeskuju andmine ja üliõpilaste toetamine iseseisval õpetamisel. Ülikoolipoolse ootusena tajuvad õpetajad, et nad peavad toetama üliõpilast teoreetiliste teadmiste seostamisel õpetamiskogemusega.
Uurimuse tulemused kinnitavad, et üliõpilaste pedagoogilist praktikat juhendavad õpetajad vajavad kahes rollis toimetulekuks rohkem teadmisi õpetamise teaduslikest alustest. Ülikoolid peaksid selgemalt määratlema õpetajate ülesanded üliõpilaste ettevalmistamisel tulevaseks tööks.
School-based teacher educators who supervise the school practice of students (SBTEs) have a dual task: they have to ensure the comprehensive development of their pupils and, at the same time, prepare students for their future role as teachers. This might be a difficult task for teachers. In order to gain more knowledge of how to support teachers in performing the two roles, this doctoral thesis studied teachers' beliefs about teaching goals and practices, as well as their perception of university expectations to them as supervisors and the meaning teachers themselves give to their actions as supervisors. The study showed that teachers use a variety of teaching practices that support both the cognitive as well social development of pupils, but they are not able to clearly articulate the goals that support the social development of pupils. The main goals of teachers in the supervision of students are to set an example and to support students in independent teaching. As to university expectations, teachers perceive that they have to support students in associating their theoretical knowledge with experience. The results of the study confirm that in order to cope with their dual role, SBTEs need more knowledge of the scientific basis of teaching. Universities should clearly define the role of SBTEs when preparing students for their future career.
School-based teacher educators who supervise the school practice of students (SBTEs) have a dual task: they have to ensure the comprehensive development of their pupils and, at the same time, prepare students for their future role as teachers. This might be a difficult task for teachers. In order to gain more knowledge of how to support teachers in performing the two roles, this doctoral thesis studied teachers' beliefs about teaching goals and practices, as well as their perception of university expectations to them as supervisors and the meaning teachers themselves give to their actions as supervisors. The study showed that teachers use a variety of teaching practices that support both the cognitive as well social development of pupils, but they are not able to clearly articulate the goals that support the social development of pupils. The main goals of teachers in the supervision of students are to set an example and to support students in independent teaching. As to university expectations, teachers perceive that they have to support students in associating their theoretical knowledge with experience. The results of the study confirm that in order to cope with their dual role, SBTEs need more knowledge of the scientific basis of teaching. Universities should clearly define the role of SBTEs when preparing students for their future career.
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õpetajapraktika, juhendamine, õpetajad, õpetamine, uskumused, kogemused, õpetajakoolitus, sotsiokultuuriline keskkond