Insights into the export behavior of SMEs from emerging economies: evidence from Russia and China
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Käesoleva doktoritöö eesmärk on luua sügavam arusaam väikeste ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtete (VKE-de) ekspordikäitumisest tärkava majandusega riikide kontekstis, kasutades näidetena Venemaad ja Hiinat. Töö põhineb kolmel empiirilisel uurimusel, mis käsitlevad ekspordikäitumise erinevaid aspekte. Artikkel 1 on pilootuuring, mis andis esialgsed tulemused potentsiaalsete tegurite kohta, mis mõjutavad VKE-de (globaalseks sündinud ettevõtted – GSE-d) varajast ja kiiret rahvusvahelistumist tärkava majandusega riikides. Hiina kasutamine uurimuskontekstina võimaldas tuvastada eksportijate (GSE-de ja muud rahvusvahelistujate) olulisi tunnuseid ja avas teemat, tuues esile nende gruppide vahelisi olulisi erinevusi statistilise analüüsi põhjal. Ilmnes kaks suunda edasiseks uurimiseks: analüüsida süvitsi peamisi tegureid, mis võivad põhjustada tärkava majandusega riikidest pärit VKE-de varajast ja kiirele rahvusvahelistumist (Artikkel 2) ja tuua esile institutsionaalse keskkonna mõju VKE-de ekspordikäitumisele (Artikkel 3). Artikkel 2 annab ülevaate kolme Artiklis 1 tuvastatud teguri – teadmised välisriigi kohta, võrgustikud ja valitsuse toetus – mõjust Hiina GSE-de tekkimisele, rakendades logistilist regressiooni. Viimast kahte tegurit analüüsiti ka kui välisturu alaste teadmiste ning vara ja kiiresti rahvusvahelistumise tõenäosuse vahelise seose mõjutajaid. Selgitati nende tegurite sümbioosi ning toodi välja olulised eksportijate vaheliste erinevuste põhjused. Artikkel 3 selgitas välja, mis roll on koduriigi institutsioonidel VKE-de ekspordikäitumises. Venemaa kontekst pakub huvitavat infot, sest selle riigi institutsionaalset keskkonda kirjeldatakse tihti ebasoodsana ja eksportimine on VKE-de jaoks küllaltki keeruline. Esitati tulemusi institutsionaalsete tegurite kohta, mis võivad takistada või toetada VKE-de rahvusvahelistumist. Seega täiendavad kõik kolm artiklit üksteist ja aitavad VKE-de rahvusvahelistumise kompleksset protsessi paremini mõista
The objective of the thesis is to provide a deeper understanding of the export behavior of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the context of emerging economies on the example of Russia and China. This thesis is based on three empirical studies that address different aspects of export behavior. Study 1 is a pilot study providing initial evidence on the potential factors that can affect the early and rapid internationalization of SMEs (born globals) from emerging economies. Using China as a research context, it presents some important characteristics of exporters (born globals and non-born globals) and opens the topic by highlighting significant differences between them, using simple statistical analysis. The Study indicates two avenues for further research: to focus on deeper analysis of the key factors that can drive the early and rapid internationalization of SMEs from emerging economies (Study 2) and to highlight the role of the institutional environment for SMEs’ export behavior (Study 3). Study 2 provides insights into the impacts of three factors – foreign knowledge, networks and government support – as identified in Study 1 on the emergence of Chinese born globals by applying logistic analysis. The last two factors are also analyzed as moderators between foreign knowledge and the likelihood of early and rapid internationalization. The symbiosis of these factors is explained and some important reasons for heterogeneity among exporters are outlined. Study 3 reveals the role of home country institutions on SMEs’ export behavior. The context of Russia offers interesting insights into this area as its institutional environment is often characterized as unfavorable and exporting is rather challenging for SMEs. Evidence is provided regarding the institutional factors that can impede or facilitate SMEs’ internationalization. Thus, all Studies are complementary and provide a better understanding of the complex process of SMEs’ internationalization.
The objective of the thesis is to provide a deeper understanding of the export behavior of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the context of emerging economies on the example of Russia and China. This thesis is based on three empirical studies that address different aspects of export behavior. Study 1 is a pilot study providing initial evidence on the potential factors that can affect the early and rapid internationalization of SMEs (born globals) from emerging economies. Using China as a research context, it presents some important characteristics of exporters (born globals and non-born globals) and opens the topic by highlighting significant differences between them, using simple statistical analysis. The Study indicates two avenues for further research: to focus on deeper analysis of the key factors that can drive the early and rapid internationalization of SMEs from emerging economies (Study 2) and to highlight the role of the institutional environment for SMEs’ export behavior (Study 3). Study 2 provides insights into the impacts of three factors – foreign knowledge, networks and government support – as identified in Study 1 on the emergence of Chinese born globals by applying logistic analysis. The last two factors are also analyzed as moderators between foreign knowledge and the likelihood of early and rapid internationalization. The symbiosis of these factors is explained and some important reasons for heterogeneity among exporters are outlined. Study 3 reveals the role of home country institutions on SMEs’ export behavior. The context of Russia offers interesting insights into this area as its institutional environment is often characterized as unfavorable and exporting is rather challenging for SMEs. Evidence is provided regarding the institutional factors that can impede or facilitate SMEs’ internationalization. Thus, all Studies are complementary and provide a better understanding of the complex process of SMEs’ internationalization.
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arenevad turud, väikeettevõtted, keskmise suurusega ettevõtted, rahvusvahelistumine, eksport, Venemaa, Hiina, emerging markets, small enterprises, medium-sized companies, internationalisation, export, Russia, China