Poolautomaatne meetod virtuaalreaalsuskeskkondade loomiseks
Traditsioonilised virtuaalreaalsuskeskkonnad põhinevad kõikide ümbritsevate objektide renderdamisel 3D mudelitest. Selleks tuleb kogu keskkond graafiliselt modelleerida, mis on enamasti pikk ja üksluine tegevus. Hiljuti turule ilmunud 360-kraadi kaamerad võivad olukorda muuta – piltidel põhinev virtuaalreaalsus ei vaja graafilist modelleerimist ja omab seetõttu potentsiaali luua keskkondi palju kiiremini ning pärismaailmale palju sarnasemate tulemustega. Selle lähenemise puuduseks on aga vajadus jäädvustada iga vaadeldava asukoha jaoks eraldi pilt. Seega on lõpptulemuseks suur arv pilte, mis tuleb sildistada viisil, mis võimaldaks piltidevahelist navigeerimist. Lõputöö uurib võimalikke meetodeid selliste virtuaalreaalsuskeskkondade poolautomaatsel teel loomiseks ning kirjeldab kasutajaliidest, mis võimaldab neid kuvada.
Traditional virtual reality environments are based on rendering all the surroundings using 3D models of objects. This requires graphically modelling the whole environment, which is usually a long and tedious task. 360-degree cameras that have recently become commercially available might be able to change that situation, as image-based virtual reality requires no graphical modelling and therefore has the promise of being faster with the results resembling the real world more accurately. The downside of this approach is the requirement to create a separate image for each possible location in the scene that is being captured, thus resulting in a large number of images that need to be labelled, so that navigation between images would become possible. This thesis investigates possible methods to create such maps semi-automatically and provides an interface to display the virtual reality environments so created.
Traditional virtual reality environments are based on rendering all the surroundings using 3D models of objects. This requires graphically modelling the whole environment, which is usually a long and tedious task. 360-degree cameras that have recently become commercially available might be able to change that situation, as image-based virtual reality requires no graphical modelling and therefore has the promise of being faster with the results resembling the real world more accurately. The downside of this approach is the requirement to create a separate image for each possible location in the scene that is being captured, thus resulting in a large number of images that need to be labelled, so that navigation between images would become possible. This thesis investigates possible methods to create such maps semi-automatically and provides an interface to display the virtual reality environments so created.