An investigation of individual differences in the effects of priors on visual perception
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Käesolev väitekiri keskendub individuaalsete erinevuste uurimisele ennustava kodeerimise raamistikust lähtuvalt. Selle teoreetilise käsitluse kohaselt on erinevates nägemistaju töötlusetappides kriitiline roll lisaks välismaailmast tulenevale infotulvale (n-ö alt-üles signaalid) ka aju enda genereeritud hüpoteesidel ehk ennustustel sisendi võimaliku päritolu ja iseloomu kohta (n-ö ülalt-alla aktiivsus). Nimelt toimub aju hierarhilises närvivõrgustikus paralleelselt kahes suunas liikumine, kui ülalt-alla suunduvaid hüpoteese esindavaid aktiivsusmustreid eri töötlustasemetel sissetulevate signaalidega võrreldakse. Kuna ennustav kodeerimine väidab, et tajukogemus koosneb alati nii objektiivse sensoorse info kui ka subjektiivse ennustuse kombinatsioonist, on püsivad individuaalsed erinevused subjektiivses tajukogemuses selgitatavad ebakõlaga nende kahe komponendi vahelises tasakaalus.
Kokkuvõtvalt panustas käesolev väitekiri olemasolevate teadmiste täiendamisse mitmes olulises aspektis. Esiteks näidati erinevat tüüpi tajuülesannete toel, et ennustused mõjutavad nii subjektiivset tajukogemust kui ka objektiivset tajusooritust. Samuti sai kinnitust, et subjektiivset tajukogemust stiimulist, mida tegelikult ei näidatud, on võimalik ennustusi “tingides” esile kutsuda mitmes analoogses ülesandes, näitlikustades seeläbi, et tegemist on normipärase tajutöötluse omadusega. Olulise uuendusena vastas üks avaldatud uuringutest küsimusele, kas individuaalseid erinevusi ennustuste mõjus saaks vaadelda kui ühisest allikast tulenevaid. Tulemustest ilmnes, et ühte ühist faktorit antud uuringus kasutatud ülesannete puhul andmetest järeldada ei saa – pigem peegeldasid tajumõõdikute omavahelised seosed erinevaid töötlushierarhia tasemeid. Lisaks empiirilisele panusele annab väitekiri teoreetilise ülevaate värsketest edusammudest individuaalsete erinevuste ja nende struktuuri uurimises nägemistaju valdkonnas, kuna seni pole veel ühtse selge arusaamani jõutud. Samuti rõhutatakse individuaalsete erinevuste uurimise olulisust, mis on väärtuslikuks tööriistaks nägemistaju universaalsete mehhanismide ja strukturaalse ülesehituse kaardistamisel. Lisaks optimaalse tajustruktuuri lahtimõtestamisele aitab individuaalsete erinevuste uurimine paremini mõista suboptimaalse tajutöötluse alusmehhanisme, mis iseloomustavad mõningaid vaimseid häireid ning leida, millised katseparadigmad on perspektiivikamad vaimse seisundi haavatavuse seiretestide väljatöötamiseks. Sealjuures tasub eksperimendi kavandamisel kaasata mitu sama protsessi mõõtvat ülesannet, et tagada konstruktivaliidsus ja tuua esile võimalikud ülesandespetsiiflised erisused ja sarnasused.
An enormous body of work has been devoted to understanding how visual perception works. And yet, there is still a lot we do not know about the underlying structure of visual perception and the many complex cognitive mechanisms involved in creating a seamless phenomenological experience of our surroundings. One promising theory that is inspiring novel approaches to this field of research is the predictive processing framework, which posits that in addition to the features of objective sensory information, our past experiences, knowledge, expectations and context all play a role in determining the qualitative and quantitative nature of the subjective percept. Importantly, the predictive processing framework offers new ways to approach individual differences research in vision. The prevalent perspective on top-down influences on perception allows us to consider that individual differences can result not only from differences in simple basic perceptual abilities, but also from dissimilar past experiences and beliefs, or even because of a trait-like cognitive bias in the relative weighting of prior expectations versus sensory information. The general aim of the current dissertation was to study the expression and structure of interindividual differences in top-down effects on visual perception. To answer this question, four published studies were introduced which contribute to ongoing work in the field. The role of predictions in influencing the subjective perceptual experience was demonstrated across many different perceptual tasks and processing levels. To explore whether there is a general factor for the effects of priors -- as individuals may vary along a dimension of relative reliance on priors -- a battery of perceptual tasks was compiled where prior effects of subjective perception had been demonstrated. Results revealed that individual variance in those tasks can be better described by two factors which reflected the different hierarchical levels of the priors. Therefore, there is no general factor of priors without regard to the types of priors evoked by each specific task. Another study demonstrated that illusory perception of an absent stimulus can be reliably induced in a dual-task setup by repeatedly strengthening the expectation to see two visual stimuli presented simultaneously. The results suggest that illusory perception is quite common under certain conditions, but also displays rather large differences between individuals as well as between analogous tasks. Lastly, questionnaire measures of the autistic and schizotypal traits were used to investigate whether the predictive processing account of suboptimal prior precision in autism and schizophrenia would find support within the neurotypical population. Overall, it was concluded that the proposed hypotheses are likely too simplistic to capture the complexities of perceptual atypicalities in these spectrums.
An enormous body of work has been devoted to understanding how visual perception works. And yet, there is still a lot we do not know about the underlying structure of visual perception and the many complex cognitive mechanisms involved in creating a seamless phenomenological experience of our surroundings. One promising theory that is inspiring novel approaches to this field of research is the predictive processing framework, which posits that in addition to the features of objective sensory information, our past experiences, knowledge, expectations and context all play a role in determining the qualitative and quantitative nature of the subjective percept. Importantly, the predictive processing framework offers new ways to approach individual differences research in vision. The prevalent perspective on top-down influences on perception allows us to consider that individual differences can result not only from differences in simple basic perceptual abilities, but also from dissimilar past experiences and beliefs, or even because of a trait-like cognitive bias in the relative weighting of prior expectations versus sensory information. The general aim of the current dissertation was to study the expression and structure of interindividual differences in top-down effects on visual perception. To answer this question, four published studies were introduced which contribute to ongoing work in the field. The role of predictions in influencing the subjective perceptual experience was demonstrated across many different perceptual tasks and processing levels. To explore whether there is a general factor for the effects of priors -- as individuals may vary along a dimension of relative reliance on priors -- a battery of perceptual tasks was compiled where prior effects of subjective perception had been demonstrated. Results revealed that individual variance in those tasks can be better described by two factors which reflected the different hierarchical levels of the priors. Therefore, there is no general factor of priors without regard to the types of priors evoked by each specific task. Another study demonstrated that illusory perception of an absent stimulus can be reliably induced in a dual-task setup by repeatedly strengthening the expectation to see two visual stimuli presented simultaneously. The results suggest that illusory perception is quite common under certain conditions, but also displays rather large differences between individuals as well as between analogous tasks. Lastly, questionnaire measures of the autistic and schizotypal traits were used to investigate whether the predictive processing account of suboptimal prior precision in autism and schizophrenia would find support within the neurotypical population. Overall, it was concluded that the proposed hypotheses are likely too simplistic to capture the complexities of perceptual atypicalities in these spectrums.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone
vision, visual perception, individual differences, disorders of perception, autism, schizophrenia, cognitive neuroscience