Influence of the microstructure and chemical composition of the fuel electrode on the electrochemical performance of reversible solid oxide fuel cell
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Tulenevalt ühiskonna üha suurenevast energianõudlusest otsitakse järjest efektiivsemaid energia muundamis- ja salvestamisseadmeid. Arendussuundi on mitmeid. Neist kõrgeima elektrilise efektiivsusega elektri- ja soojusenergia koostootmisvõimalust pakub pööratava funktsionaalsusega tahkeoksiidne kütuseelement. Kütuseelemendina töötades võimaldab nimetatud süsteem efektiivset elektrienergia tootmist erinevatest kütustest, nagu vesinik, süsivesinikud, alkoholid, sünteesgaas jpt. Elektrolüüsirežiimis on võimalik ülejäävat elektrienergiat salvestada erinevatesse keemilistesse ühenditesse, nagu vesinik ja süsinikmonooksiid. Mainitud tehnoloogia kommertsialiseerimise suurimad väljakutsed on aga seotud materjalide stabiilsuse ja süsteemi valmistamise liiga kõrge hinnaga. Kommertisaliseerimiseelses faasis olevates süsteemides kasutatavate metall-keraamiliste elektroodide puudusteks on ka halb redokstsüklite taluvus ning katalüütiliselt aktiivsete metalliosakeste ümberkristalliseerumine, aga ka süsiniku sadenemisest ning väävlist tingitud aktiivsuse vähenemine.
Mitmetele nimetatud probleemidele võiks leevendust pakkuda redoksstabiilsed täiskeraamilised segajuhtelektroodid. Sellised materjalid on hea taluvusega väävli suhtes, aga oluliselt madalama elektrokeemilise aktiivsusega.
Käesoleva doktoritöö raames uuriti uudsete täiskeraamiliste segajuhtanoodide aktiveerimise võimalusi läbi keemilise koostise muutmise, aga ka kasutades pinna aktiveerimist katalüütiliselt aktiivsete nanoosakeste väljalahustamisel elektroodi faasist. Uuriti elektroodi mikrostruktuuri mõju ühikraku elektrokeemilisele aktiivsusele ning karakteriseeriti kõige aktiivsemat elektroodimaterjali H2O ja CO2 kaaselektrolüüsirežiimis. Leiti, et materjalide elektrokeemiline aktiivsus on keeruline kombinatsioon kompleksoksiidi ioonse-, elektroonse juhtivuse aga ka pinna katalüütilise aktiivsuse komponentidest. Samuti näidati elektroodimaterjali hulga optimeermise olulisust erineva keemilise koostisega anoodimaterjalide korral. Parimat elektrokeemilist aktiivsust nii kütuseelemendi režiimis 0.5 V (1.08 A/cm2) kui ka elektrolüüsi režiimis 1.6 V juures (-1.37 A/cm2) näitas pallaadiumi ja tseeriumoksiidi nanoosakestega aktiveeritud La0.8Sr0.2Cr0.5Mn0.5O3-δ materjal.
Due to increasing energy demand, the implementation of renewable energy resources is an urgent need. A most important step toward this goal is to develop efficient, environmentally friendly devices for sustainable energy conversion and storage. One of such technologies is reversible solid oxide cell (RSOC), which can work as high-temperature solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) for fuel oxidation and as solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) for fuel production from excess electricity and steam or carbon dioxide. The advantage of mentioned systems is high electrical and overall efficiency as well as fuel flexibility. However, research and development are still needed to improve reliability, lifetime, and lower the cost of the systems. The most commonly used anode materials for SOCs are metal-ceramic (cermet) composites, which are very sensitive to the redox cycles, catalyst recrystallization, carbon deposition, and sulfur impurities under standard working conditions. Alternatively, mixed ionic-electronic conductive (MIEC) materials have been in focus during the last years as a more stable alternative for cermet materials. So far, low catalytic activity and poor conductivity are still the most common throwbacks for MIEC electrodes, and therefore, additional activation of materials is necessary. In this work, activation of several potential MIEC materials was investigated through the modifications in the chemical composition or through the infiltration of catalyst nanoparticles. The influence of electrode microstructure on the electrochemical activity was also studied, and the most active material was characterized in H2O and CO2 co-electrolysis mode. The electrochemical activity of MIEC materials was found to be a complex combination of the electronic-, ionic - and surface catalytic properties of the used oxide. Finally, the importance of optimal electrode material loading in the case of different materials was demonstrated. Best electrochemical activity in fuel cell (1.08 A/cm2 at 0.5 V) and electrolysis (-1.37 A/cm2) modes was demonstrated by Pd and CeO2 infiltrated La0.8Sr0.2Cr0.5Mn0.5O3-δ.
Due to increasing energy demand, the implementation of renewable energy resources is an urgent need. A most important step toward this goal is to develop efficient, environmentally friendly devices for sustainable energy conversion and storage. One of such technologies is reversible solid oxide cell (RSOC), which can work as high-temperature solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) for fuel oxidation and as solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) for fuel production from excess electricity and steam or carbon dioxide. The advantage of mentioned systems is high electrical and overall efficiency as well as fuel flexibility. However, research and development are still needed to improve reliability, lifetime, and lower the cost of the systems. The most commonly used anode materials for SOCs are metal-ceramic (cermet) composites, which are very sensitive to the redox cycles, catalyst recrystallization, carbon deposition, and sulfur impurities under standard working conditions. Alternatively, mixed ionic-electronic conductive (MIEC) materials have been in focus during the last years as a more stable alternative for cermet materials. So far, low catalytic activity and poor conductivity are still the most common throwbacks for MIEC electrodes, and therefore, additional activation of materials is necessary. In this work, activation of several potential MIEC materials was investigated through the modifications in the chemical composition or through the infiltration of catalyst nanoparticles. The influence of electrode microstructure on the electrochemical activity was also studied, and the most active material was characterized in H2O and CO2 co-electrolysis mode. The electrochemical activity of MIEC materials was found to be a complex combination of the electronic-, ionic - and surface catalytic properties of the used oxide. Finally, the importance of optimal electrode material loading in the case of different materials was demonstrated. Best electrochemical activity in fuel cell (1.08 A/cm2 at 0.5 V) and electrolysis (-1.37 A/cm2) modes was demonstrated by Pd and CeO2 infiltrated La0.8Sr0.2Cr0.5Mn0.5O3-δ.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone
fuel cells, electrochemistry, electrodes, microstructure, chemical composition