Holocene relative shore-level changes and geoarchaeology of the prehistoric sites in western Estonia
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Töö eesmärgiks on täpsustada Läänemere veetaseme ajalugu Pärnu, Hiiumaa ja Saaremaa näitel ning rekonstrueerida nende alade paleogeograafiat, et kirjeldada keskkonnamuutuste mõju esiajaloolisele rannasidusale asustusele. Uuring kombineerib geoloogilisi ja arheoloogilisi uuringumeetodeid geoinformaatika meetoditega.
Koostati uued Läänemere veetaseme muutumise mustrit kirjeldavat veekõverat, mille võrdlemine võimaldab hinnata piirkondlikke erinevusi muutuste ajas ja ulatuses, aga prognoosida ka tuleviku veetaset. Eelkõige saadi uudseid tulemusi Holotseeni madalaveeliste perioodide veetasemete ja Hilis-Holotseeni veetaseme languse mustri kohta, mis täiustavad varasemaid tõlgendusi rannikuasustuse paiknemise kohta. Näiteks paigutuvad Eesti vanimad kiviaegsed asulapaigad, Pulli ning Sindi-Lodja I ja II, rannajoonest varem eeldatust kaugemale – need võisid olla püsiasulad, kust mindi kalastusperioodil rannikul asuvasse ajutisse laagrisse, mis uute andmete valguses võisid paikneda tänase Pärnu lahe põhjas veel uurimata paleomaastikel. Rekonstruktsioonist nähtub, et Hiiumaal eelistati elada tollase Kõpu saare kagurannikul, kuid asulapaiku on teada ka tollase Kõivasoo järve kaldalt, millest tänaseks on saanud raba. Kui vanemad Kõpu kaguranniku asulakohad asuvad üha madalamal kõrgusel, ilmestades taanduva rannajoonega kaasa liikumist, siis noorema nöörkeraamika ja varase metalliaja asulakohad jäid rannajoonest juba oluliselt kaugemale, sest maaharimise levides ei olnud mere lähedus enam nii oluline. Pronksi- ja Viikingiajal oli meri eelkõige kaubaveo- ja rändetee: Läänemeri koos seda ümbritsevate jõgede, järvede ja väinadega (sh kunagine Salme väin) oli osa põhilisest kaubateest.
Kuigi jääajajärgne maakerge on pisut aeglustumas, on see hetkel piisav, et suhteline veetase Eestis langeks. Samas on ka piirkondi, nt Pärnumaal, kus maakerge ei suuda enam tasakaalustada globaalset veetaseme tõusu, mistõttu on viimase 100 aasta jooksul seal suhteline meretase tõusnud.
In this thesis, past sea-level changes and palaeolandscapes were reconstructed for Pärnu, Hiiumaa and Saaremaa, using sedimentological and archaeological proxies and GIS-based landscape modelling. Three new relative shore-level (RSL) curves were constructed based on critically reviewed geological and archaeological sea-level indicators from the study areas providing new information about Holocene RSL trends and new perspective for future studies of Mesolithic submerged landscapes. The RSL curves complemented our previous knowledge about Early- to Mid-Holocene shore-level lowstand phases, and Late Holocene regression period, which led to improved interpretations about prehistoric coastal habitation patterns in western Estonia. Palaeogeographical reconstructions show that the oldest Stone Age settlement sites at the lower reaches of the River Pärnu were probably established further from the concurrent coastlines than previously proposed. Thus, the general Mesolithic context might justify the assumption of year-round habitation, with temporary fishers’ camps at the coastline, possibly even in the bottom of the present-day Pärnu Bay. In Hiiumaa the prehistoric hunter-gatherers mostly preferred the shores of the SE exposed Kõpu palaeobay, but the surroundings of the Kõivasoo palaeolake and its outflow were also utilized. The Mesolithic and early Neolithic campsites on the shores of the Kõpu palaeobay were located successively at lower elevations following the Litorina Sea shoreline retreat, while younger sites were established away from the shores, as the coastal zone had lost its centrality for the inhabitants’ nutrition due to the spread of farming. In Bronze and Viking Ages the sea had gained an importance for trade and communication and the Baltic Sea, together with nearby rivers, lakes and straits (including a former strait in Salme village), formed a prehistoric transportation network. Our data support the conclusion from other slowly uplifting areas in western BSB about the deceleration in the isostatic rebound. The relative sea-level trend has been a bit slower compared to the present-day absolute land uplift rate, indicating also a slow eustatic sea-level rise during the Late Holocene. As a result, in the Pärnu area, where the glacial rebound is the slowest in Estonia, the relative mean sea level shows already signs of rising.
In this thesis, past sea-level changes and palaeolandscapes were reconstructed for Pärnu, Hiiumaa and Saaremaa, using sedimentological and archaeological proxies and GIS-based landscape modelling. Three new relative shore-level (RSL) curves were constructed based on critically reviewed geological and archaeological sea-level indicators from the study areas providing new information about Holocene RSL trends and new perspective for future studies of Mesolithic submerged landscapes. The RSL curves complemented our previous knowledge about Early- to Mid-Holocene shore-level lowstand phases, and Late Holocene regression period, which led to improved interpretations about prehistoric coastal habitation patterns in western Estonia. Palaeogeographical reconstructions show that the oldest Stone Age settlement sites at the lower reaches of the River Pärnu were probably established further from the concurrent coastlines than previously proposed. Thus, the general Mesolithic context might justify the assumption of year-round habitation, with temporary fishers’ camps at the coastline, possibly even in the bottom of the present-day Pärnu Bay. In Hiiumaa the prehistoric hunter-gatherers mostly preferred the shores of the SE exposed Kõpu palaeobay, but the surroundings of the Kõivasoo palaeolake and its outflow were also utilized. The Mesolithic and early Neolithic campsites on the shores of the Kõpu palaeobay were located successively at lower elevations following the Litorina Sea shoreline retreat, while younger sites were established away from the shores, as the coastal zone had lost its centrality for the inhabitants’ nutrition due to the spread of farming. In Bronze and Viking Ages the sea had gained an importance for trade and communication and the Baltic Sea, together with nearby rivers, lakes and straits (including a former strait in Salme village), formed a prehistoric transportation network. Our data support the conclusion from other slowly uplifting areas in western BSB about the deceleration in the isostatic rebound. The relative sea-level trend has been a bit slower compared to the present-day absolute land uplift rate, indicating also a slow eustatic sea-level rise during the Late Holocene. As a result, in the Pärnu area, where the glacial rebound is the slowest in Estonia, the relative mean sea level shows already signs of rising.
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Holocene, sea level, sea level changes, settlement pattern, Stone Age, geoarchaeology, Baltic Sea, Western Estonia