Tort liability for damage caused by self-driving vehicles under Estonian law
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Isejuhtivuse taseme järgi saab jaotada sõidukid kuude kategooriasse, kus tase 0 tähendab isejuhtivuse puudumist ja tase 5 täielikku isejuhtivust, mille korral sõiduk tuleb toime kõigi liikluskeskkonna tingimustega ja inimene juhtimises ei osale. Viienda taseme sõidukeid teadaolevalt veel käibele lastud ei ole, kuid arvatakse, et täielik isejuhtivus lähitulevikus siiski saavutatakse. Isejuhtivad sõidukid peaksid aitama muu hulgas muuta liiklemise ohutumaks ja kättesaadavamaks, ent ei saa välistada, et mõni isejuhtiv sõiduk siiski kedagi kahjustab. Siinkohal tekib küsimus, kes on kohustatud isejuhtiva sõidukiga põhjustatud kahju heastama. Kahju õigusvastase tekitamisega seonduvat reguleerib võlaõigusseadus, mis näeb ette nii süül põhineva deliktilise üldvastutuse, vastutuse suurema ohu allikaga põhjustatud kahju eest (riskivastutuse) kui ka vastutuse puudusega toote põhjustatud kahju eest (tootja vastutus). Ehkki isejuhtivaid sõidukeid veel käibele lastud ei ole, saab neid siiski hüpoteetiliselt olemasolevasse õigusruumi asetada ja püüda hinnata, milliseid probleeme see kahju õigusvastasest tekitamisest tuleneva vastutuse vallas kaasa toob. Doktoritöös uuritakse ka seda, kas, millistel alustel ja kelle vastu saab kannatanu maksma panna süül põhinevale deliktilisele vastutusele, riskivastutusele ja tootja vastutusele tugineva nõude isejuhtiva sõidukiga põhjustatud kahju hüvitamiseks. Samuti analüüsitakse seda, millistel juhtudel tuleks isejuhtiva sõiduki tarkvaras või kasutatavates digitaalsetes teenustes olev viga lugeda sõiduki puuduseks ning kas ja millises ulatuses on põhjendatud arendusriski kaitseklausli alusel isejuhtivate sõidukite tootjate vabastamine vastutusest. Tähelepanu pälvib ka küsimus, kuidas hinnata nende sõidukite käitamisriski suurust ja jagada vastutust isejuhtiva sõiduki osalusel toimunud vastastikuse kahju tekitamise korral, arvestades et kahjuhüvitise vähendamisel ei saa juhi käitumist arvesse võtta.
Self-driving vehicles can be divided into six levels, where Level 0 means no automation and Level 5 means full automation – whereby the vehicle copes with all of the conditions of the traffic environment and a human does not participate in the driving in any way. No Level 5 vehicles have yet been put into circulation, but full automation is expected to be achieved in the near future. Self-driving vehicles should help, among other things, in making traffic safer and increasing mobility, but it cannot be precluded that a self-driving vehicle will harm someone. This leads to the question of who is required to remedy the damage caused by a self-driving vehicle. Unlawfully caused damage is regulated by the Law of Obligations Act, which provides for general fault-based tortious liability, liability for damage caused by a source of greater danger (strict liability) and liability for damage caused by a defective product (product liability). Although there are currently no self-driving vehicles in circulation, they can hypothetically be placed in the existing legal space in order to assess what problems this raises in the field of liability for unlawful damage. This dissertation examines, inter alia, whether, on what grounds and against whom an injured person can bring a claim for damages under fault-based tortious liability, strict liability and product liability in a situation where the damage is caused by a self-driving vehicle. It analyses the situations in which an error in the software of a self-driving vehicle or in the digital services used by it could be deemed a defect of the vehicle and whether and to what an extent it is justified to discharge manufacturers of self-driving vehicles from liability based on the development risk defence. The dissertation also discusses how to assess the size of the risk of operation of self-driving vehicles and how to divide liability in a situation where mutual damage has been caused with the involvement of a self-driving vehicle, given that in the case of the latter, the driver’s conduct cannot be taken into account.
Self-driving vehicles can be divided into six levels, where Level 0 means no automation and Level 5 means full automation – whereby the vehicle copes with all of the conditions of the traffic environment and a human does not participate in the driving in any way. No Level 5 vehicles have yet been put into circulation, but full automation is expected to be achieved in the near future. Self-driving vehicles should help, among other things, in making traffic safer and increasing mobility, but it cannot be precluded that a self-driving vehicle will harm someone. This leads to the question of who is required to remedy the damage caused by a self-driving vehicle. Unlawfully caused damage is regulated by the Law of Obligations Act, which provides for general fault-based tortious liability, liability for damage caused by a source of greater danger (strict liability) and liability for damage caused by a defective product (product liability). Although there are currently no self-driving vehicles in circulation, they can hypothetically be placed in the existing legal space in order to assess what problems this raises in the field of liability for unlawful damage. This dissertation examines, inter alia, whether, on what grounds and against whom an injured person can bring a claim for damages under fault-based tortious liability, strict liability and product liability in a situation where the damage is caused by a self-driving vehicle. It analyses the situations in which an error in the software of a self-driving vehicle or in the digital services used by it could be deemed a defect of the vehicle and whether and to what an extent it is justified to discharge manufacturers of self-driving vehicles from liability based on the development risk defence. The dissertation also discusses how to assess the size of the risk of operation of self-driving vehicles and how to divide liability in a situation where mutual damage has been caused with the involvement of a self-driving vehicle, given that in the case of the latter, the driver’s conduct cannot be taken into account.
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tort law, autonomous cars, Estonia