Information, business cycles and monetary policy
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Teabe roll on makromajanduses ülioluline, sest see võib muuta otsustajate ootusi seoses tulevaste makromajanduslike arengusuundade ja rahapoliitikaga. Mis tüüpi teave on aga olulisem laiemale üldsusele, et kujundada ootusi tulevase inflatsiooni, intressimäärade või töötuse määra suhtes? Kas tonaalsus, mida eksperdid seda teavet esitades kasutavad (subjektiivne positiivne või negatiivne suhtumine), on oluline üldsuse tulevaste majandusotsuste seisukohalt? Milline on meedia roll, kui ta edastab ekspertidelt saadud teavet otsustajatele? Milline teave on tähtis turuosaliste ootuste kujundamisel tulevase rahapoliitika suhtes? Ja millist teavet jälgib otsuseid tehes Föderaalreserv? Neid küsimusi käsitletaksegi käesolevas töös.
Tekstianalüüsi ja masinõppetehnikate abil moodustasin USA tähtsamates ajalehtedes avaldatud artiklite põhjal mitmesuguste teemade aegread ja skaleerisin need nende positiivsuse põhjal. Teemade aegridade abil analüüsisin erinevat tüüpi teabe ootuste kanali kaudu avalduvat mõju tulevasele majandusarengule. Üldsuse ootuste seisukohalt osutusid oluliseks majanduse, pikaajaliste intressimäärade ja eluasemega seotud teemad. Sellel teabel on pikaajaline mõju kogutoodangule, mis avaldub töötundide arvu suurenemise ja uute ettevõtete loomise kaudu.
Peale selle ei pööra laiem avalikkus suurt tähelepanu rahapoliitikaga seotud meeleoludele ja uudistele, küll aga teevad seda turuosalised, mistõttu kandub rahapoliitiliste teadete mõju üle pikaajaliste intressimäärade kaudu. Lisaks pöörab Föderaalreserv rahapoliitiliste otsuste tegemisel suurt tähelepanu tarbija- ning inflatsiooniootustele.
The role of information is crucial for the macroeconomy, since it can change decision-makers’ expectations regarding future macroeconomic development and monetary policy. But what type of information is more important for the general public in forming its expectations regarding future inflation, interest rates or the unemployment rate? Does the framing (positive or negative subjective labelling) of this information by experts matter for future economic decisions by members of the general public? What is the role of the media in framing the transmission of information from experts to decision-makers? What type of information is important when market participants form their expectations regarding future monetary policy? And what information is the Federal Reserve monitoring when it makes its decisions? The thesis deals with these questions. I use textual analysis and machine learning techniques to transform articles from the major US newspapers into time series of different topics and scale them on the basis of their positivity. I use these topic time series to analyse the effects of different types of information on future economic development through the expectations channel. Topics regarding the economy, long-term interest rates, and housing are found to be important for the general public’s expectations. This information has a long-term effect on output through increasing hours worked and the creation of new businesses. In addition, the general public does not pay close attention to sentiments and news regarding monetary policy, but market participants do, and therefore the communication effects of monetary policy are transmitted through long-term interest rates. Furthermore, the Federal Reserve pays close attention to consumer and inflation expectations when making its monetary policy decisions.
The role of information is crucial for the macroeconomy, since it can change decision-makers’ expectations regarding future macroeconomic development and monetary policy. But what type of information is more important for the general public in forming its expectations regarding future inflation, interest rates or the unemployment rate? Does the framing (positive or negative subjective labelling) of this information by experts matter for future economic decisions by members of the general public? What is the role of the media in framing the transmission of information from experts to decision-makers? What type of information is important when market participants form their expectations regarding future monetary policy? And what information is the Federal Reserve monitoring when it makes its decisions? The thesis deals with these questions. I use textual analysis and machine learning techniques to transform articles from the major US newspapers into time series of different topics and scale them on the basis of their positivity. I use these topic time series to analyse the effects of different types of information on future economic development through the expectations channel. Topics regarding the economy, long-term interest rates, and housing are found to be important for the general public’s expectations. This information has a long-term effect on output through increasing hours worked and the creation of new businesses. In addition, the general public does not pay close attention to sentiments and news regarding monetary policy, but market participants do, and therefore the communication effects of monetary policy are transmitted through long-term interest rates. Furthermore, the Federal Reserve pays close attention to consumer and inflation expectations when making its monetary policy decisions.
information, economic information, business cycles, monetary policy, economic time series