Päritavuse kriteeriumid ja päritavuse välistamise võimalused digitaalse pärandi kontekstis e-konto näitel
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Üha suurem osa meie elust on digitaalne. See viib paratamatu küsimuseni, mis saab pilve salvestatud andmetest, e-kirjadest või suhtlusvõrgustiku sõnumitest pärast meie surma. Väitekiri keskendub esiteks küsimusele, kas e-kontod on päritavad. Osa digitaalse teenuse pakkujaid näib olevat seisukohal, et tegu on isikuga lahutamatult seotud õigusega, mis pärijale üle ei lähe; osa eelistab jätta küsimuse selgelt reguleerimata ja teeb pärija juurdepääsu kontole kunstlikult keeruliseks. Autor alustab väitekirja arutelu õigusmõiste „isikuga lahutamatult seotud“ sisustamisest. Seejärel analüüsib ta e-konto päritavust ja haakuvaid küsimusi pärimisõiguse, andmekaitseõiguse, saladuse hoidmise kohustuse ja postmortaalse isikuõiguste kaitse pinnalt. Autor järeldab, et teenusepakkujal ei ole õigust keelduda pärija taotlusest võimaldada pärandaja kontole juurdepääsu. Seda järeldust ei lükka ümber ka pärandaja suhtluspartnerite õiguste kahjustamise oht, millel töös samuti peatutakse.
Väitekirja teine eesmärk on analüüsida, kas ja millistel tingimustel saab päritavuse kokkuleppel teenusepakkujaga välistada. Autor analüüsib eri teenusepakkujate tüüptingimusi ning järeldab, et lepingu päritavuse võib välistada teenusepakkujaga eraldi kokku leppides, kuid sellist kokkulepet ei saa sõlmida teenusepakkuja tüüptingimustes.
E-konto päritavuse analüüs on üles ehitatud töö alguses loodud päritavuskriteeriumitele. Need lihtsustavad nii e-kontode kui ka mistahes muude õiguspositsioonide päritavuse hindamist. Töö järeldused on ülekantavad ka muu digitaalse vara pärimisele.
Väitekiri analüüsib päritavust ja selle välistamise võimalusi Eesti õiguse järgi. Kuna Eesti õiguskirjanduses on selle väitekirja teemadel üksnes põgusalt sõna võetud, kasutatakse väitekirjas võrdlev-õiguslikke argumente Saksa kohtupraktikast ja õiguskirjandusest.
As we have moved more and more of our life onto the Internet, issues of digital inheritance have become all the more topical. This dissertation takes as its first main research question whether digital assets such as online accounts are inheritable. In practice, many providers of Internet-based services, all over the world, seem to be of the opinion that the answer is ‘no’. As a result, many of them seek to establish the termination of all rights upon the death of the contracting party, including the right to access the deceased person’s messages on social networks, in e-mails or in files stored in the cloud. The author concludes that Estonian law does not grant the respective service providers the right to deny heirs access to accounts and their content. As its second main research question the dissertation focuses on analysing whether and on what conditions inheritability could be excluded by an agreement with the respective service provider. To this end, extensive research into standard terms is offered. The author concludes that inheritability can only be excluded with immediate effect by an individual agreement, but not in standard terms. The dissertation also suggests criteria for the evaluation of inheritability. As such, the conclusions of the dissertation are applicable to the evaluation of legal positions other than online accounts. The dissertation focuses on analysing the topic from the perspective of Estonia’s inheritance law and examines, inter alia, whether inheritability would be in conflict with the deceased person’s posthumous personal rights, data protection law and obligation of secrecy. Also, the potential infringement of the rights of the deceased person’s communication partners is discussed. As the subject has seen little discussion in Estonia, comparative law arguments drawn from consideration of German case law and legal literature are applied.
As we have moved more and more of our life onto the Internet, issues of digital inheritance have become all the more topical. This dissertation takes as its first main research question whether digital assets such as online accounts are inheritable. In practice, many providers of Internet-based services, all over the world, seem to be of the opinion that the answer is ‘no’. As a result, many of them seek to establish the termination of all rights upon the death of the contracting party, including the right to access the deceased person’s messages on social networks, in e-mails or in files stored in the cloud. The author concludes that Estonian law does not grant the respective service providers the right to deny heirs access to accounts and their content. As its second main research question the dissertation focuses on analysing whether and on what conditions inheritability could be excluded by an agreement with the respective service provider. To this end, extensive research into standard terms is offered. The author concludes that inheritability can only be excluded with immediate effect by an individual agreement, but not in standard terms. The dissertation also suggests criteria for the evaluation of inheritability. As such, the conclusions of the dissertation are applicable to the evaluation of legal positions other than online accounts. The dissertation focuses on analysing the topic from the perspective of Estonia’s inheritance law and examines, inter alia, whether inheritability would be in conflict with the deceased person’s posthumous personal rights, data protection law and obligation of secrecy. Also, the potential infringement of the rights of the deceased person’s communication partners is discussed. As the subject has seen little discussion in Estonia, comparative law arguments drawn from consideration of German case law and legal literature are applied.
law of inheritance, decedent's estate, heritors, account, contract law