First-level military leaders’ leadership competencies and their relationship with unit effectiveness in terms of collectivistic leadership with the example of the Estonian Defence Forces
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Doktoritöö eesmärk oli välja selgitada esmatasandi sõjaväeliste juhtide eestvedamispädevuste tase ja selle seos üksuse efektiivsusega. Paljud uuringud on välja toonud, et juhtide eestvedamiskäitumisel on üksuse efektiivsuse suurendamises oluline roll. Samas võib vähesel juhtimiskogemusel ja tagasihoidlikel eestvedamispädevustel – eriti esmatasandi juhtidel puhul
– olla vastupidine mõju. Organisatsiooni efektiivsuse määratlemiseks on mitmeid võimalusi, siinses töös kasutati kollektiivse eestvedamise käsitust, mille keskmes on vastavalt olukorrale esile kerkivad mitteametlikud pädevad juhid. Kollektiivne eestvedamine on eriti oluline tingimustes, kus organisatsiooni allüksused tegutsevad hajutatult ja otsuste vastuvõtmisel ei saa toetuda formaalsele juhile. Erinevate riikide relvajõudude eestvedamiskäsitlusi analüüsides selgus, et sõjaväeliste juhtide eestvedamisel eristub kolm suunda. Ülesandele suunatus iseloomustab keskendumist alluvate käitumisele, nende tunnustamisele või karistamisele vastavalt sellele, kuidas järgitakse norme ja reegleid. Arengule suunatud eestvedamise keskmes on alluvate pädevuse suurendamine, tuginedes motiveerimisele. Suhetele suunatuse puhul soodustab juht sotsiaalsete sidemete teket ja panustab vastastikuse usalduse tekkele. Eesti kaitseväes läbi viidud uuringu tulemustest selgus, et paljude esmatasandi sõjaväeliste juhtide eestvedamispädevused on keskpärasel tasemel. Kõrgel tasemel olid sellised näitajad nagu karistamine, eeskujuks olemine ja ühiste eesmärkide rõhutamine. Madalal tasemel on eestvedamispädevused, mis kõnelevad juhtide võimest luua üksuses sotsiaalseid sidemeid. Esmatasandi juhtide eestvedamispädevuste ja üksuse efektiivsuse seose analüüsil selgus, et kui enamik eestvedamispädevusi on seotud lühiajalise efektiivsusega, siis pikaajalise efektiivsusega seos puudub.
The purpose of this thesis is to determine the level of first-level military leaders’ leadership competencies, and their relationship with unit effectiveness. Several studies have highlighted the fact that leaders have great influence on increasing unit effectiveness. At the same time, lack of experience in leading a unit and insufficient leadership competencies, especially in first- level leaders, may result in the opposite effect. There are several ways to determine unit effectiveness. In this thesis collectivistic leadership was used which describes influential processes occurring in a unit where, in accordance with situational demands, leaders emerge from units who are competent to solve problems that arise. Collectivistic leadership is especially important in units which are dispersed and for which decision-making cannot rely on a formal leader. Analysis of different armed forces’ leadership approaches revealed that there are three dimensions to military leadership. Task-oriented leadership describes a leader’s focus on subordinates’ compliance with standards and regulations through recognition and punishment. At the centre of change-oriented leadership is subordinates’ competence increase through motivation. Relations-oriented leadership characterises a leader’s behaviour to foster the development of social bonds and the creation of a trustful environment in a unit. Results of the study conducted in the Estonian Defence Forces indicate that many of the assessed leadership competencies in first-level leaders were at a mediocre level. At a high level are punishment, being a role model, and emphasising mutual goals. At a low level are leadership competencies which contribute to the creation of social bounds in unit. Analysis of the relationship of first-level leaders’ leadership competencies with unit effectiveness revealed that, while most leadership competencies are related to short-term effectiveness, there is no relationship with long-term effectiveness.
The purpose of this thesis is to determine the level of first-level military leaders’ leadership competencies, and their relationship with unit effectiveness. Several studies have highlighted the fact that leaders have great influence on increasing unit effectiveness. At the same time, lack of experience in leading a unit and insufficient leadership competencies, especially in first- level leaders, may result in the opposite effect. There are several ways to determine unit effectiveness. In this thesis collectivistic leadership was used which describes influential processes occurring in a unit where, in accordance with situational demands, leaders emerge from units who are competent to solve problems that arise. Collectivistic leadership is especially important in units which are dispersed and for which decision-making cannot rely on a formal leader. Analysis of different armed forces’ leadership approaches revealed that there are three dimensions to military leadership. Task-oriented leadership describes a leader’s focus on subordinates’ compliance with standards and regulations through recognition and punishment. At the centre of change-oriented leadership is subordinates’ competence increase through motivation. Relations-oriented leadership characterises a leader’s behaviour to foster the development of social bonds and the creation of a trustful environment in a unit. Results of the study conducted in the Estonian Defence Forces indicate that many of the assessed leadership competencies in first-level leaders were at a mediocre level. At a high level are punishment, being a role model, and emphasising mutual goals. At a low level are leadership competencies which contribute to the creation of social bounds in unit. Analysis of the relationship of first-level leaders’ leadership competencies with unit effectiveness revealed that, while most leadership competencies are related to short-term effectiveness, there is no relationship with long-term effectiveness.
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leadership, defence forces, military command and control, managerial styles, management, effectiveness