Palaeoweathering record of the Archaean–Proterozoic transition in the Imandra–Varzuga greenstone belt, north-western Russia
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Maa ajaloos tähtsal Arhaikumi – Proterosoikumi piiril, ligikaudu 2,4 miljardit aastat tagasi ilmumus Maa atmosfääri vaba hapnik. Hapnikulise atmosfääri tekkimine tõi kaasa muutused Maa geokeemilistes aineringetes ja käivitas laiaulatusliku kontinentaalsete kivimite oksüdatiivse murenemise. Senini on oldud seisukohtal, et selline keskkond põhjustas laiaulatusliku sulfiidsete mineraalide lahustumise ja selle tulemusena intensiivse happelise murenemisimpulsi, mis omakorda tekitas toitainete plahvatusliku sissekande ookeanidesse, soodustades primaarproduktsiooni ning fotosünteetilise hapniku juurde tekkimist.
Käesoleva doktoritöö eesmärgiks oli hinnata keskkonnatingimusi ja atmosfääri CO2 kontsentratsioone Kuksha murenemiskooriku tekkimise ajal 2,5 - 2,45 miljardit aastat tagasi ning analüüsida Imandra-Varzuga rohekivimite vööndi geoloogilise läbilõike Seidorechka, Polisarka ja Umba kihistute savikiltasid, et hinnata kontinentaalse murenemise intensiivsust enne ja pärast hapnikulise atmosfääri kujunemist.
Doktoritöö tulemused näitavad, et Kuksha murenemiskoorik on moodustunud keskmisest intensiivsemal murenemisel nõrgalt happelistes tingimustes, kus aasta keskmine temperatuur oli ~12–13 °C ja keskmine sademete hulk 700–1100 mm/a, mis ligikaudu vastab tänapäevasele Vahemere piirkonna kliimale. Murenemiskooriku tekkimise ajal oli hinnanguline paleoatmosfääri CO2 osarõhk ainult 1–10 PAL. Samas ei ilmnenud selget murenemisintensiivsuse erinevust enne vaba hapniku ilmumist tekkinud Seidorechka kihistu setendite ja sellel järgnenud eeldatavalt hapnikulistes tingimustes tekkinud Umba kihistu setendite vahel.
Seega võib väita, et hapnikulise atmosfääri tekkimisega kaasnev happelise murenemise impulss ei omanud märkimisväärset mõju üldisele silikaatide murenemise intensiivsusele. Meie andmed viitavad, et murenemisintensiivsus Arhaikumi ja Proterosoikumi üleminekul pigem langeb koos atmosfääri CO2 suhtelise sisaldusega, millega tõenäoliselt kaasnes ka üldine kliima jahenemine.
The Archaean to Proterozoic transition is recognized by significant environmental disturbances triggered by the shift from anoxic to oxic surface environments during the Great Oxygenation Event (GOE) at ca. 2.4 Ga. The onset of oxidative weathering is thought to have caused an extensive acid attack in weathering due to oxidation of sulphide minerals in surface rocks. Chemical weathering itself has an important impact on the evolution of the Earth's surface environments by regulating atmospheric CO2 through a negative feedback mechanism and release of bio-limiting nutrients into the ocean. Therefore, palaeosols and fine-grained terrigenous sediments derived through weathering are important sources of information on environmental-climatic conditions of the past. The main aims of the theses are to characterize the weathering intensity, determine environmental conditions, estimate the atmospheric pCO2 using the Kuksha palaeoweathering crust (ca. 2.5–2.45 Ga), and to reconstruct the changes in silicate weathering intensity using the Imandra–Varzuga metasediments spanning across the Archaean–Proterozoic transition. The Kuksha weathering crust formed under acidic weathering conditions under cool temperate climate with mean annual temperatures ~12–13 °C and precipitation between 700 and 1100 mm yr–1 similar to modern Mediterranean climate. Despite the high weathering rates the estimated palaeoatmospheric pCO2 values range only within 1–10 PAL. However, there is no difference in overall silicate weathering intensity indicators between the Seidorechka Sedimentary and Umba Sedimentary formations deposited, respectively, prior to and after the GOE marking the onset of oxidative weathering. The results of this study suggest that the punctuated acidic weathering, caused by oxidation, did not affect the long-term weathering intensity. Instead, it seems that the overall silicate weathering decreased with the dropping atmospheric pCO2 levels during the Archaean–Proterozoic transition.
The Archaean to Proterozoic transition is recognized by significant environmental disturbances triggered by the shift from anoxic to oxic surface environments during the Great Oxygenation Event (GOE) at ca. 2.4 Ga. The onset of oxidative weathering is thought to have caused an extensive acid attack in weathering due to oxidation of sulphide minerals in surface rocks. Chemical weathering itself has an important impact on the evolution of the Earth's surface environments by regulating atmospheric CO2 through a negative feedback mechanism and release of bio-limiting nutrients into the ocean. Therefore, palaeosols and fine-grained terrigenous sediments derived through weathering are important sources of information on environmental-climatic conditions of the past. The main aims of the theses are to characterize the weathering intensity, determine environmental conditions, estimate the atmospheric pCO2 using the Kuksha palaeoweathering crust (ca. 2.5–2.45 Ga), and to reconstruct the changes in silicate weathering intensity using the Imandra–Varzuga metasediments spanning across the Archaean–Proterozoic transition. The Kuksha weathering crust formed under acidic weathering conditions under cool temperate climate with mean annual temperatures ~12–13 °C and precipitation between 700 and 1100 mm yr–1 similar to modern Mediterranean climate. Despite the high weathering rates the estimated palaeoatmospheric pCO2 values range only within 1–10 PAL. However, there is no difference in overall silicate weathering intensity indicators between the Seidorechka Sedimentary and Umba Sedimentary formations deposited, respectively, prior to and after the GOE marking the onset of oxidative weathering. The results of this study suggest that the punctuated acidic weathering, caused by oxidation, did not affect the long-term weathering intensity. Instead, it seems that the overall silicate weathering decreased with the dropping atmospheric pCO2 levels during the Archaean–Proterozoic transition.
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Archean, Proterozoic, shales, weathering, leaching, North-West Russia