Sacred medicine from the forest: chemical, psychological and spiritual aspects of ayahuasca
Doktoritöö teema on psüühikat mõjutava taimejoogi ayahuasca kasutamine. Ayahuascat kasutatakse traditsiooniliselt Amazoonia põlisrahvaste rituaalides ja sakramendina Brasiiliast pärit sünkretistlikes usundites. Üle maailma on levinud neošamanistlikud ayahuasca rituaalid uue vaimsuse kontekstis. Selles interdistsiplinaarses töös uuriti ayahuasca koostist ning kasutajate psühholoogiat ja spirituaalseid kogemusi.
Ayahuasca koostist uuriti 102 proovi keemilise analüüsiga. Toimeainete sisaldused Amazoonia põliselanike jookides ja Santo Daime sakramendis olid mõõdukad ja omavahel seotud. Mõne Euroopa neošamanistliku rituaali joogis oli psühhedeelse DMT sisaldus kõrge, kuid traditsioonilised taimed olid asendatud teiste taimede või kemikaalidega.
Psühholoogiliselt uuriti 30 ayahuasca kasutajat ja 30 kontrollgrupi liiget ning intervjueeriti 63 kasutajat. Psühholoogilises uuringus osalenud kasutajate vaimne tervis ja vaimsed võimed olid normaalsed. Kasutajatel oli kontrollgrupist vähem depressiooni ja ärevust, nad olid rohkem oma eluga rahul ja õnnelikud.
Uuringus osalenute spirituaalne taust oli mitmekesine, sageli seotud uue vaimsusega. Enamuse jaoks olid ayahuasca rituaalid nende vaimsuse osa ja spirituaalsete kogemuste allikas. Ayahuasca mõjul kogeti nt. liitreaalsuse laadseid tajumuutusi, nägemuslikke rännakuid, kehalist tervendust, kontakte vaimolenditega, transformatsioone ja müstilisi kogemusi. Mitmel osalejal oli püsiv suhe ayahuasca taimega, keda tajuti teadliku, püha, targa ja tervendava vaimolendina. Enamus uuritud kasutajaid leidis, et rituaalides osalemine on neile hästi mõjunud, kuid kirjeldati ka soovimatuid mõjusid.
Ayahuasca kasutamine ühises tseremooniaruumis on kogukondlik, osalejate ring toetab igaühe kogemust. Jagatud kogemustele antakse koht uusvaimsuse põhises uskumuste tervikus, mis mõjutab kogemuste tõlgendamist: nt mõistetakse rituaali ajal kogetud kannatusi taime sõnumi või õppetunnina. Uskumused aitavad kogetut mõtestada, kuid piiravad tõlgendusruumi ja võivad tseremooniakorraldajate vastutust hajutada.
Ayahuasca rituaalne kasutamine on väljakutse peavoolu arusaamale psüühikat mõjutavatest ainetest ja nende kasutajatest. Uuring annab sisendi selleteemalisse ühiskondlikku dialoogi.
The thesis studies use of psychedelic plant brew ayahuasca. Ayahuasca is traditionally used in Amazonian indigenous rituals and as a sacrament in syncretic religions from Brazil. It is also used over the world in neoshamanic rituals. This interdisciplinary study approached ayahuasca from chemical, psychological and spiritual aspects, also considering sociocultural view. Chemical analyses of 102 brews showed that in indigenous and Santo Daime samples, the amounts of active substances were moderate and correlated with each other. However, in some European neoshamanic brews, the concentrations of psychedelic DMT were high, and traditional plants had been replaced by other plants or chemicals. The study used psychological tests and questionnaires (30 users + 30 controls), and interviews with 63 ayahuasca users. The users who participated in the psychological study were found to be mentally healthy and cognitively normal. As compared to the control group, their depression and anxiety were lower, and satisfaction with life and happiness about life were higher. The spiritual background of the participants was varied and often related to ‘new spirituality’. Ayahuasca rituals were often a part of their spirituality and a source of spiritual experiences. The experiences included e.g. perceptual changes, visionary journeys, healings in the body, contacts with spiritual beings, transformations, and mystical experiences. Some participants had developed an ongoing relationship with the plant as a conscious, sacred, wise and healing spiritual entity. The majority of the participants reported benefits of the practice, but a few described adverse outcomes. Ritual use of ayahuasca has a social dimension. Shared beliefs around the practice are largely rooted in new spirituality. Beliefs affect interpretation of the experience: e.g. suffering during the session is understood as a lesson or message from the sacred plant. Such interpretations help to make sense of the experience. However, some beliefs may restrict interpretations or enable the facilitators of the ceremony to deflect their responsibility. Ritual use of ayahuasca is a challenge to mainstream views about psychoactive substances and their users. The study contributes to the discussion about such practices in the society.
The thesis studies use of psychedelic plant brew ayahuasca. Ayahuasca is traditionally used in Amazonian indigenous rituals and as a sacrament in syncretic religions from Brazil. It is also used over the world in neoshamanic rituals. This interdisciplinary study approached ayahuasca from chemical, psychological and spiritual aspects, also considering sociocultural view. Chemical analyses of 102 brews showed that in indigenous and Santo Daime samples, the amounts of active substances were moderate and correlated with each other. However, in some European neoshamanic brews, the concentrations of psychedelic DMT were high, and traditional plants had been replaced by other plants or chemicals. The study used psychological tests and questionnaires (30 users + 30 controls), and interviews with 63 ayahuasca users. The users who participated in the psychological study were found to be mentally healthy and cognitively normal. As compared to the control group, their depression and anxiety were lower, and satisfaction with life and happiness about life were higher. The spiritual background of the participants was varied and often related to ‘new spirituality’. Ayahuasca rituals were often a part of their spirituality and a source of spiritual experiences. The experiences included e.g. perceptual changes, visionary journeys, healings in the body, contacts with spiritual beings, transformations, and mystical experiences. Some participants had developed an ongoing relationship with the plant as a conscious, sacred, wise and healing spiritual entity. The majority of the participants reported benefits of the practice, but a few described adverse outcomes. Ritual use of ayahuasca has a social dimension. Shared beliefs around the practice are largely rooted in new spirituality. Beliefs affect interpretation of the experience: e.g. suffering during the session is understood as a lesson or message from the sacred plant. Such interpretations help to make sense of the experience. However, some beliefs may restrict interpretations or enable the facilitators of the ceremony to deflect their responsibility. Ritual use of ayahuasca is a challenge to mainstream views about psychoactive substances and their users. The study contributes to the discussion about such practices in the society.
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medicated teas, herb teas, psychotropic agents, rituals, spirituality, esotericism, psychological aspects, biochemical aspects, psychopharmacology, medical anthropology, religious studies, Estonia