Appraisal driven modulation of attention control
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Miks mõjutavad emotsionaalse sisuga olukorrad visuaalset tähelepanu? Miks on näiteks nii, et tänaval vihase näoga mööduja jääb väga kiiresti silma? Miks on ka nii, et ebameeldivas või ärevas olukorras kipub tähelepanu fookus olema ainult üksikutel detailidel ja kõrvalised detailid jäävad märkamata? Seni on emotsionaalse tähelepanu seletamisel rõhutatud emotsiooniga kaasnevat positiivset või negatiivset tunnet. Näiteks on rõhutatud seda, et negatiivsed stiimulid, nagu kellegi vihane nägu, haaravad tähelepanu just tänu nende negatiivsele sisule ja sellest tekitatud tundele. Tartu Ülikoolis tehtud doktoritöö kohaselt tuleks aga otsida seletust emotsionaalsetele sündmustele antud tõlgendustest, mis põhjustavad ja kujundavad emotsionaalset kogemust. Näiteks võib negatiivne emotsioon tekkida sellest, kui sündmus on oluline, aga ei ole kooskõlas hetke eesmärkidega. Sellised tõlgendusmehhanismid on sageli automaatsed ja toetuvad ajumehhanismidele, mis tegelevad pidevalt keskkonna hindamisega, arvestades seejuures meie enda hetke eesmärke. Doktoritöö uuringutulemused kinnitasid, et tähelepanu juhib just olukorra tajutud olulisus, mitte olukorra positiivsus või negatiivsus. Lisaks näitas doktoritöö, et mõningad emotsiooni efektid tähelepanu mehhanismidele ei pruugi olla kaugeltki nii selged kui varasem kirjandus on näidanud. Peale teoreetiliste edasiarenduste pakkusid esitatud uuringud ka metodoloogilisi täiendusi, nagu näiteks pupilli suuruse kasutamine visuaalse tähelepanu mõõdikuna. Doktoritöö tulemused arendasid edasi arusaamist emotsioonide ja tähelepanu seostest ja samuti pakkusid tulevastele uuringutele uusi lähenemisi.
Why do emotional situations influence our visual attention? Why is it so that a passerby with an angry face quickly captures our attention? And why is it so that in an uncomfortable or anxious situation we tend to focus our attention on specific details and ignore other information? Previously, emotional attention has been explained mostly by emphasizing the subjective feeling caused by an emotion. According to this view, a negative stimulus, like an angry face, captures attention due to its negative nature and the negative feelings caused by it. In the current doctoral dissertation, it is suggested that the driving force behind emotional effects on attention is the appraisal process which is believed to cause and shape emotional experiences. For instance, negative emotion can arise by appraising an event as relevant and incongruent to our current goals. These appraisal mechanisms are described as fast and automatic, meaning that the brain automatically evaluates stimuli in accordance with the current goals. The findings confirmed that not the negative or positive feeling, but the subjective relevance attributed to a stimulus drives emotional attention. In addition, the findings showed that some emotional effects on attention are not as clear-cut as previously thought. Besides theoretical advancements, the studies presented in the dissertation provided methodological improvements, such as using pupil size as a measure of attentional processes. Overall, the findings developed our understanding of emotional effects on attention and provided some interesting future avenues for future research.
Why do emotional situations influence our visual attention? Why is it so that a passerby with an angry face quickly captures our attention? And why is it so that in an uncomfortable or anxious situation we tend to focus our attention on specific details and ignore other information? Previously, emotional attention has been explained mostly by emphasizing the subjective feeling caused by an emotion. According to this view, a negative stimulus, like an angry face, captures attention due to its negative nature and the negative feelings caused by it. In the current doctoral dissertation, it is suggested that the driving force behind emotional effects on attention is the appraisal process which is believed to cause and shape emotional experiences. For instance, negative emotion can arise by appraising an event as relevant and incongruent to our current goals. These appraisal mechanisms are described as fast and automatic, meaning that the brain automatically evaluates stimuli in accordance with the current goals. The findings confirmed that not the negative or positive feeling, but the subjective relevance attributed to a stimulus drives emotional attention. In addition, the findings showed that some emotional effects on attention are not as clear-cut as previously thought. Besides theoretical advancements, the studies presented in the dissertation provided methodological improvements, such as using pupil size as a measure of attentional processes. Overall, the findings developed our understanding of emotional effects on attention and provided some interesting future avenues for future research.
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attention, affects, incentives