20-25-aastaste inimeste reaktsioonid Euroopa Liidu referendumieelsetele telereklaamidele 2003. aastal



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This research gives information on how people from age 20 to 25 interpret different commercials in television before the referendum of European Union. The key words of this thesis are “TV commercials,” “reactions,” “subjective interpretation,” “opinion,” “meaning,” “values” and “messages.” Ten interviews were transcribed after watching 30 different TV commercials and information about respondents’ direct reactions and opinions were described. As a result of this study I found out that for this group there are common sympathetic characteristics which do not depend on the decision of how to vote. Even if the informational society keeps evolving, television, newspapers and friends are still primary channels for getting information about European Union. Information in newspapers is reliable, but it should embrace articles which agitate for discussion. When watching TV commercials people expect information and humorous reminders, which could tell them what, when and how should be done. Those commercials should remain friendly and should not get too aggressive, because otherwise person’s ability to decide would be eliminated. This is extremely important communicating social issues like merging European Union, because it influences all people and their life standards.


H Social Sciences (General), bakalaureusetööd
