Mechanisms of processing visual motion information: Psychophysical, bioelectrical and transcranial magnetic stimulation investigations
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Liikumise tajumine on meie nägemissüsteemi üks olulisemaid funktsioone, võimaldades meil pidevalt muutuvad keskkonnas toime tulla ning ellu jääda. Oma funktsioonile vääriliselt keerukas on aga ka liikumisinformatsiooni töötlevate ja kasutavate mehhanismide töö ning tihtipeale mõjutavad nende tööd motivatsioonilised tegurid, nagu näiteks tähelepanu. Antud doktoriväitekirjas käsitletakse kolme liikumisinformatsiooni töötlusega seotud teemat. Esiteks uuritakse väitekirjas, kuidas tajutakse liikuvaid objekte paigalseisvate objektide suhtes ning millist uut informatsiooni annab ilmnevate efektide uurimine uudses katsedisainis, kus kasutatakse kahte vastassuunas liikuvat objekti. Teise teemana uuritakse erinevaid katseülesehitusi ning aju bioelektrilise aktiivsuse mõõtmisi appi võttes, kuidas ja millistel tingimustel mõjutab objekti liikumine sama objekti teiste omaduste, näiteks värvi, tajumist. Kolmanda teemana käsitletakse väitekirjas tähelepanulisi ning ajustimulatsiooni mõjusid liikumise järelefekti tajumisele. Uurimustöö peamiste tulemustena leiti, et 1) kui inimestele esitatakse kaht vastassuunas liikuvat objekti, millest ühe suhtes tuleb hinnata hetkeks sähvatava paigalseisva objekti asukohta, on liikuva objekti lokaliseerimisviga suurem; 2) liikumine soodustab objekti värvimuutuse tajumist, kuid see mõju on ülesande- ja stiimuli-spetsiifiline ning reaktsiooniaja meetodil leitud liikumistundlikkus ei kajastu aju bioelektrilises aktiivsuses; 3) nii tähelepanu suunamine kui liikumisinformatsiooni töötleva ajupiirkonna stimuleerimine mõlemad mõjutavad liikumise järelefekti mulje kestvust, kuid selle mõju suund sõltub eksperimendis antavast instruktsioonist ning tähelepanu suunamise ajalistest omadustest.
Kokkuvõtteks, liikumistaju on sidus protsess, mis põhineb erinevatel psühholoogilistel ning neurofüsioloogilistel protsessidel, mille uurimisse käesolev väitekiri on andnud omapoolse panuse.
Motion perception is one of the most important functions of our visual system, enabling us to adapt and survive in the frequently changing environment. The mechanisms processing and using motion information are quite complex and often influenced by motivational aspects such as attention. The present doctoral dissertation deals with three main topics that are related to motion perception. First, it is examined how people perceive moving objects in comparison to stationary ones and whether a new experimental design with two objects moving in opposite direction reveals new information about the flash-lag effect. Second, it is observed, by using different task setups and measuring the bioelectrical activity of the brain, how and in which conditions does the presence of motion influence colour change perception in the moving object. Third part of the dissertation is dedicated to motion after-effect and how it is influenced by selective attention and brain stimulation. The main results found were as follows: 1) when people are presented with two objects moving in opposite direction and one of them has to be compared with briefly presented stationary flash, the mislocalization of the moving object it greater, 2) motion enhances the detection of the colour change in the moving object, but this enhancing effect is both task- and object-specific and not reflected in the bioelectrical activity of the brain, 3) both selective attention and brain stimulation influence the perceived duration of motion after-effect, but the direction of these influences depends on the experimental instruction and on the temporal characteristics of attending. In summary, motion perception is an integrative process that is based on different psychological and neurophysiological processes. The present dissertation has contributed to investigating these processes.
Motion perception is one of the most important functions of our visual system, enabling us to adapt and survive in the frequently changing environment. The mechanisms processing and using motion information are quite complex and often influenced by motivational aspects such as attention. The present doctoral dissertation deals with three main topics that are related to motion perception. First, it is examined how people perceive moving objects in comparison to stationary ones and whether a new experimental design with two objects moving in opposite direction reveals new information about the flash-lag effect. Second, it is observed, by using different task setups and measuring the bioelectrical activity of the brain, how and in which conditions does the presence of motion influence colour change perception in the moving object. Third part of the dissertation is dedicated to motion after-effect and how it is influenced by selective attention and brain stimulation. The main results found were as follows: 1) when people are presented with two objects moving in opposite direction and one of them has to be compared with briefly presented stationary flash, the mislocalization of the moving object it greater, 2) motion enhances the detection of the colour change in the moving object, but this enhancing effect is both task- and object-specific and not reflected in the bioelectrical activity of the brain, 3) both selective attention and brain stimulation influence the perceived duration of motion after-effect, but the direction of these influences depends on the experimental instruction and on the temporal characteristics of attending. In summary, motion perception is an integrative process that is based on different psychological and neurophysiological processes. The present dissertation has contributed to investigating these processes.
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liikumistaju, psühhofüüsika, motion perception, psychophysics