Breast cancer incidence, mortality and survival in Estonia in the context of health care system changes and screening
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Rinnavähk on Eesti naistel kõige sagedamini diagnoositav pahaloomuline kasvaja. Riiklik sõeluuring, mille eesmärk on rinnavähi varane avastamine ja seeläbi suremuse vähendamine, käivitati 2004. aastal, ent sihtrühma vanusevahemik on olnud soovitustega võrreldes kitsas ja osalusmäär madal.
Töö eesmärk oli hinnata rinnavähihaigestumuse, -suremuse ja -elulemuse pikaajalisi trende Eestis, vaadeldes neid ühiskonnas ja tervishoiusüsteemis toimunud muutuste ning sõeluuringuprogrammi rakendamise kontekstis.
Töös kasutati vähiregistri ja surma põhjuste registri andmeid, mida analüüsiti eri statistiliste meetoditega. Rinnavähihaigestumus on Eestis aeglaselt suurenemas, peamiselt varase staadiumi arvelt. Samal ajal on vähenenud kaugelearenenud rinnavähi haigestumus. Rinnavähisuremus on vähenemas alates 1990. aastate teisest poolest, kõige kiiremini 40-79aastastel naistel. Kui varasemates sünnikohortides suurenes suremus vanuse kasvades, siis sõeluuringule kutsutud sünnikohortides jäi suremus pärast sõeluuringu vanusesse jõudmist samale tasemele või hakkas vähenema. Sõeluuringu käivitamisele eelnenud perioodiga võrreldes vähenes sellele järgnenud perioodil suremus nii noortel kui ka sõeluuringu vanuserühma kuulunud naistel. Vanematel naistel suremus ei vähenenud. Rinnavähielulemus on viimase 30 aasta jooksul märgatavalt suurenenud kõigis vanustes. Staadiumite lõikes on enim paranenud III ja IV staadiumi elulemus.
Tulemused viitavad, et hoolimata madalast osalusmäärast on sõeluuring koos teadlikkuse tõusu ning diagnostika ja ravi tõhustumisega olulisel määral aidanud kaasa rinnavähisuremuse vähenemisele Eestis. Et suremust veelgi vähendada, tuleb teha pingutusi riskiteguritega võitlemiseks, tagada kvaliteetse sõeluuringuprogrammi läbiviimine, lühendada viivitusi nende patsientide diagnoosimisel, kellel on juba tekkinud sümptomid ning tagada kaasaegsete ravimeetodite ja psühhosotsiaalse toe kättesaadavus kõigile vähipatsientidele.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in Estonia. Mammography screening aimed at detecting cancer early and thereby reducing breast cancer mortality was implemented in 2004. However, the targeted age range has not been as wide as recommended and participation has remained low. The aim of the thesis was to evaluate long-term trends in breast cancer incidence, mortality and survival in Estonia in the context of changes in society and health care system and the introduction of mammography screening program. The study used data from Estonian cancer registry and causes of death registry and a variety of analytic techniques. Breast cancer incidence in Estonia is slowly increasing, mainly on the account of early stages. In parallel, there has been a decline in the incidence of late stages. Breast cancer mortality has been decreasing since late 1990s, most rapidly in women aged 40–79 years. In older birth cohorts, mortality increased with increasing age, but in cohorts invited to screening, mortality stabilized or started to decline after entering screening age. When comparing mortality during equal-length periods before and after the introduction of screening, a significant mortality drop was seen in young women as well as those invited to screening, while there was no drop in older women. Breast cancer survival has increased considerably over the past 30 years in all age groups. By stage, survival has increased the most for stages III and IV. The results suggest that despite low participation, mammography screening in combination with increased awareness and more effective diagnostic and treatment practices has had a significant mortality benefit in Estonia. To further reduce breast cancer mortality, efforts are needed to tackle risk factors, ensure the implementation of high-quality screening program, reduce delays in women who have developed symptoms, and provide up-to-date treatment as well as psychosocial support for all cancer patients.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in Estonia. Mammography screening aimed at detecting cancer early and thereby reducing breast cancer mortality was implemented in 2004. However, the targeted age range has not been as wide as recommended and participation has remained low. The aim of the thesis was to evaluate long-term trends in breast cancer incidence, mortality and survival in Estonia in the context of changes in society and health care system and the introduction of mammography screening program. The study used data from Estonian cancer registry and causes of death registry and a variety of analytic techniques. Breast cancer incidence in Estonia is slowly increasing, mainly on the account of early stages. In parallel, there has been a decline in the incidence of late stages. Breast cancer mortality has been decreasing since late 1990s, most rapidly in women aged 40–79 years. In older birth cohorts, mortality increased with increasing age, but in cohorts invited to screening, mortality stabilized or started to decline after entering screening age. When comparing mortality during equal-length periods before and after the introduction of screening, a significant mortality drop was seen in young women as well as those invited to screening, while there was no drop in older women. Breast cancer survival has increased considerably over the past 30 years in all age groups. By stage, survival has increased the most for stages III and IV. The results suggest that despite low participation, mammography screening in combination with increased awareness and more effective diagnostic and treatment practices has had a significant mortality benefit in Estonia. To further reduce breast cancer mortality, efforts are needed to tackle risk factors, ensure the implementation of high-quality screening program, reduce delays in women who have developed symptoms, and provide up-to-date treatment as well as psychosocial support for all cancer patients.
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