Rahvusvähemuste kaasamine Eesti erakondade poolt
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Tartu Ülikool
“Minority engagement by the political parties in Estonia”
The Government of the Republic of Estonia has incorporated a number of references in
year 2011 to its regulation regarding the responsibility to engage stakeholder parties in
the state policy making processes as well as to gauge the implications of such
Furthermore, on the same year the Government approved “Good Engagement
Practices”, a document articulating straightforward guidelines for planning and
executing engagement of stakeholder parties aiming to improve the overall quality of
engagement practices by state agencies.
Demonstrating a proactive approach to identifying best practices of engagement the
Government has transmitted a clear signal to the public that it is its firm intent to
increase transparency in policy making and to launch a widespread dialogue with a
range of stakeholder parties of the public.
Interestingly, with the advent of Government-sponsored engagement propagation the
most potent topic, engagement of minorities, has found next-to-none coverage by the
politicians in the public media, especially in the wake of the “Bronze night” unrest in
April 2007. What are the underlying reasons for such a development, a lack of initiative,
engagement and dialogue? Is the referred silence in aether alluding that the principal
difficulties related to the integration policy of the minorities have been successfully
Inspired by the rising importance of stakeholder engagement in Estonian society as well
as the state objective to engage minority groups in the framework of integration policy
the current master's thesis primarily concerns with studying minority engagement
policies and practices in Estonia.
In the framework of political communication studies the particular objective of the
current master's thesis is to research the attitudes, goals and perceptions of Estonian
political parties regarding minority engagement. Concordantly, the attitudes and
perceptions of the minority groups are explored, too. The findings are juxtaposed in
order to investigate potential shifts (misunderstandings) in perceiving the
communication between political parties and minority groups in the framework of
minority engagement and integration policies.
Furthermore, the master's thesis aims to gauge how the political parties assess the postoccupation
era integration policy in Estonia. Finally, the master's thesis examines
engagement practices of state agenencies and representative attitudes of key officials
towards the integration policy.
The particular research questions of the master's thesis are as follows:
a) How can be best described the attitude and approach to minority engagement by the
political parties in Estonia? How do political parties execute their respective policies
and engage minority groups? (Do the political parties view and target minorities as a
distinct segment? Why do the political parties engage minority groups? How do the
attitude and approach to minority engagement differ by the political parties in Estonia?
Do the political parties appreciate the importance and implications of the state
integration policy? Why? How do the political parties assess the state integration policy
executed since re-establishment of the country's independence? What are the best
practices for minority engagement? How do the political parties view a minority group's
chances to directly influence the development of state policy?)
b) Does the nation state discourse clash with that of citizen state? (How do the politicial
parties understand and characterize a nation state concept in Estonia? How do the
political parties assess and characterize a minority representative's chances to participate
in state building in the framework of citizen engagement? What is the viewpoint of the
politicial parties on multicultural state concept?)
c) What constitutes the body of principles and accepted practices for state agencies in
communication with minority groups? (Do the state agencies view and target minorities
as a distinct segment? Are the state agencies' engagement practices rather influenced by
the ideology of the leading minster's political party or by the best practices proposed by
experts? What are the best practices of (minority) engagement?)
The introductory theoretical section of the work provides an overview of the discussions
by Brubaker, Smith and Gellner on nationalism as well as highlights the theories on
state building by Lintz and Stepan. Furthermore, the introduction provides the reader
with principles of engagement, specifically in the framework developed by Arnstein.
Additionally, the principal politicial ideologies of Estonian political parties are
introduced so as to provide backdrop for assessing the parties' approaches to minority
engagement. Finally, the empirical groundwork from secondary survey sources is
presented highlighting the key variables affecting minority participation in state
building: language proficiency, attitudes towards the state and political preferences.
The third section of the work provides primary material for discussion. Semi-structured
interviews with key representatives of political parties and state agencies deliver unique
raw material. Application of grounded theory and rigorous text analysis enable to cast
light behind the scenes and understand the political undercurrents shaping Estonia's
minority-oriented policy, but also to map out the best practices of engagement tried and
tested by state agencies.
The fifth section of the work presents the key findings, synthesis and aswers to research
questions. In overall, the interviewed key representatives of political parties and state
agencies did not consider nor perceive Estonia as a single nation state. The ethnic
Estonian majority co-existing with alien minority groups is not in conflict with the
Estonian nation state concept according to the interviewed politicians. On the other
hand, Estonian society has yet to progress from ethnic nation state concept to political
citizen state concept.
The interviewed individuals identified the importance of citizen state society as a
development milestone. However, according to them, a very young and inexperienced
citizen society as well as the generally passive leitmotif in Estonia is to be blamed for
slow pace in the development towards citizen state.
Interestingly, the interviewed politicians and officials did not manage to properly
conceptualize the impact of citizen-oriented approach for the benefit of the society's
development. Should it be characterized by a strong grass roots movement able to
assume political responsibility or a select number of representative political parties
geared to promote a narrow agenda of sponsored interests?
The interviews demonstrated a consensus on valuing and nurturing cultural differences
and native language practices in the framework of cultural engagement. All interviewed
politicians aknowledged the importance of the integration policy, mainly due the fact
that the benefit dedicating attention and resources to the topic is far greater than
ignoring the topic completely. Such a viewpoint renders the minority groups to be
viewd as a resource for the benefit of the state and society.
Minority groups are actively engaged by the current oposition parties based on
universalist value-driven political ideology, whereas the current government parties
execute a significantly more passive engagement policy based on, also universalist, but
pragmatic realpolitik idealogy.
In the Arnstein framework of engagement Estonian political parties and state agencies
value open information communication practices. However, not all minority
stakeholders are reached in the second tier consultancy phase, because the political
parties rather interact with cultural associations of the minority groups. Due to low level
of proactive grass roots engagement in Estonian society, the political parties are
deprived of a social partner to engage and consult with.
The interviewed representatives of the state agencies aknowledge great responsibility to
nurture a positive environment to promote social engagement and its best practices.
However, currently the Arnstein consulting and engagement practices are in their
infancy and thus not executed properly.