The links between private sector indebtedness and banking sector vulnerability: An Estonian case study
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2008.a. alguse saanud globaalne kriis ning surve finantssektorile tõstis esile vajaduse mudelite järele, mis võimaldaksid analüüsida finantsinstitutsioonide, sh. pankade haavatavust. Paljudes riikides kriisile eelnenud kiire laenukasv viitab pankade endi laenutegevuse ning erasektori suurenenud võlakoormuse võimalikule olulisusele hilisemate sündmuste arengus. Käesoleva doktoritöö eesmärgiks on koostada mudelvahend erasektori laenukoormuse ning pangandussektori haavatavuse vaheliste seoste hindamiseks, kasutades selleks Eesti andmeid. Loodud vahendiga testitakse hüpoteesi, mille kohaselt majapidamiste ning ettevõtete suurenenud kohustused pankade ees on muutnud laenuklientide maksedistsipliini majandust tabavate negatiivsete šokkide suhtes tundlikumaks ning pangad laenukvaliteedi ulatuslikuma halvenemise tõttu haavatavamaks.
Töös välja pakutud lahenduseks on pangandussektori tugevusanalüüsi süsteem (ingl. k. stress-test system), mis koosneb kahest integreeritud mudelist: Eestis tegutsevate pankade krediidiriski mudelist ning Eesti majanduse makromudelist. Rakendatud uurimismeetodiks, millega tõstatatud hüpoteesi kinnitada või ümber lükata, on hüpoteetilise stsenaariumi analüüs (ingl. k. hypothetical scenario analysis). Selleks matkitakse makromudeli abil majanduse reaktsiooni seda tabavate negatiivsete šokkide suhtes, seejuures reaktsioone imiteeritakse erasektori erineva võlataseme juures. Saadud stsenaariumeid krediidiriski mudelisse sisestades on hinnatud pangandussektori laenukvaliteedi tundlikkust sõltuvana väljastatud laenumahust, mis ühtlasi iseloomustab muutuseid pankade haavatavuses.
Stsenaariumianalüüs tuvastas, et viivislaenude ning laenukahju provisjonide osakaal pankade laenuportfellis kasvab negatiivse šoki tulemusena enam juhul kui majapidamiste ning ettevõtete laenukoormus on suhteliselt kõrgem. Nimetatud laenukvaliteedi näitajad ilmutasid suuremat tundlikkuse muutust eelkõige finantssektorist pärinevate, intressimääraga seotud šokkide suhtes, milleks olid euroala rahapoliitilisi signaale Eesti majandusse kandva Euribori ning kohaliku laenuturu riskipreemia tõus. Reaalsektorist pärinevate negatiivsete šokkide mõju suurenemine oli samuti täheldatav, kuid nende mõju pankade laenukvaliteedile oli väiksem kui finantssektori šokkidel. Saadud tulemusi tõlgendades järeldub, et pankade haavatavuse vähendamiseks on oluline Eesti ning euroala majandus- ja intressitsüklite kõrge korreleeritus ning pangalaenude riskipreemia vähene tundlikkus majandustsükli suhtes.
The recent global crisis and the associated turmoil in the financial sector have highlighted the relevance of modelling tools that would permit the assessment of the vulnerability of financial institutions. The rapid expansion of bank credit in many countries before the global crisis broke out in 2008 suggests that the increased private sector indebtedness may have been one of the key determinants of the subsequent events. The aim of the thesis is to develop a modelling tool that would be appropriate for investigating banks' vulnerability conditional on private sector indebtedness using Estonian data. The tool is used to test the hypothesis that the higher indebtedness of households and companies has increased the sensitivity of their debt servicing discipline to negative shocks. That, in turn, has made banks more vulnerable as the sensitivity of their credit quality has increased. The thesis develops a stress-test framework consisting of two integrated models: a macro model for the Estonian economy and a credit risk model for the banks operating in Estonia. The method which is used to test the proposed hypothesis is a hypothetical scenario analysis. The macro model is used to mimic how the economy would react to various negative shocks at different simulated levels of private sector indebtedness. The shock simulation results are then taken to the credit risk model, which maps them to credit quality and shows whether the vulnerability of banks has changed with their increased exposure to the private sector. The scenario analysis confirms the working hypothesis by showing that non-performing loans and loan loss provisions respond to negative shocks more extensively if private sector indebtedness is relatively higher. The responsiveness of the aforementioned loan quality indicators is especially amplified for financial shocks, defined as (i) an increase in the Euribor rate which transmits the Euro area common monetary policy signals to the Estonian financial market and (ii) an increase in the local retail lending premium. Shocks originating from the real sector have become more harmful as well, but their impact on the loan quality remains smaller than the impact of the financial shocks. The obtained results imply that the vulnerability of banks is dampened if the economic and interest rate cycles of the euro area and Estonia are highly correlated and if the banks' lending premium is largely insensitive to the economic cycle.
The recent global crisis and the associated turmoil in the financial sector have highlighted the relevance of modelling tools that would permit the assessment of the vulnerability of financial institutions. The rapid expansion of bank credit in many countries before the global crisis broke out in 2008 suggests that the increased private sector indebtedness may have been one of the key determinants of the subsequent events. The aim of the thesis is to develop a modelling tool that would be appropriate for investigating banks' vulnerability conditional on private sector indebtedness using Estonian data. The tool is used to test the hypothesis that the higher indebtedness of households and companies has increased the sensitivity of their debt servicing discipline to negative shocks. That, in turn, has made banks more vulnerable as the sensitivity of their credit quality has increased. The thesis develops a stress-test framework consisting of two integrated models: a macro model for the Estonian economy and a credit risk model for the banks operating in Estonia. The method which is used to test the proposed hypothesis is a hypothetical scenario analysis. The macro model is used to mimic how the economy would react to various negative shocks at different simulated levels of private sector indebtedness. The shock simulation results are then taken to the credit risk model, which maps them to credit quality and shows whether the vulnerability of banks has changed with their increased exposure to the private sector. The scenario analysis confirms the working hypothesis by showing that non-performing loans and loan loss provisions respond to negative shocks more extensively if private sector indebtedness is relatively higher. The responsiveness of the aforementioned loan quality indicators is especially amplified for financial shocks, defined as (i) an increase in the Euribor rate which transmits the Euro area common monetary policy signals to the Estonian financial market and (ii) an increase in the local retail lending premium. Shocks originating from the real sector have become more harmful as well, but their impact on the loan quality remains smaller than the impact of the financial shocks. The obtained results imply that the vulnerability of banks is dampened if the economic and interest rate cycles of the euro area and Estonia are highly correlated and if the banks' lending premium is largely insensitive to the economic cycle.
dissertatsioonid, erasektor, pangandussektor, haavatavus, majandus