Plokiahelapõhise hääletamise ökosüsteemi kontseptsiooni loomine Eestis
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Demokraatia on iidsete kreeklaste poolt välja töötatud mõiste, mille tähendus on "inimeste valitsemine". Maailm on arenenud sellest ajast kaugele edasi – impeeriumidest kuningriikideni ning lõpuks jõudnud demokraatiani nagu me seda tänapäeval teame. Praegustes demokraatlikes riikides põhineb rahva poolne juhtimine perioodilistel valimistel, mis viiakse läbi otsese või kaudse hääletamise teel. Hääletamisviisid on olnud kuni 20. sajandini ühtsed, kasutades hääletamissedeleid ja füüsilist loendamist. Tehnoloogia ja tehnika on sellest ajast alates olukorda muutnud, juurutades elektroonilised hääletamismasinad, näiteks Indias, ja elektroonilised hääletamisvõimalused Interneti kaudu, nagu näiteks Eestis, mida kasutatakse järjepidevalt. Kuid kõige selle juures jääb midagi ikkagi lahendamata. Peale kandidaatide või valitsuse valimist võivad ja saavad nad oma kohustusi ja ülesandeid täita ebapiisava korrektsuse, vähese või puuduva vastutuse ning järelevalveta. Isegi pärast valimisi võib valitsus olla oma kodanike seas ebapopulaarne, kuid enne järgmisi valimisi ei ole kodanikel võimalust midagi muuta. See väitekiri aitab selle lünga täita värskelt kasutusele võetud plokiahela ja hajusraamatu tehnoloogia kasutamisega ning ka äsja väljatöötatud uuenduslike kontseptsioonide abil.
Democracy is an age-old concept coined by the ancient Greeks meaning, ‘Rule by People’. World has come far from that, from empires, to kingdoms to finally democracy as we know it. In current democracies, the exercise conducted to be ‘Ruled by People’ is based up on periodic elections and those elections are conducted via voting, direct or indirect. The ways of voting have been consistent up until the 20th Century with the use of ballot papers and physical counting. The age of technology and engineering since, have brought about changes to the status quo, with introduction of Electronic Voting Machines such as, in India and Electronic Voting via Internet such as, in Estonia which are practiced in every election. But in all of this, something still remains unresolved. When candidates or in turn a government is elected, they are meagre obliged to perform their duties correctly, with little or no accountability and oversight. Even after elections, a government might be unpopular among its citizens, but the citizens don’t have means to change anything, before the next elections. This thesis helps to fill this gap with use of newly introduced technology of Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers, and also with the help of newly conceptualized innovative concepts.
Democracy is an age-old concept coined by the ancient Greeks meaning, ‘Rule by People’. World has come far from that, from empires, to kingdoms to finally democracy as we know it. In current democracies, the exercise conducted to be ‘Ruled by People’ is based up on periodic elections and those elections are conducted via voting, direct or indirect. The ways of voting have been consistent up until the 20th Century with the use of ballot papers and physical counting. The age of technology and engineering since, have brought about changes to the status quo, with introduction of Electronic Voting Machines such as, in India and Electronic Voting via Internet such as, in Estonia which are practiced in every election. But in all of this, something still remains unresolved. When candidates or in turn a government is elected, they are meagre obliged to perform their duties correctly, with little or no accountability and oversight. Even after elections, a government might be unpopular among its citizens, but the citizens don’t have means to change anything, before the next elections. This thesis helps to fill this gap with use of newly introduced technology of Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers, and also with the help of newly conceptualized innovative concepts.