Metoodilise abimaterjali väljatöötamine eelkooliealiste laste tantsuõpetuse õpetajate toetamiseks
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TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia
Development of a Methodological Aid for Supporting Preschool Dance Teachers.
The teacher's knowledge about the nature of dance education, age-appropriate skills with
developmental abilities and the coherence of these two plays an important role in the dance
education of preschool students. Currently there is a lack of guidance in Estonian language based
literature supporting the dance education of preschool students, which would coherently combine
both children's developmental abilities and age-appropriate skills as well as the specifics of
dance teaching. One of the aims of this research was to determine the need of supporting
methodological aid among dance teachers. The research revealed that 1) the necessity of
methodical aid for dance education of preschool children is perceived, 2) the methodological aid
should include detailed content, structure of lessons with activities, sample exercises and
instructional tips, segmented by age groups. As a result of the research a methodological aid
material was developed to support dance teachers of preschool students. The developed
methodological aid was evaluated by a specialist in dance education and an expert in the
preparation of curricula.
tantsuõpetus, koolieelikud, õppevahendid