The affect and effect of asynchronous written artefacts (cover letters, drafts, and feedback letters) within L2 English doctorate writing groups
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Vastastikune tagasiside aitab parandada üliõpilaste kirjutamisoskust. Väitekiri uurib, kuidas parimal viisil kasutada kirjaliku vastastikuse tagasiside protsessi selleks, et toetada doktorantide kirjutamisoskust pikas perspektiivis. Doktorandid jaotatakse väikestesse kirjutamisrühmadesse, kus neid õpetatakse üksteist toetama teadusväljaannetes avaldatavate artiklite mustandite kirjutamisel. Doktorandid saadavad oma rühmas üksteisele regulaarselt kirjalikku tagasisidet töös oleva artikli mustandi kohta.
Selleks, et aidata luua kasulikke tagasisidekommentaare, kirjutab iga doktorant kaaskirja, kus selgitab, mida ta oma mustandi hindamiselt ootab. Seega kirjutavad rühmaliikmed oma tagasisidekommentaarid autori mustandile kaaskirja põhjal. Seejärel otsustab mustandi autor, kuidas hindajate kirjalikke tagasisidekommentaare rakendada, et oma mustandi järgmist versiooni parandada. Teadmised selle kohta, mis on hea kaaskiri ja head tagasisidekommentaarid (st tagasiside hea tava), aitavad teadlastel välja töötada paremad pedagoogilised lahendused, mis toetavad kirjutamisrühmades pakutavat õpet.
Sellest tulenevalt on siinsel väitekirjal kaks põhieesmärki. Esiteks, selgitada doktorantide kaaskirjade ja tagasisidekommentaaride kvantitatiivse ja kvalitatiivse analüüsi kaudu välja kirjaliku tagasiside hea tava. Teiseks, luua saadud andmete sekundaarse analüüsi põhjal kirjaliku vastastikuse tagasiside protsessi mudel (nn AWFP-mudel). Väitekirjas kirjeldatud kirjutamisõpetuse raamistikku (st AWFP-mudelit koos tagasiside hea tavaga) saavad kasutada õppejõud ja teadlased.
The peer feedback process is known to help students improve their writing skills. This dissertation examines how the written peer feedback process can be optimised to support the long-term writing skills of PhD students. The students are placed in small writing groups where they are taught to support each other in drafting a research article for scientific publication. Within their groups, the PhD students periodically give, and receive from each other, written feedback comments on sections of their draft articles. To help generate useful feedback comments, each PhD student writes a 'cover letter' to explain how their submitted draft should be assessed. Thus, the students give their feedback comments based on the author’s draft and cover letter. The authors then decide how to implement their reviewers' written feedback comments to improve their subsequent drafts. Obtaining a better understanding of what constitutes good cover letters and good feedback comments (i.e. 'good feedback practices') will help researchers devise better pedagogies to support the writing practices of writing groups. Thus, this dissertation has two main aims. Firstly, good written feedback practices are determined through the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the PhD students' cover letters and feedback comments. Secondly, a model of the written peer feedback process ('AWFP model') is induced from the secondary analysis of the data. Thus, the writing pedagogical framework (i.e. the AWPF model used in tandem with good feedback practices) developed in this dissertation can be utilised by educators and researchers to improve upon current writing pedagogy.
The peer feedback process is known to help students improve their writing skills. This dissertation examines how the written peer feedback process can be optimised to support the long-term writing skills of PhD students. The students are placed in small writing groups where they are taught to support each other in drafting a research article for scientific publication. Within their groups, the PhD students periodically give, and receive from each other, written feedback comments on sections of their draft articles. To help generate useful feedback comments, each PhD student writes a 'cover letter' to explain how their submitted draft should be assessed. Thus, the students give their feedback comments based on the author’s draft and cover letter. The authors then decide how to implement their reviewers' written feedback comments to improve their subsequent drafts. Obtaining a better understanding of what constitutes good cover letters and good feedback comments (i.e. 'good feedback practices') will help researchers devise better pedagogies to support the writing practices of writing groups. Thus, this dissertation has two main aims. Firstly, good written feedback practices are determined through the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the PhD students' cover letters and feedback comments. Secondly, a model of the written peer feedback process ('AWFP model') is induced from the secondary analysis of the data. Thus, the writing pedagogical framework (i.e. the AWPF model used in tandem with good feedback practices) developed in this dissertation can be utilised by educators and researchers to improve upon current writing pedagogy.
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academic text-writing, English language, second language, scientific texts, drafts, feedback, doctoral students