Eesti sõjaväe ohvitseride ettevalmistamise süsteemi kujunemine ja areng 1919–1940
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Väitekiri käsitleb Eesti sõjaväe ohvitseride väljaõppesüsteemi loomist aastatel 1919-1940. Väitekirja eesmärgiks on peamiselt arhiivimaterjalidele tuginedes luua terviklik pilt Eesti Vabariigi ohvitserkonna väljaõppest, selle aluspõhimõtetest ja toimimisest, süsteemi kujunemisest ja väljaõpet teostanud institutsioonidest.
Eesti iseseisvumisel rajati uutesse oludesse sobilik ohvitseride ettevalmistamise süsteem, mis mõjutas eestlaste mentaliteedi ja hoiakute kujunemist kahe aastakümne vältel, aga ka hilisemat osalust sõjasündmustes. Töös käsitletakse vastava ajajärgu sõjaväe õppeasutuste asutamist, nende eesmärke ja perioodil toimunud muutusi nii väljaõppeinstitutsioonide organisatsioonis kui ka õppekavades ja -metoodikas. Vastavaid muutusi käsitletakse laiemas ühiskondlikus ja poliitilises kontekstis, samuti selgitatakse asetleidnud arengute puhul nii sõjaväe-siseseid mõjufaktoreid kui ka välisriikidega seotud paralleele ja võimalikke impulsse. Lisaks selgitatakse ka tollase sõjaväe ohvitserikaadri planeerimist eri juhtimistasandite ja väeliikide jaoks, väljaõpetatud kaadri arvulist suurust ning selle vastavust tollastele kavadele ja vajadustele.
Töö koosneb katuspeatükist ning selle juurde kuuluvast üheksast lisast ja viiest artiklist (neist üks ilmumas), mis käsitlevad Eesti Vabariigi erinevate juhtimistasandite või erialade ohvitseride ettevalmistamise institutsionaalset ja ideelist arengut vaadeldaval perioodil. Artiklid käsitlevad Vabariigi Sõjakooli asutamist 1919. a., Kindralstaabi kursuste ja Kõrgema Sõjakooli asutamist ja õppemetoodilist arengut ning lõpetajaskonda ning sõjaväe tehnikaharidust ja Sõjaväe Tehnikakooli tegevust kahe maailmasõja vahelisel perioodil Eestis.
The dissertation handles basic features of the officer preparation system, the principles of its formation and its development in interwar Estonia (1919–1940). The main purpose of the dissertation is to create under the archival sources the integral picture of the officer training, its foundations, main ideas of development and institutions in the period between two world wars. Although native Estonians were prepared and commissioned in growing numbers in the Russian Imperial Army, the formation of a new Estonian national state and armed forces required the creation of a totally new system for preparing officers suitable to be the officers in a small state forces. During the following twenty years after 1919 the established institutions of military training influenced and shaped the mental formation of few thousands of young educated Estonians in the patriotic-martial spirit and also with a consciousness oriented towards the whole nation and its leaders. Although the established system and many of its mentors, and mental legacy were destroyed after 1940, many of the Estonian Military School graduates, as military leaders, did not remain bystanders during World War II. In this study the development of the general training and educational orientation, institutional and curriculum development of the regular and reserve officers are examined and the principles of personnel planning, foreign and social influences are assessed. The study consists of summary article (with nine appendixes) and of five earlier published articles which handle the formation and development of different officer training institutions of the Republic of Estonia. The articles handle the formation of Estonian Military School in 1919, the formation of the Estonian Higher Military School, its methodical and curriculum development and military technical education and formation of the Military Technical School during the period in question.
The dissertation handles basic features of the officer preparation system, the principles of its formation and its development in interwar Estonia (1919–1940). The main purpose of the dissertation is to create under the archival sources the integral picture of the officer training, its foundations, main ideas of development and institutions in the period between two world wars. Although native Estonians were prepared and commissioned in growing numbers in the Russian Imperial Army, the formation of a new Estonian national state and armed forces required the creation of a totally new system for preparing officers suitable to be the officers in a small state forces. During the following twenty years after 1919 the established institutions of military training influenced and shaped the mental formation of few thousands of young educated Estonians in the patriotic-martial spirit and also with a consciousness oriented towards the whole nation and its leaders. Although the established system and many of its mentors, and mental legacy were destroyed after 1940, many of the Estonian Military School graduates, as military leaders, did not remain bystanders during World War II. In this study the development of the general training and educational orientation, institutional and curriculum development of the regular and reserve officers are examined and the principles of personnel planning, foreign and social influences are assessed. The study consists of summary article (with nine appendixes) and of five earlier published articles which handle the formation and development of different officer training institutions of the Republic of Estonia. The articles handle the formation of Estonian Military School in 1919, the formation of the Estonian Higher Military School, its methodical and curriculum development and military technical education and formation of the Military Technical School during the period in question.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.
Eesti Vabariigi Sõjakool, Kaitseväe ühendatud õppeasutused. Kõrgem Sõjakool, Eesti Vabariigi Sõjaväe Tehnikakool, sõjakoolid, ohvitserid, sõjaväelased, õppekorraldus, Eesti, 1918-1940, Estonian Military School, Estonian Higher MIlitary School, Estonian Military Technical School, military schools, officers, military personel, teaching regulations, Estonia