Проблема женского литературного творчества в России в первой трети XIX в. Случай А. П. Буниной

dc.contributor.advisorСтепанищева, Татьяна, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorНестеренко, Мария
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkondet
dc.description.abstractKirjandus kui professionaalne tegevus oli aktsepteeritud Venemaal suhteliselt hilja, 18.saj lõpus. Samal ajal hakkasid esile kerkima ka esimesed naiskirjanikud, kelle tee loomingule oli üsna keeruline. Süsteemsed uurimused naiste kirjatöö probleemist 19.saj esimese kolmandikul seni puudusid. Käesolevas töös analüüsiti naiskirjanike osaluse tunnistamise protsessi mainitud perioodi vene kirjanduses. Naiste tegelemine kirjandusega kutsus siis esile ägedaid vaidlusi vene perioodikas; arutati talutavaid piire, mida võidi aktsepteerida naisliteraatide tegevuses. Väitekirjas käsitletakse seda, kuidas need protsessid kajastusid poetess Anna Petrovna Bunina (1774-1829) kirjaniku biograafias ja -maines. Töös analüüsiti erinevaid allikaid, eelkõige perioodilisi väljaandeid. Analüüsi põhjal ilmnes, et kahe vastaka kirjandusleeri – Nikolai Karamzini ja tema pooldajate ning Aleksander Šiškovi ja tema pooldajate seisukohad valgustatud aadlipreilide kultuurimissiooni kohta olid üsna sarnased. Siiski tuuakse välja fakt, et Šiškovi juhitud kirjandusselts „Vene keele harrastajate vestlusring“ võttis naiskirjanikke vastu oma ridadesse. Väitekirja kolmanda ja neljanda peatüki tsentrumiks on Anna Bunina looming, tema luulekogumik „Vilumatu muusa“ (1809-1812) ning poetessi maine kujunemine kirjanduskriitikas 1800.-1840.aastatel. Selgitatakse, et Bunina uuendustele luules ei pööranud kriitika tähelepanu, aga tema mitte kõige õnnestunum kirjanduslik ampluaa „vene Sappho“ kutsus esile epigramme ja paroodiaid. Anna Bunina juhtumit on käsitletud ereda näitena naiskirjaniku retseptsiooni mudelitest 19.saj alguse vene kirjanduses.et
dc.description.abstractLiterature as a specific occupation in Russia was recognized rather late. It happened only in the last third of the 18th century. Even later, literary work was acknowledged as a possible basis for social success. The position of writing women in the literary world was even more difficult. They had less social capital than male writers. At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, the attention to the female personality, specific to the “era of sensitivity”, actualized comprehending the cultural role of women, including their artistic abilities and attitude to art. The beginning of the 19th century was marked by the growth of reflection on the place of women in literature and the boundaries of permitted participation in the literary process. Most of the ideas about women's employment in literature, which were subsequently used by critics of the 1830s and 1860s, were first formulated at the beginning of the century. The chronological framework of the study was explained by the absence of systematic works on the problem of female writing of this period. The first chapters of the study examine how participants in the literary process determined their positions regarding female literary creation in the first third of the 19th century. Analysis of various sources, primarily magazines, shows that, despite the general positive attitude of the Karamzinists to the cultural mission of enlightened noblewomen, there was no unanimity among them on this issue. In our work, we consider the positions of the writers of the Karamzin direction and their opponents in a more systematic. Without an appeal to personalities, it would be impossible to understand the significance of the judgments of literary figures about the female presence in literature. Therefore, we turned to the literary biography and work of the poetess Anna Bunina (1774–1829). She was one of the first Russian poetesses who sought to turn literary pursuits into a profession. An analysis of her path in literature and an essay on the authors' reputation made up the second thematic block of the thesis.en
dc.identifier.isbn978-9949-03-746-9 (pdf)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesDissertationes philologiae slavicae Universitatis Tartuensis;47
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.subjectwomen writersen
dc.subjectfirst half of the 19. centuryen
dc.subjecthistory of literatureen
dc.subject.otherBunina, Anna, 1774-1828
dc.subject.other19. saj. 1. poolet
dc.titleПроблема женского литературного творчества в России в первой трети XIX в. Случай А. П. Бунинойet
dc.title.alternativeNaiskirjanike loomingu probleem Venemaal 19. saj. esimesel kolmandikul. Anna Bunina juhtumet
dc.title.alternativeThe problem of female literature in Russia in the first third of the 19th century: the case of A. P. Buninaet


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