EU universities’ entry models for the Chinese education market



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Käesolev töö uurib Hiina haridusturule sisenemise mudeleid võttes fookusesse väikese ja keskmise suurusega Euroopa Liidu liikmesriigid, mille esimeseks keeleks ei ole inglise keel. Töö valimisse on võetud kolme riigi - Hollandi, Soome ja Poola ülikoolide kaasused.
With the changes taking place for many EU universities internationalisation has become the top priority on their agendas and they are interested in finding opportunities how to achieve their internationalisation goals and make use of the possibilities internationalisation has to offer. To achieve these goals universities often set their focus on emerging markets in Asia and in particular China. Universities see great potential in the Chinese education market because of its size and the growth potential.



Euroopa Liit, kõrgharidus, rahvusvahelistumine, Hiina, ülikoolid, magistritööd, Poola, Soome, Hollandi
