The ethics of public health: balancing the interests of populations and individuals
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Rahvatervise eetika on keeruline valdkond, mis nõuab nii üksikisiku kui ka rahvastiku huvide hoolikat kaalumist. Käesolevas väitekirjas käsitletakse seda probleemi, tuues välja individuaalsete vaatenurkade ja huvide tähtsuse rahvatervisealase tegevuse põhjendamisel. Uurides pingeid individuaalsete põhjenduste ja rahvatervise sekkumiste vahel, käesolevas väitekirjas käsitletakse mõningaid selle valdkonna keskseid küsimusi. Lõppkokkuvõttes on eesmärk näidata, et individuaalsete vaatenurkade arvessevõtmine ei ole mitte ainult kooskõlas tugeva ja eduka rahvatervise tegevuskavaga, vaid ka selle jaoks hädavajalik.
See lõputöö koosneb kolmest artiklist. “Ebakindluse argument tuvastatud ohvri eelarvamuse jaoks" uurib, kas on olemas moraalne põhjendus, et seada tuvastatud elud statistiliste elude asemel esikohale. Artikkel väidab, et mõnel juhul ex ante lepingulisus (“contractualism”) annab ebakindluse korral ühe sellise põhjenduse, ning uurib argumendi mõju AIDSi ravi rahastamisele võrreldes HIVi ennetamisega. "Võtke pill, see on ainult õiglane! Osamakselise õiglus kui vastus Rose'i ennetusparadoksile." uurib, kuidas rahvatervise strateegiaid saab põhjendada, kasutades "polüpilli" (“polypill”) juhtumit. Artikkel väidab, et selliste strateegiate rakendamine aitab kaasa olulisele avalikule hüvele ning sellisena on õiglase kohustus osaleda ja kulusid jaotada võrdselt. "Piisavusteooria alternatiiv: tervishoiu prioriteetide seadmise kommentaar" väidab, et piisavusteooria (moraaliteooria mis keskendus adekvaatsusele, mitte võrdsusele) pakub tervishoiu prioriteetide seadmiseks mõjuvat ja ainulaadset meetodit, ning pakub välja piisavusteooria muudetud vormi, mis edestab teisi silmapaistvaid teooriaid rahvastikueetikas ja tervishoiu prioriteetide seadmisel.
Kokkuvõttes tunnistab doktoritöö nii üksikisikute kui ka rahvastikute moraalset tähtsust ja selle eesmärk on näidata, et nende koosmõju mõistmine on rahvatervise eetika eduka lähenemisviisi arendamiseks ülioluline.
Public health ethics is a complex field that requires careful consideration of both individual and population-level interests. This thesis addresses this challenge by highlighting the importance of individual perspectives and interests in justifying public health activities. By exploring the tension between individual justification and public health interventions, the thesis addresses some of the central questions in this area of study. Ultimately, the aim is to demonstrate that taking individual perspectives into account is not only compatible with, but also essential to a strong and successful public health agenda. This thesis is composed of three articles. “An Uncertainty Argument for the Identified Victim Bias” explores whether there is a moral justification for prioritizing identified over statistical lives, arguing that in some cases of uncertainty, ex ante contractualism provides one such justification, and examines the implications for the funding of AIDS treatment versus HIV prevention. "‘Take the Pill, It Is Only Fair’! Contributory Fairness as an Answer to Rose’s Prevention Paradox." examines how population strategies in public health can be justified using the case of the "polypill," arguing that implementing such strategies contributes to a key public good, and as such, carries an obligation of fairness to participate and distribute costs equally. “The Sufficientarian Alternative: A Commentary on Setting Health-Care Priorities” argues that sufficientarianism provides a compelling and unique method for establishing health care priorities, and proposes a revised form of sufficientarianism that outperforms other prominent views in population ethics and health care priority setting. In all, the thesis recognizes the moral significance of both individuals and populations and aims to show that understanding their interplay is crucial to developing an effective approach to public health ethics.
Public health ethics is a complex field that requires careful consideration of both individual and population-level interests. This thesis addresses this challenge by highlighting the importance of individual perspectives and interests in justifying public health activities. By exploring the tension between individual justification and public health interventions, the thesis addresses some of the central questions in this area of study. Ultimately, the aim is to demonstrate that taking individual perspectives into account is not only compatible with, but also essential to a strong and successful public health agenda. This thesis is composed of three articles. “An Uncertainty Argument for the Identified Victim Bias” explores whether there is a moral justification for prioritizing identified over statistical lives, arguing that in some cases of uncertainty, ex ante contractualism provides one such justification, and examines the implications for the funding of AIDS treatment versus HIV prevention. "‘Take the Pill, It Is Only Fair’! Contributory Fairness as an Answer to Rose’s Prevention Paradox." examines how population strategies in public health can be justified using the case of the "polypill," arguing that implementing such strategies contributes to a key public good, and as such, carries an obligation of fairness to participate and distribute costs equally. “The Sufficientarian Alternative: A Commentary on Setting Health-Care Priorities” argues that sufficientarianism provides a compelling and unique method for establishing health care priorities, and proposes a revised form of sufficientarianism that outperforms other prominent views in population ethics and health care priority setting. In all, the thesis recognizes the moral significance of both individuals and populations and aims to show that understanding their interplay is crucial to developing an effective approach to public health ethics.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone
community health, population, health care, ethics, health risks, preventive medicine, philosophical aspects