Remedies against ineffectiveness of defense counsel. Judicial supervision over the performance of defense counsel in Estonian criminal proceedings
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Õigus kaitsjale on demokraatlikus ühiskonnas üks süüdistatavate põhiõigusi kriminaalmenetluses. See on sätestatud konstitutsioonides, garanteeritud Euroopa Inimõiguste ja Põhivabaduste Kaitse Konventsiooniga ja tunnustatud nii Euroopa Inimõiguste Kohtu kui ka Euroopa Liidu poolt. Samuti on see õigus sageli sätestatud riiklikes kriminaalmenetluse koodeksites, nagu näiteks Eesti kriminaalmenetluse seadustikus. Süüdistatavate õigus kaitsjale ei tohi aga olla ainult formaalne õigus, vaid see peab olema süüdistatavatele kriminaalmenetluses tagatud ka sisuliselt, mistõttu tuleb vaadelda konkreetse kaitsja tegevust konkreetses kriminaalmenetluses. Kas ta on menetluses ainult kohal või osaleb selles aktiivselt? Käesolev väitekiri toetab seisukohta, et ainult selline kaitsja, kes tegutseb süüdistatava nimel hoolikalt ja aktiivselt ning selgitab süüdistatavale tema positsiooni menetluses ja menetlusõigusi, on efektiivne kaitsja, ja ainult efektiivse kaitsja osavõtt tagab selle, et süüdistatava õigus kaitsjale on menetluse jooksul garanteeritud. Loomulikult tõusetub siinkohal küsimus, kes on pädev kaitsja tegevust jälgima ja tema käitumist korrigeerima. Käesolev väitekiri toob välja seisukoha, mille kohaselt on süüdistatavate õiguste tagamise kohustus kohtutel, mistõttu on kohtud kohustatud ka kaitsja tegevuse üle järelevalvet teostama. Selleks et seda järelevalvet teostada, peavad kohtud esmalt võtma seisukoha selles, mida kaitsja efektiivsus tähendab, st mis on selle sisu. Siin on võimalik kaks lahendust: esiteks kasutavad kohtud etteantud standardit, mille alusel nad hindavad, kas menetluses tegutsenud kaitsja oli efektiivne või mitte; teiseks on võimalik, et kohtud otsustavad kaitsja efektiivsuse küsimuse iga kaasuse korral eraldi n-ö kaasusepõhiselt. On olemas ka kesktee, mida toetab ka käesolev töö: välja on töötatud standard, mis sisaldab kaitsja põhikohustusi ja mida kohtud saavad kasutada; vajadusel teeb kohus otsustuse aga konkreetse kaasuse asjaoludest lähtuvalt.
Right to the assistance of counsel is one of the basic rights accused persons have in criminal proceedings in any democratic society. It is stipulated in constitutions, guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and highly recognized by the European Court of Human Rights and the European Union. It is also often provided for in codes of criminal procedure, like it is in the Estonian Code of Criminal Procedure. In order to assure that the right to counsel is not only formal right, but it truly is guaranteed to accused persons, one has to look into concrete counsel’s actions in the concrete criminal proceedings. Is he or she just present in the criminal proceedings or does he or she participate actively? This thesis gives clear reasons to the standpoint that only counsel who acts on behalf of the accused diligently and explains the accused the situation and his or her rights is effective counsel, and only effective counsel results in guaranteed right to counsel. But here the question arises: who is competent to observe counsel’s actions and correct his or her behavior if necessary? The main focus of the thesis is to demonstrate that it is the responsibility of courts to guarantee procedural rights to accused persons and therefore it is the task of them to monitor counsels’ actions. In order to decide whether counsel’s work was effective or ineffective in certain case, first courts have to define what effectiveness of defense counsel is. Here it is possible to develop a standard that courts could base their decision on about whether counsel has been effective during the proceedings or not. The other way is to decide the case by using a case-by-case approach, which means that there is no standard and the court decides whether the assistance of counsel was effective or not based on specific facts of the case. There is also a middle way, which the thesis supports: a standard of the most basic duties is composed and additionally a court can make its decision based on specific circumstances of the case if necessary.
Right to the assistance of counsel is one of the basic rights accused persons have in criminal proceedings in any democratic society. It is stipulated in constitutions, guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and highly recognized by the European Court of Human Rights and the European Union. It is also often provided for in codes of criminal procedure, like it is in the Estonian Code of Criminal Procedure. In order to assure that the right to counsel is not only formal right, but it truly is guaranteed to accused persons, one has to look into concrete counsel’s actions in the concrete criminal proceedings. Is he or she just present in the criminal proceedings or does he or she participate actively? This thesis gives clear reasons to the standpoint that only counsel who acts on behalf of the accused diligently and explains the accused the situation and his or her rights is effective counsel, and only effective counsel results in guaranteed right to counsel. But here the question arises: who is competent to observe counsel’s actions and correct his or her behavior if necessary? The main focus of the thesis is to demonstrate that it is the responsibility of courts to guarantee procedural rights to accused persons and therefore it is the task of them to monitor counsels’ actions. In order to decide whether counsel’s work was effective or ineffective in certain case, first courts have to define what effectiveness of defense counsel is. Here it is possible to develop a standard that courts could base their decision on about whether counsel has been effective during the proceedings or not. The other way is to decide the case by using a case-by-case approach, which means that there is no standard and the court decides whether the assistance of counsel was effective or not based on specific facts of the case. There is also a middle way, which the thesis supports: a standard of the most basic duties is composed and additionally a court can make its decision based on specific circumstances of the case if necessary.
kriminaalmenetlus, seadustikud, Eesti, kohtualused, õigusabi, kaitse (jur.), criminal procedure, codes of law, Estonia, accused (persons), legal aid, defence