Rahvusvahelise fookusega kultuurilood Postimehes 1995 ja 2005

dc.contributor.advisorVihalemm, Peeter, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorRistoja, Liina
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduskondet
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni osakondet
dc.descriptionAfter the collapse of the Soviet Union political and economic system of Estonia has made a transition into the western world. During the transition many political and economic, as well as cultural and societal changes took place along with the emerging free and commercial press. During the ten years of development, many differences in daily newspaper Postimees occurred. The main intent of this research was to map the international cultural space represented in Estonia’s largest quality daily newspaper Postimees in 1995 and 2005 and in comparison describe the influences of globalization and commercialization tendencies on international cultural representation. The research used quantitative content anaysis and interviews with a lecturer and an expert on cultural theory Jüri Talvet and with former editor of culture section in Postimees Kadi Herkül. Concluding from the results of the research, the structure and cultural content in Postimees has changed. Postimees has turned form being an elitist cultural medium in 1995 to a mass medium in 2005. Globalization of media and rapid development in infotechnology has resulted in more active representation of foreign culture in 2005 as compared to 1995. International cultral space in Postimees in 1995 reflected Estonias’s ambitions in cultural identity more than in 2005 where international cultural space was partly constructed by thematic representation. International cultural space in Postimees represented mainly the western countries- USA and Western Europe and represented much more dominant culture than in 2005, along with popular culture. Postimees in 2005 represented mainly popular and audiovisual culture (music and film) which resulted in representing regions which offered such culture. Both years show a tendency to americanization, as USA is throughout years been represented the most. Changes in structure has yet made any development in representing culture with more balance between dominant and popular culture- online version on Postimees has expanded the amount of foreign cultural representation but could be described as tabloid and generally concentrates on the same regions and themes as the print, with minor differences. Cultural representation in Postimees has not established a stable role in cultural representation, is dependant on newsworthiness and trends as well as commercialization of the media and culture as a whole.en
dc.identifierRistoja, Liina (2007) Rahvusvahelise fookusega kultuurilood Postimehes 1995 ja 2005. Other thesis, Tartu Ülikool.
dc.publisherTartu Ülikoolet
dc.subjectH Social Sciences (General)
dc.subject.otherPostimees (ajaleht)et
dc.titleRahvusvahelise fookusega kultuurilood Postimehes 1995 ja 2005et
