Telesaadete loomine Eestis ETV päevakajasaadete ja Kanal 2 telemängude näitel
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Tartu Ülikool
The aim of the bachelor thesis “Creating TV formats in Estonia on the basis on public
affairs programmes on ETV and gameshows on Kanal 2“ was to find out how TV shows
are created in Estonia. As the field of TV production is case-based the thesis focused on
four shows that had high profile premieres last autumn in Estonia. The shows in question
were “Revidendid” and “Vabariigi kodanikud”, two public affairs programmes on public
broadcaster ETV, and “Braavo!” and “Eesti vs. Jõekalda”, two gameshows on commercial
channel Kanal 2. To examine these shows the method of qualitative semi structured expert
interview was used.
The most interesting case of this thesis is that of “Revidendid” which showed that too
many opinions, too many people, lack of real staff and major structural change of the
channel can do no good for a project of such massive scale. Therefore, in a way the faults
that were made in the development point quite clearly out why the programme was
cancelled only three months after its first broadcast.
The study found out that usually TV shows in Estonia are developed as follows: first
somebody must have an idea that can be developed. Then the idea is brought to either the
broadcaster who greenlights it or to the producer who has the assignment of producing it.
Either way the next step is to turn the idea into something that is fit for screen. If the
format is thoroughly thought out then decisions about technical aspects must be made. If
all that has been done then there might be a pilot or test shooting that shows some of the
mistakes that were not seen previously. This is followed by actual shooting and
broadcasting of the programme.
Still, it is nearly impossible to draw conclusions on the basis of only four shows but it is
interesting to point out that the real purposes of creating these shows were of pragmatic
kind: channels needed to strengthen the time slot or simply to show something in an
available slot or the host needed some work. While examining this thesis a series of
additional themes and topics surfaced. This proves that this branch of study should be
further investigated as there is a lot to examine.
H Social Sciences (General), bakalaureusetööd, ajakirjandus, televisioon, telesaated, meelelahutussaated, uudised