Tests for assessing the child’s school readiness and general development. Trial of the tests on the samples of pre-school children and first-grade students in Estonia



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Lapse arengutaseme hindamine on ühelt poolt seotud arengu- ja õppimisprobleemide märkamise ja ennetamisega ning teiselt poolt sobiva õpetuse ja sekkumise planeerimisega. Eesti õpetajate põhilisteks hindamismeetoditeks on lapse õppimise ja käitumise vaatlus, kunsti- ja kirjatööde analüüs ning vestlused lapsevanematega. Käesoleva doktoritöö eesmärgiks oli kohandada ja katsetada arengu hindamise teste kuni 8-aastastele lastele, analüüsida nende sobivust kasutamiseks Eesti lasteaedades ja koolides. Uurimistöö objektiks olid Kontrollitud joonistamise vaatlus (CDO; Krogh, 1977; modifitseeritud versioon CDO-R) lapse koolivalmiduse sõeluuringuks ja Psühholoogilis-hariduslik profiil (PEP-R; Schopler, Reichler, Bashford jt., 1990) lapse üldarengu diagnostikaks. Eesti emakeelega ja eakohase arenguga laste uurimine näitas, et CDO sobib koolivalmiduse hindamiseks lasteaia lõpus, CDO-R esimese klassi alguses ja PEP-R on usaldusväärne vahend kuni 5-aastaste laste üldarengu hindamiseks. CDO ja CDO-R testid võimaldavad üldgrupist välja selgitada need lapsed, kelle areng vajab põhjalikumat hindamist; planeerida tegevusi, mis toetavad üleminekut kodust või lasteaiast kooli; alustada õpetuse kohandamist üksikutele lastele või allrühmade kaupa. PEP-R testi tulemused võivad olla aluseks individuaalse arenduskava koostamisel, suunata õpetuse kohandamist nii kodus kui lasteaias, viidata meditsiinilise diagnostika vajadusele, aidata selgitada lapse probleeme tema vanematele.
The assessment of children’s school readiness and general development is related to the prevention and detection of developmental and learning problems on the one hand and, on the other, to the planning of appropriate teaching and intervention. In practice, the main assessment methods for Estonian teachers are the observation of the child’s learning and behaviour, the analysis of his or her school work and interviews with the child’s parents. The aim of the present doctoral thesis was to adapt and try tests for assessing the development of children up to 8 years old, to analyze their suitability to be used in kindergartens and schools of Estonia. The objects of the research were the Controlled Drawing Observation (CDO; Krogh, 1977; modified version CDO-R) for screening child’s school readiness and the Psychoeducational Profile-Revised (PEP-R; Schopler, Reichler, Bashford et al., 1990) for diagnostic child’s general development. The testing results of the normal sample of children whose mother tongue is Estonian showed that the CDO is suitable for the screening of school readiness at the end of kindergarten, CDO-R at the beginning of the first grade and PEP-R is reliable to be used for the general assessment of the development of children up to 5 years old. Based on the results of the CDO and CDO-R tests, it is possible to find out children who need further evaluations, to plan activities that support the transition from home or from kindergarten to school and to start adapting teaching to be suitable for individual children or groups of children. The PEP-R test results could form the basis of an individual developmental plan, to direct the adaptation of teaching both at home and kindergarten, to highlight the necessity of medical diagnostics, to help to explain the child’s problems to his or her parents.


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lapse areng, koolivalmidus, koolieelikud, Eesti, child development, school readiness, preschoolers, Estonia
