Dialoogist dialoogsüsteemini: partneri algatatud parandused
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Doktoriväitekiri käsitleb suhtlusprobleeme inimese ja arvuti vahelistes ning inimeste-vahelistes dialoogides. Analüüsitakse lauseid (ehk lausungeid) nagu nt ma ei saa aru (mittemõistmine), kas sa ütlesid nii? (üleküsimine), kas sa mõtlesid seda? (ümbersõnastamine). Uurimuse eesmärgiks on selgitada välja, milline korrapära ehk millised mustrid esinevad dialoogide lausungite ülesehituses. Mõistmaks, kuidas suhtlusprobleemidest keeleliselt teada antakse, analüüsitakse erinevat liiki eestikeelseid dialooge Eesti dialoogikorpusest. Sealhulgas on dialoogide kogumiseks viidud läbi nn Võlur OZ-i eksperimendid, kus katseisikud arvavad end suhtlevat arvutiga, kuid tegelikult suhtlevad interneti vahendusel teise inimesega. Ulatusliku eestikeelse dialoogimaterjali alusel uuritakse töös, mis tekitab suhtlusprobleeme, kuidas tekkinud probleemist suhtluspartnerile märku antakse ja kuidas suhtlusprobleeme lahendatakse. Tehakse ka muid tähelepanekuid inimese ja arvuti vahelise loomuliku suhtluse tõhustamise kohta. Uurimuse tulemuseks on mustrid ja kui-siis reeglid, mille kasutamine inimesega eesti keeles suhtlevas dialoogsüsteemis aitaks kaasa ladusamale suhtlemisele arvutiga. Suhtlusprobleemidega toimetulek on üks dialoogsüsteemide loomise ja eduka töötamise põhiküsimustest. Doktoriväitekirja rakenduslik panus on pakkuda dialoogsüsteemide loojatele konkreetseid soovitusi selle küsimuse lahendamiseks.
This dissertation analyzes human-computer interaction problems and communication problems in human-human dialogues. Under examination are utterances such as I do not understand (i.e. non-understanding), did you say that? (clarification), and did you mean that? (reformulation). The research aims to find answers as to which regularities (i.e. patterns) appear in the structure of utterances. To understand how interaction/communication problems are linguistically intimated, different kinds of dialogues are analyzed from the Estonian Dialogue Corpus. The data also includes dialogues from the Wizard of OZ (WOZ) experiments, where test participants (users) thought they were interacting with the dialogue system, but they were actually interacting with an experimenter (WOZ) via the Internet. The study examines the following questions: what causes communication problems; how are communication problems indicated; and how are communication problems resolved? The dissertation also contains other observations about human-computer interaction and communication between people. The results of the thesis are patterns and if-then rules for dialogue systems. The management of communication problems is one of the main issues when attempting to create and successfully run a dialogue system. One applied contribution of the dissertation is to offer creators of dialogue systems concrete advice in solving this issue.
This dissertation analyzes human-computer interaction problems and communication problems in human-human dialogues. Under examination are utterances such as I do not understand (i.e. non-understanding), did you say that? (clarification), and did you mean that? (reformulation). The research aims to find answers as to which regularities (i.e. patterns) appear in the structure of utterances. To understand how interaction/communication problems are linguistically intimated, different kinds of dialogues are analyzed from the Estonian Dialogue Corpus. The data also includes dialogues from the Wizard of OZ (WOZ) experiments, where test participants (users) thought they were interacting with the dialogue system, but they were actually interacting with an experimenter (WOZ) via the Internet. The study examines the following questions: what causes communication problems; how are communication problems indicated; and how are communication problems resolved? The dissertation also contains other observations about human-computer interaction and communication between people. The results of the thesis are patterns and if-then rules for dialogue systems. The management of communication problems is one of the main issues when attempting to create and successfully run a dialogue system. One applied contribution of the dissertation is to offer creators of dialogue systems concrete advice in solving this issue.
eesti keel, dialoog, infoteenindus, infotelefonid, telefonikõned, suuline kommunikatsioon, inimese-arvuti interaktsioon, vestlusanalüüs, korpused (keelet.), korpuslingvistika, arvutilingvistika, Estonian language, dialogue, information services, information phone service, phone calls, oral communication, human-computer interaction, conversation analysis, corpora (ling.), corpus linguistics, computational linguistics, eesti keel, dialoog, infoteenindus, infotelefonid, telefonikõned, suuline kommunikatsioon, inimese-arvuti interaktsioon, vestlusanalüüs, korpused (keelet.), korpuslingvistika, arvutilingvistika, Estonian language, dialogue, information services, information phone service, phone calls, oral communication, human-computer interaction, conversation analysis, corpora (ling.), corpus linguistics, computational linguistics