Separation of rare earth elements from Estonian phosphorite ore using liquid extraction followed by electrochemical reduction
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Haruldased muldmetallid ja selle ühendid on erinevate omaduste tõttu kaasaegse tehnoloogia jaoks kriitilise tähtsusega materjalid. Nõudlus mõne elemendi järgi on suurem kui pakkumine. Käesoleva doktoritöö eesmärgiks on välja pakkuda uudne moodus haruldaste muldmetallide eraldamiseks Eesti fosforiidimaagist, kasutades esimes etapis vedelik ekstraktsiooni ning seejärel elektrokeemilist redutseerimist.
Vedelik ekstraktsiooni käigus viiakse omavahel kokku 2 segunematut vedelikku, mille tulemusena mõned elemendid liiguvad läbi piirpinna teise vedeliku faasi. Ekstraktsiooni tingimuste muutmisega on võimalik eraldada huvipakkuvad elemendid ülejäänud materjalist.
Elektrokeemiline sadestamine on meetod, kus kindlad elemendid redutseeritakse elektroodi pinnale. Elektrokeemilise sadestamise tulemusi saab peamiselt mõjutada elektrolüüdi koostise ning rakendatud elektrilise pinge abil.
Uurimistöös kasutati kombineeritud meetodite tulemusi mõõdeti indutseeritud plasmaspektroskoopia, tsüklilise voltmamperomeetria, elktrokeemilise impedantsspektroskoopia, kronoamperomeetria, energia hajutava röntgenspektroskoopia, aatomemissioonspektroskoopia ja skanneeriva elektronmikroskoopia abil.
Uurimistöö tulemusena töötati välja 2 uudset meetodit: 1) Kaheetapiline vedelikekstraktsiooni meetod, mille käigus eraldati fosforiidi looduslikust proovist radioaktiivsed elemendid ning seejärel haruldased muldmetallid; 2) Elektrokeemilise eraldamise meetod, mille käigus eraldati looduslikust proovist üttrium.
Rare earth elements (REEs) are strategic critical materials as the REEs, its alloys and compounds possess important technological properties and therefore REEs are applicable in many areas of modern energy technology. Since the demand for some REE can be estimated, there might be a supply risk. This thesis focuses on development of novel recovery method of REE from Estonian phosphorite ore using liquid extraction followed by electrochemical separation. Liquid extraction is a chemical separation method when two immixible liquid phases are brought into the contact and some elements transfer from one phase to another. By changing the extraction conditions, extraction results can be tuned in a desirable way. Electrodeposition is a method of gathering different elements into a working electrode during electrochemical reduction. Electrodeposition results can mainly be tuned by electrolyte composition and applied voltage. The different combined processes were characterized by inductive coupled plasma spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, chronoamperometry, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, atomic emission spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy. Two novel methods has been developed as a result: 1) Two-step liquid extraction method for separation of radioactive and rare earth elements; 2) Electrochemical method for yttrium seperation from phosphorite ore
Rare earth elements (REEs) are strategic critical materials as the REEs, its alloys and compounds possess important technological properties and therefore REEs are applicable in many areas of modern energy technology. Since the demand for some REE can be estimated, there might be a supply risk. This thesis focuses on development of novel recovery method of REE from Estonian phosphorite ore using liquid extraction followed by electrochemical separation. Liquid extraction is a chemical separation method when two immixible liquid phases are brought into the contact and some elements transfer from one phase to another. By changing the extraction conditions, extraction results can be tuned in a desirable way. Electrodeposition is a method of gathering different elements into a working electrode during electrochemical reduction. Electrodeposition results can mainly be tuned by electrolyte composition and applied voltage. The different combined processes were characterized by inductive coupled plasma spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, chronoamperometry, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, atomic emission spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy. Two novel methods has been developed as a result: 1) Two-step liquid extraction method for separation of radioactive and rare earth elements; 2) Electrochemical method for yttrium seperation from phosphorite ore
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