Brändimine Eesti spaades majanduslanguse tingimustes
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Tartu Ülikool
The thesis explores the change in spa branding in Estonia. The goal of the survey is to provide
practical guidelines for succesful marketing and branding of spas. The first part of this paper
investigates the theoretical base of spa marketing and branding in order to compile a
comprehensive overview and provide an understanding of the essence of marketing and
branding in spas by conducting a literature review.
Since Estonia has a very wide range of spa businesses, competition in the spa-market is
strong. For abidance on the market, it is necessary to make oneself visible to a targeted
audience and distinguish ourselves from other similar establishments. In these circumstances,
brands are becoming very important. Spa brands must be provided by offered goods (as a
service, as well as the environment). Brand gives to the customer a promise that the offered
service is of good quality.
In current economic situation is reflecting the market situation very important (price changes,
service changes, etc.) and in accordance with the behavior of the competitors. EAS's Tourism
Development Center (EAS-i Turismiarenduskeskus) estimates that during the economic crisis,
consumers are looking for good quality and at the same time maximum flexibility to allow
each individual consumer to get what he/she wants.
EAS’s Tourism Development Center also suggests to pay attention to the need for marketing
and not to reduce marketing costs too much, because in the long term it will pay off and those
enterprises, who haven’t reduced marketing costs remarkably, are more effective after the
time of economic recession, than enterprises who have reduced the costs of marketing. The
same idea is also supported by several international research companies, who recommend not
reduce costs of marketing, to own a greater number of consumers to communicate.
Based on the foregoing, the spa marketing should strive to monitor market changes and
respond to it in a timely manner.
The second part is about marketing and branding survey now in Estonian spas that where
gathered by conducting interviews with seven practicing marketing experts.
The survey seeks answers to the following questions:
• How severe is the economic impact on the branding and marketing in spas?
• How are the extent and the direction of the change affecting the spa’s brand
positioning and the activities of marketing communication?
• What marketing communication activities are carried out on the basis of the economic
situation in order to maintain or increase the market share?
Study revealed that the knowledge and awareness of spa branding is disjunctive. Also at the
same time as part of the spas do not brand themselves, there are spas who tend to brand
themselves very consciously and purposefully. In most cases, however, we can say that we
have to do with subconscious branding, accompanied by usual marketing activities.
At the same time economic situation has changed and spa marketers have started to change
their attitude. Marketers are looking more effective ways to market and even to brand.
The experts gave useful information what was sufficient for developing guidelines for
successful marketing and branding in spas in the period of economic downturn. The main
suggestions for marketing during downturn were the following:
• Identify target audiences and target marketing;
• Distinguish from other spas on the market, find own niche;
• Use the benefits of the location;
• Concrete the objectives, which will be carried out through the marketing activity;
• Assess all activities which will be carried out;
• Make special offers to customer;
• Use variety of techniques – use partner deals, promotions, discount coupons etc.;
• Use cheaper marketing channels as e-mail, internet, direct mail, press releases, blogs,
e-magazines, etc.;
• And last but not least - be creative.
H Social Sciences (General), bakalaureusetööd, brändimine, turunduskommunikatsioon, tervisekeskused, puhkekeskused, majanduslangus, majanduskriisid