First-principles studies on rare-earth metal-hydride-based smart materials
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Käesoleval ajal on suur vajadus funktsionaalsete materjalide järele, mis võiksid olla aluseks uute energiaefektiivsete seadmete ja mehhanismide arendamisel, millel on lai rakendusvaldkond ja võime funktsioneerida erinevates maa- ja kosmosetingimustes. Nagu esimesed tulemused on näidanud, on haruldaste muldmetallide oksühüdriididel mitmeid kasulikke funktsionaalseid omadusi, mida saab otseselt kasutada kaasaegsetes tehnoloogilistes lahendustes, eelkõige kõrgefektiivsete optiliste ja elektromehaaniliste seadmete arendamisel. Haruldaste muldmetallide oksühüdriidide keemiline projekteerimine algas rohkem kui 10 aastat tagasi, kui avastati, et hapniku lisamine hüdriidi struktuuri mitte ainult ei korralda ümber stöhhiomeetriat tänu vesiniku ja hapniku positsioonide paindlikule stabiliseerimisele kristallvõrega, vaid laiendab ka oluliselt modifitseeritud metallihüdriidide süsteemi omaduste kompleksi. See on avanud mitmesuguseid võimalusi parandada paljusid metallhüdriidide põhiomadusi ja suurendada nende funktsionaalsust, võimaldades seega teadlastel paindlikult modifitseerida ja muuta nende optilisi, mehaanilisi ja elektroonilisi omadusi.
Teaduslikust ja tehnilisest seisukohast on kõige olulisem probleem välja selgitada, millist funktsionaalset rolli mängib hapniku keemiline lisamine tahkete oksühüdriidide omadustes. Seega oli käesoleva doktoritöö peamine eesmärk laiendada oluliselt meie teadmisi hapniku käitumisest haruldaste muldmetallide hüdriidides. Kasutades kaasaegseid matemaatika, teoreetilise füüsika ja kristallokeemia meetodeid ning mahukaid numbrilisi arvutusi superarvutis, uurisime haruldaste muldmetallide oksühüdriidide süsteemide kõige tõenäolisemaid struktuuri- ja koostise konfiguratsioone. See võimaldas meil ennustada suure hulga erinevate kristallstruktuuride ja hapniku/vesiniku vahekordadega ühendite teket ning konstrueerida ternaarne faasidiagramm Y- H-O muutujate puhul. Oleme kirjeldanud hapniku võtmerolli uute materjalide moodustamisel, mis mõjutab kristalliseerumist stabiilsesse oksühüdriidstruktuuri. Kõigist kolmekomponentsetest oksühüdriididest leidsime, et mõned oksühüdriidid on võimalik stabiliseerida polaarsetes mittetsentrosümmeetrilistes faasides, millel on silmapaistvad elastsed, piesoelektrilised ja elektromehaanilised omadused. Üks neist faasidest kuulub spetsiifilisele tetragonaalsele struktuurile, mille võrestiku konfiguratsioonil on unikaalne kiraalstruktuuriline ülesehitus, mis hõlmab kõiki elementaarraku katioone ja anioone. Arvutatud elektrooniliste ja optiliste omaduste põhjal pakkusime välja ka kaks erinevat optiliste katete prototüüpi, milles oksühüdriidi õhukesed kiled mängivad võtmerolli: i) madala emissiooniga katte mudel ja ii) valgust absorbeeriva mittepeegeldava katte mudel.
Meie uurimistöö tulemused on oluliselt täiendanud haruldaste muldmetallide oksühüdriidide materjaliomadusi käsitlevat teadmistebaasi. Nad on tuvastanud nende materjalide elektrooniliste, elastsete, elektriliste ja optiliste omaduste mikroskoopilise olemuse detailid. See võimaldas meil mõista, kuidas nende omadused ja funktsionaalsed karakteristikud võivad olla tingitud erinevatest keemilistest ja füüsikalistest teguritest. Lisaks sellele oleme pakkunud välja võimalikud stsenaariumid perspektiivsete funktsionaalsete omadustega oksühüdriidmaterjalide prognoosimiseks ja projekteerimiseks, mida saab seejärel kasutada kaasaegsete optiliste ja elektromehaaniliste seadmete arendamisel.
There is currently a high demand for functional materials that can serve as the basis for the development of new energy-efficient devices and mechanisms with a wide range of applications, capable of operating under various Earth and space conditions. As the first results have shown, rare-earth metal oxyhydrides offer a number of useful functionalities that can be directly utilized in modern technological applications, especially in the design of high-performance optical and electromechanical devices. Chemical engineering of rare-earth metal oxyhydrides has begun more than 10 years ago when it was discovered that the addition of oxygen into the hydride structure not only rearranges the stoichiometry due to the flexible stabilization of hydrogen and oxygen positions in the crystal lattice, but also greatly expands the set of characteristics of the modified metal-hydride system. This has opened up great opportunities to improve a number of key properties of metal hydrides and enhance their functionality, thus enabling researchers to flexibly modify and improve their optical, mechanical, and electronic properties. From a scientific and technological point of view, understanding what functional role the chemical addition of oxygen plays in the properties of solid oxyhydrides is the most important problem. Thus, the main goal of the present PhD thesis was to significantly extend our knowledge about the behavior of oxygen in rare-earth metal hydrides. Using modern methods of mathematics, theoretical physics and crystal chemistry, as well as extensive numerical calculations on a supercomputer, we investigated the most probable structural and compositional configurations in rare-earth metal oxyhydride systems. This allowed us to predict a large number of compounds with different crystal structures and oxygen/hydrogen ratios and construct a ternary phase diagram for Y-H-O variables. We have characterized the key role of oxygen in the formation of new materials, which guides crystallization into a stable oxyhydride structure. Among all ternary oxyhydride compositions, we found that certain oxyhydrides can be stabilized in polar noncentrosymmetric phases that have outstanding elastic, piezoelectric, and electromechanical characteristics. One of these phases corresponds to a special tetragonal structure whose lattice configuration is characterized by a unique chiral structural organization encompassing all cations and anions in the unit cell. Based on the calculated electronic and optical properties, we also proposed two different prototypes of optical coatings in which oxyhydride thin films play a key role: (i) a low-emissivity coating model and (ii) a light-absorbing non-reflective coating model. The results of our research have significantly enriched the knowledge base on the material properties of rare-earth metal oxyhydrides. They revealed details of the microscopic nature of the electronic, elastic, electrical, and optical properties of these materials. This allowed us to understand how their properties and functional characteristics could be driven by various chemical and physical factors. In addition, we proposed possible scenarios for the prediction and design of oxyhydride materials with promising functions, which can be further used in the development of modern optical and electromechanical devices.
There is currently a high demand for functional materials that can serve as the basis for the development of new energy-efficient devices and mechanisms with a wide range of applications, capable of operating under various Earth and space conditions. As the first results have shown, rare-earth metal oxyhydrides offer a number of useful functionalities that can be directly utilized in modern technological applications, especially in the design of high-performance optical and electromechanical devices. Chemical engineering of rare-earth metal oxyhydrides has begun more than 10 years ago when it was discovered that the addition of oxygen into the hydride structure not only rearranges the stoichiometry due to the flexible stabilization of hydrogen and oxygen positions in the crystal lattice, but also greatly expands the set of characteristics of the modified metal-hydride system. This has opened up great opportunities to improve a number of key properties of metal hydrides and enhance their functionality, thus enabling researchers to flexibly modify and improve their optical, mechanical, and electronic properties. From a scientific and technological point of view, understanding what functional role the chemical addition of oxygen plays in the properties of solid oxyhydrides is the most important problem. Thus, the main goal of the present PhD thesis was to significantly extend our knowledge about the behavior of oxygen in rare-earth metal hydrides. Using modern methods of mathematics, theoretical physics and crystal chemistry, as well as extensive numerical calculations on a supercomputer, we investigated the most probable structural and compositional configurations in rare-earth metal oxyhydride systems. This allowed us to predict a large number of compounds with different crystal structures and oxygen/hydrogen ratios and construct a ternary phase diagram for Y-H-O variables. We have characterized the key role of oxygen in the formation of new materials, which guides crystallization into a stable oxyhydride structure. Among all ternary oxyhydride compositions, we found that certain oxyhydrides can be stabilized in polar noncentrosymmetric phases that have outstanding elastic, piezoelectric, and electromechanical characteristics. One of these phases corresponds to a special tetragonal structure whose lattice configuration is characterized by a unique chiral structural organization encompassing all cations and anions in the unit cell. Based on the calculated electronic and optical properties, we also proposed two different prototypes of optical coatings in which oxyhydride thin films play a key role: (i) a low-emissivity coating model and (ii) a light-absorbing non-reflective coating model. The results of our research have significantly enriched the knowledge base on the material properties of rare-earth metal oxyhydrides. They revealed details of the microscopic nature of the electronic, elastic, electrical, and optical properties of these materials. This allowed us to understand how their properties and functional characteristics could be driven by various chemical and physical factors. In addition, we proposed possible scenarios for the prediction and design of oxyhydride materials with promising functions, which can be further used in the development of modern optical and electromechanical devices.
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rare earth metals, hydrides, oxygen, crystalline structure, crystallochemistry