Intelligence, personality, and socioeconomic outcomes in Estonia
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Sotsiaalmajanduslikke tulemusi, nagu haridustase ja ametialane staatus, mõjutavad mitmesugused tegurid, sealhulgas psühholoogilised tunnused, näiteks vaimne võimekus ja isiksuseomadused. Käesoleva doktoritöö eesmärk oli nende seoste uurimine Eestis, kasutades Wechsleri täiskasvanute intelligentsusskaala (WAIS-III) eestindamise projekti ja Geenivaramu Isiksuseuuringu andmeid.
Doktoritöö esimeses pooles keskendusin intelligentsuse ja sotsiaalmajanduslike tulemuste vaheliste seoste uurimisele. Hindasime WAIS-III intelligentsustesti usaldusväärsust ja leidsime, et testiga hinnatav võimete struktuur on sarnane originaalversiooniga ja mujal riikides kohandatud versioonidega saadud tulemustele. Leiti ka, et vaimsete võimete struktuur võib haridustasemete lõikes erineda, mida peaks hindamistulemuste tõlgendamisel arvestama. Uurisime, kas haridust ja tööalast staatust ennustab rohkem inimese enda vaimne võimekus või vanemate haridus. Selgus, et mõlemad on olulised, kuid inimese intelligentsus oli parem ennustaja, vahendades osaliselt ka vanemate hariduse mõju. Samuti ilmnes, et sõnalisel võimekusel oli tugevam seos haridustaseme ja tööalase staatusega kui visuaal-ruumilisel võimekusel, töömälul või töötluskiirusel.
Doktoritöö teises pooles keskendusin isiksuseomaduste ja ametite vaheliste seoste uurimisele. Leidsime, et ametid kirjeldasid 2–7% Suure Viisiku isiksuseomaduste erinevustest ja veelgi enam (kuni 12%) isiksust hindavate üksikküsimuste erinevustest. Ilmnes ka, et mida kõrgemad on ametite keskmised sooritusega seotud isiksuseomadused (eriti ekstravertsus ja meelekindlus), seda sarnasemad on konkreetset ametit pidavad inimesed selle isiksuseomaduse osas. Need tulemused võivad viidata sellele, et mõne ameti valimiseks või sellele valituks saamisel on teatud isiksuseomaduste tase vajalik või vahel võib amet ka inimeste isiksust veidi muuta.
Töö käigus kaardistasime 263 ameti isiksuseprofiilid, mis üldiselt olid üsna ootuspärased ning seotud tööülesannete või töö eeldustega – näiteks loovatel ametitel ja teadustöötajatel oli kõrgem avatus, juhtivatel kohtadel ja pilootidel madalam neurootilisus. Kõikide ametite põhjalikud isiksuseprofiilid on avalikult kättesaadavad:
Socioeconomic outcomes, such as educational attainment and occupational status, are influenced by various factors, including psychological traits like cognitive ability and personality. In this dissertation, I aimed to study these associations in Estonia, using data from the Estonian Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-III) adaptation project and the Estonian Biobank Personality Study. In the first part of the dissertation, I focused on relationships between intelligence and socioeconomic outcomes. We assessed the reliability of the Estonian WAIS-III, finding that its structure is similar to the original version and other adapted versions in different countries. Additionally, structure of cognitive abilities varied across educational levels, which should be considered when interpreting intelligence test results. We examined whether an individual's cognitive ability or their parents' education is a better predictor of educational attainment and occupational status. The results indicated that both are important, but intelligence was a stronger predictor, partially mediating the effect of parental education. We also found that verbal ability had a stronger relationship with outcomes than visual-spatial ability, working memory, or processing speed. In the second part of the dissertation, I focused on associations between personality traits and occupations. We found that occupations explain 2–7% of the variance in Big Five personality traits and even more (up to 12%) in individual questionnaire items. Moreover, the higher the average levels of performance-related personality traits (particularly extraversion and conscientiousness) within occupations, the more similar individuals in those occupations are in these traits. These findings suggest that certain personality traits might be necessary for selecting or being selected in certain occupations, or that occupations may slightly change individuals' personality traits. We mapped personality profiles for 263 occupations, which were generally intuitive and consistent with job tasks or requirements. For example, creative professions and researchers showed higher openness, while leadership positions and pilots exhibited lower neuroticism. Comprehensive personality profiles for all occupations are publicly available:
Socioeconomic outcomes, such as educational attainment and occupational status, are influenced by various factors, including psychological traits like cognitive ability and personality. In this dissertation, I aimed to study these associations in Estonia, using data from the Estonian Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-III) adaptation project and the Estonian Biobank Personality Study. In the first part of the dissertation, I focused on relationships between intelligence and socioeconomic outcomes. We assessed the reliability of the Estonian WAIS-III, finding that its structure is similar to the original version and other adapted versions in different countries. Additionally, structure of cognitive abilities varied across educational levels, which should be considered when interpreting intelligence test results. We examined whether an individual's cognitive ability or their parents' education is a better predictor of educational attainment and occupational status. The results indicated that both are important, but intelligence was a stronger predictor, partially mediating the effect of parental education. We also found that verbal ability had a stronger relationship with outcomes than visual-spatial ability, working memory, or processing speed. In the second part of the dissertation, I focused on associations between personality traits and occupations. We found that occupations explain 2–7% of the variance in Big Five personality traits and even more (up to 12%) in individual questionnaire items. Moreover, the higher the average levels of performance-related personality traits (particularly extraversion and conscientiousness) within occupations, the more similar individuals in those occupations are in these traits. These findings suggest that certain personality traits might be necessary for selecting or being selected in certain occupations, or that occupations may slightly change individuals' personality traits. We mapped personality profiles for 263 occupations, which were generally intuitive and consistent with job tasks or requirements. For example, creative professions and researchers showed higher openness, while leadership positions and pilots exhibited lower neuroticism. Comprehensive personality profiles for all occupations are publicly available:
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