KUMU avamise järgne representatsioon trükimeedias ja ekspertide käsitlustes
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Tartu Ülikool
The objective of the present BA thesis “KUMU representation after opening in
printed media evaluated by experts“ is to analyze media representation of KUMU
(Estonian Museum of Art) in expert opinions during its opening time in February
2006 and in following spring months. It was also important to understand the way
media and art specialists understand the role of KUMU in contemporary estonian
The first theoretical part of the present thesis is trying to give answers about definition
of high culture and mass culture. Theoretical part also gives an outlook into Pierre
Bourdieu ideas about social, art and economy fields. Following theoretical parts are
written to explain postmodernism in a short introductory form and compare some
culture consuming habits among estonian inhabitants.
The aim of this paper is to find out what is the foundation of KUMU media
representation in expert opinions. Four basic research questions are following:
1.How was KUMU represented in media during the opening and during following
2. How KUMU represents itself in expert opinions?
3.How experts evaluate the usage of culture marketing in the case of KUMU?
4. How experts evaluate the definition of high culture?
I interviewed media professionals Harry Liivrand (art critic in Eesti Ekspress) and
Karin Paulus (design and architecrure critic in Eesti Ekspress) and also Sirje Helme
(director of art museum KUMU), Maarja Võrk (communication manager in KUMU).
I also analyzed media texts from newspapers Eesti Päevaleht, Postimees, Eesti
Ekspress, Sirp and the newspaper of estonian art museum “Agent”.
During the research following categories were used to analyze interviews:
definition of high art ; definition, role and inside of KUMU in contemporary Estonia,
about KUMU international position, KUMU and visual art in contemporary Estonia,
architecture, culture marketing and KUMU relations with media.
I also used following categories to analyze media representation:
KUMU inside, KUMU architecture, KUMU exhibition, KUMU position in
international art field, KUMU and culture marketing. All categories were present in
media representation and were the mostly discussed themes in newspapers during the
opening times of KUMU.
This research showed that KUMU is facing different attittudes, which can be defined
as “different ways of thinking”.The conflict between curators and artists is also
present in this BA thesis, because it deals with the problem of appreciation, which is
especially important for estonian artists as it is a matter of great importance for the
artists around the world.
Main results of my research showed , that media presented KUMU in a positive way,
although there were old conflicts , which were still present. I also found out that
KUMU is a future-oriented art institution and sees possibilities to develop itself as an
open and dynamic art museum in the nordic and baltic region. One result also
suggests that it is quite impossible to promote KUMU without the help of culture
marketing, although people of KUMU and also the media professionals support the
idea of ethical and balanced marketing.
This BA thesis is important ,because it tries to analyze estonian biggest art institution
in comparison with media, which is quite important in contemporary communication
research as it helps to understand the reasons why certain attittudes and opinions in
public were present during the opening times of KUMU.
H Social Sciences (General), bakalaureusetööd, muuseumid, kunstimuuseumid, kunst, ajakirjandus, trükiajakirjandus, representatsioon