SA Viljandi Haigla kommunikatsioonistrateegia koostamise lähtealused: võimalused ja takistavad tegurid efektiivseks sisekommunikatsiooniks



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Bachelor`s thesis is composed to analyse internal communication in the Viljandi Hospital Foundation between the stuff and the board. Working as a communication manager in this organization, I gave an expert oppinion and forwarded myself from organization at the same time and analysed throw used methods how internal communication is organized. Bachelor`s thesis „Basic principles for developing the communication strategy of Viljandi Hospital Foundation: opportunities and barriers for effective internal communication“ purpose was to examine the internal communication organizing in Viljandi Hospital Foundation and the effectiveness of used communication channels. Thesis was composed to highlight the author's suggestions and ideas for developing communication strategy. Document analysis, participatory observations and analysis of expert interviews were carried to bring out documents communication strengths and weaknesses, what is the organizers vision of the strategical internal communication planning and what it is to estimate the efficacy of communication channels.. Thesis proposes recommendations and ideas for the organization future internal communication and communication strategy planning. Based on Vos and Schoemaker the internal communication management in the hospital is significant for: 1) supporting organization main activities- information transmission and exchange is important for supporting medical services. Effective communication will ensure high quality and quick access to this service; 2) to promote participation for the staff- employee involvement in organization is essential to motivate and develop an organizational culture and motivate personnel; 3) to support changies in organization- to support changes is essential to the health care institution to deal with emergency situations. Particularly important is support for changes in the transmission of information. Employees must be aware of why changes are made, and for whom. Based on Grunig (2002) who brings out the factors that influence the communication in organizations; 1) centralization- how decisions are taken on the upper level of the hierarchy in the organization;. 2) stratification- the number of hierarchical levels of the organization shows who are in higher and who are in lower level;. 3) formalization- how many rules and norms are in organization and how organization follows them; 4) complexity- how organizations train their employees and how many posts are routine and require flexibility to change behavior; 5) participation in decision-making process- how many members of the organization participate in decision-making. Used methods showed that internal communications organizers evaluate the functioning of the internal communication good. There are problems and misunderstanding, but if employees want, they can receive useful information for their working process. For more effective internal communication managing is important to compose communication strategy and information models. Hospital have conducted mission, vision and main organizational values that are main basis for strategy. Mission gives an opportunity to formulate main basics for strategy: with supporting effective internal communication to offer patients high-quality, maximum and patient centered service. Very important is preparing stuff for developing the communication strategy. The hospital has a lot of professional trainings, but training about communication is still unorganized. All key personnel must be involved in internal communication management process. Other internal communication organizers should be informed throw infrormation days and for example internal newsletter. It is also important to assess risks for preparing to develop the communication strategy. Organization must take into account the factors affecting the implementation of internal and external influences, considered as risks to non-public health policies and the aging of the county. Internally, the preparation and implementation should be made for the obstacles which arise from the hierarchical structure and an aging workforce. Deficiencies in the recognition and the restructuring is an important aspect of preparing a communication


bakalaureusetööd, info, kommunikatsioon, kommunikatsioonijuhtimine, sisekommunikatsioon, organisatsioonikommunikatsioon, strateegiline planeerimine, tervishoid, haiglad, Viljandi Haigla, sihtasutus
