The importance of DNA binding and DNA breaks for AIRE-mediated transcriptional activation
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Kuigi geenide kogum on kõikides organismi rakkudes ühesugused, sõltub geenide avaldumine raku vajadustest ja rakuvälistest signaalidest. Üks huvitav erand on tüümuse ehk harknäärme säsi epiteelirakud, mis ekspresseerivad palju rohkem geene kui nende füsioloogiline programm nõuab. Niisugust laiaulatuslikku geeniekspressiooni nimetatakse avatuks geeniekspressiooniks ning suures osas vastutab selle eest AIRE (autoimmuunsuse regulaator) valk.
Tüümus on primaarne lümfoidorgan, kus immuunsüsteemi T-rakud läbivad mitmed küpsemisetapid enne vereringesse väljumist. Paljude geenide avaldumine tüümuses viib nende produktide esitamiseni tüümuse epiteelirakkude poolt küpsevatele T-rakkudele. Juhul kui T-rakk on võimeline neid geeniprodukte ehk oma keha komponente ära tundma, suunatakse ta programmeeritud surmale, sel viisil vältides hilisemaid autoimmuunreaktsioone. Nagu võib ennustada, on AIRE defektide puhul avatud geeniekspressioon häiritud, mistõttu autoreaktiivsed T-rakud pääsevad verre ning ründavad oma keha kudesid, põhjustades haruldast autoimmuunhaigust.
Antud doktoritöö eesmärk oli välja selgitada molekulaarseid mehhanisme, kuidas AIRE reguleerib geenide avaldumist. Leidsime, et AIRE suudab aktiveerida transkriptsiooni plasmiididelt, kus puuduvad olulised geenielemendid (promootor, intron, polüadenüleerimissignaal). Lisaks näitasime, et AIRE seondub tugevasti plasmiidse DNA-ga ning ei vaja selleks seondumiseks teisi valke. Tegime ka kindlaks, et AIRE interakteerub DNA parandamisprotsessides osalevate valkudega ning näitasime, et topoisomeraaside inhibiitorid, mis soodustavad DNA katkete teket, suurendavad AIRE poolt vahendatud transkriptsioonilist aktiivsust märkimisväärselt. Kokkuvõttes täiendavad meie tulemused varasemalt publitseerituid töid ja näitavad, et AIRE on unikaalsete omadustega transkriptsiooni regulaator, mis võimendab geenide avaldumist mittekonventsionaalsel moel.
Although the gene set is the same in almost all cells of an organism, the gene expression is tightly regulated according to the cell’s needs and environmental cues. One interesting exception is medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs), that express much more genes than their physiological program requires. Such unusual gene expression pattern was termed promiscuous gene expression, and the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) protein was demonstrated to be responsible for its induction. The thymus is the primary lymphoid organ of the immune system, where T cells commit their maturation process before exit to the bloodstream. The vast spectrum of genes gets expressed in mTECs and their products are presented on the cell surface to the maturing T cells. If T cell recognizes any of these products representing its own body, it is directed to the programmed cell death, and in this way dangerous autoimmune reactions are avoided. Predictably, the defects in AIRE hinder promiscuous gene expression, enabling autoreactive T cells to escape to the bloodstream and attack its own tissues, consequently causing rare autoimmune disease. In this thesis, we aimed to clarify the molecular mechanisms of AIRE regulates gene expression. We found that AIRE is able to activate transcription from plasmid reporters lacking essential gene regulatory elements (promoter, intron, polyadenylation signal). In addition, AIRE binds strongly to plasmid DNA and does not require additional proteins for this interaction. We identified that AIRE interacts with proteins involved in DNA reparation and showed that topoisomerase inhibitors that contribute to DNA break formation, enhance AIRE-mediated transcriptional activity notably. In summary, our results complement previous publications demonstrating that AIRE is gene expression regulator notably different from known transcription factors.
Although the gene set is the same in almost all cells of an organism, the gene expression is tightly regulated according to the cell’s needs and environmental cues. One interesting exception is medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs), that express much more genes than their physiological program requires. Such unusual gene expression pattern was termed promiscuous gene expression, and the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) protein was demonstrated to be responsible for its induction. The thymus is the primary lymphoid organ of the immune system, where T cells commit their maturation process before exit to the bloodstream. The vast spectrum of genes gets expressed in mTECs and their products are presented on the cell surface to the maturing T cells. If T cell recognizes any of these products representing its own body, it is directed to the programmed cell death, and in this way dangerous autoimmune reactions are avoided. Predictably, the defects in AIRE hinder promiscuous gene expression, enabling autoreactive T cells to escape to the bloodstream and attack its own tissues, consequently causing rare autoimmune disease. In this thesis, we aimed to clarify the molecular mechanisms of AIRE regulates gene expression. We found that AIRE is able to activate transcription from plasmid reporters lacking essential gene regulatory elements (promoter, intron, polyadenylation signal). In addition, AIRE binds strongly to plasmid DNA and does not require additional proteins for this interaction. We identified that AIRE interacts with proteins involved in DNA reparation and showed that topoisomerase inhibitors that contribute to DNA break formation, enhance AIRE-mediated transcriptional activity notably. In summary, our results complement previous publications demonstrating that AIRE is gene expression regulator notably different from known transcription factors.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone
autoimmunity, autoantigens, thymus, transcription activity, gene expression, gene regulation, DNA binding, molecular mechanisms, autoimmune diseases