Efficient Use of Pre-trained NMT Models Through Mixing and Matching



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Tartu Ülikool


With an increasing amount of pre-trained language models and neural machine translation (NMT) models becoming available, it is important to investigate how to use them when training new models to avoid expensive training from scratch. This thesis investigates how to effectively use pre-trained models, focusing on combining encoders and decoders of different independent pre-trained NMT models as modules. This is not directly possible since the intermediate representations of any two independent NMT models are different and cannot be combined without modification. To get around this, firstly, a dimension adapter is added if the encoder and decoder have different embedding dimensionalities, and secondly, extra encoder layers are added after the pre-trained encoder to align the intermediate representations. As a proof of concept, this thesis looks at many-to-Estonian translation and combines a massively multilingual encoder and a high-quality language-specific decoder. The results show significant improvements in both translation quality and speed for many-to-one translation over the baseline multilingual model. Furthermore, the ability to rapidly train a high-quality NMT system is successfully demonstrated with Estonain-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Estonian translation, achieving competitive results compared to previous works. More broadly, the thesis demonstrates that sentence representations of two independent NMT models can be made compatible without changing the pre-trained components while keeping translation quality from deteriorating.



natural language processing, neural machine translation, machine translation, multilingual machine translation, artificial neural networks
