Eesti üldhariduskooli riikliku õppekava arendusprotsessi kajastamine Õpetajate Lehes
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Tartu Ülikool
The bachelor theses “The Coverage of the development of the National
Curriculum for general comprehensive schools in Õpetajate Leht” is conducted
on quantitative and qualitative media analysis based on articles published in Õpetajate
Leht in the time period of January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2005. The development of
the National Curriculum for general comprehensive schools was chosen as the subject
of the thesis because of its current relevance and conflicting nature.
The work process of the current theses consisted of conducting quantitative media
content analysis and qualitative content analysis of chosen text units. By analyzing the
genre of the articles, authors of the articles and attitudes towards the development of
the national curriculum, I aimed to find answers to the following questions: what
genre do the articles represent, who take part in the debate, what are the general
attitudes towards development of the national curriculum and how do different groups
see the process of the development of national curriculum.
All in all, 68 text units were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative analysis.
Most of the articles were opinion articles, so it can be said, that different interest
groups find this topic really important.
Most of the authors were Estonian educationalists, especially teachers. I find this fact
really important, because teachers are one of the most important target groups of the
national curriculum. A very significant fact is, that several specialists in the field of
curriculum development also took part in the debate. Also several politicians were
asked about their opinion on the process of the development of the national
curriculum. This trend shows that the process is politicized to a great degree. Based
on this, it can be said that the hypothesis suggested in the first part of the paper, which
stated that the conflicting nature of the development of a curriculum will cause the
representatives of different parties and interest groups, such as curricula experts,
educationists and politicians to take equal part in the process, was confirmed.
Attitudes towards the process of development were generally neutral or balanced.
Therefore, the second hypothesis suggested, stating that curriculum development
being conflicting in nature will lead to its general evaluation being negative or rather
negative was not confirmed during content analysis.
In the process of qualitative analysis it became evident that interest groups see
curriculum development as a purposeful and consistent process and they also made
suggestions about how to achieve these qualities in the process.
H Social Sciences (General), bakalaureusetööd, haridus, haridussüsteemid, õppekavad, muutused