Electroformation of Polypyrrole Films: In-situ AFM and STM Study
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Elektrit juhtivaid polümeere on viimaste aastakümnete jooksul intensiivselt uuritud kui uut orgaaniliste materjalide generatsiooni, milles on metallidele ja pooljuhtidele omased elektrilised ja optilised omadused ühendatud tavapolümeeride selliste omadustega nagu lihtne süntees ja paindlikkus töötlemisel. Polüpürrooli (PPy) peetakse üheks elektrit juhtivate polümeeride klassikaliseks esindajaks tänu tema püsivusele ja võimalusele seda polümeeri kergelt sünteesida nii keemiliselt kui elektrokeemiliselt vesi- ning orgaanilistest lahustest.
Käesoleva töö eesmärgiks oli uurida polüpürrooli kile moodustumist, sealhulgas ka pürrooli (Py) võimalikku adsorbtsiooni monokristalsetel Au (111) elektroodidel erineva pürrooli sisaldusega vesilahustest ning erinevate dopantioonide mõju kile pinna struktuurile paksemates polüpürrooli kiledes. Uuringud viidi läbi erinevaid in- ja ex-situ skaneeriva teravikmikroskoopia (SPM) ning röntgen-fotoelektronspektroskoopia (XPS) meetodeid kasutades.
Antud töö olulisemate tulemustena näidati, et on võimalik uurida nii Py adsorbtsiooni kui ka PPy üliõhukesi kihte kasutades erinevaid SPM meetodeid. Suhteliselt „paksude“ kilede (kuni 1 m) uuringud näitasid, et sünteesitingimuste muutmine, dopantiooni iseloom ja kile paksus mõjutavad tugevalt kile pinna struktuuri.
Uuringute käigus avastati uus väga lihtne meetod üliõhukeste üleoksüdeeritud kilede valmistamiseks. Niisugused kiled on kasutatavad erinevates sensorites.
Within the last few decades conducting polymers were intensively investigated as a novel generation of organic materials that have both electrical and optical properties similar to those of metals and inorganic semiconductors, but which also exhibit the attractive properties associated with conventional polymers, such as ease of synthesis and flexibility in processing. The materials have already found applications in a number of advanced technologies, such as chemical sensors, electronic displays, batteries, etc., and are potent for application in a number of growing new technologies, such as soft polymer actuators or, artificial muscles. One popular representative of these conducting polymers is polypyrrole. The aim of the present work was to investigate the first stage of PPy growth for better understanding the film formation mechanisms and also study of dependences of PPy film morphology on different dopant anions. For these purposes electrochemically polymerised PPy films were used. Morphology of these films was studied by scanning probe microscopy (SPM) methods. The essential results of these investigations can be listed as follows: • It was shown that the adsorption of Py and the ultrathin PPy films could be studied in details with SPM. • AFM measurements of relatively “thick” (up to 1 m) PPy films showed that morphology of the films is strongly influenced from synthesis conditions, dopant ion nature, and thickness of film. A new simpliest way to produce ultrathin overoxydised PPy films was discovered during the investigations. Such films are applicable in different sensors.
Within the last few decades conducting polymers were intensively investigated as a novel generation of organic materials that have both electrical and optical properties similar to those of metals and inorganic semiconductors, but which also exhibit the attractive properties associated with conventional polymers, such as ease of synthesis and flexibility in processing. The materials have already found applications in a number of advanced technologies, such as chemical sensors, electronic displays, batteries, etc., and are potent for application in a number of growing new technologies, such as soft polymer actuators or, artificial muscles. One popular representative of these conducting polymers is polypyrrole. The aim of the present work was to investigate the first stage of PPy growth for better understanding the film formation mechanisms and also study of dependences of PPy film morphology on different dopant anions. For these purposes electrochemically polymerised PPy films were used. Morphology of these films was studied by scanning probe microscopy (SPM) methods. The essential results of these investigations can be listed as follows: • It was shown that the adsorption of Py and the ultrathin PPy films could be studied in details with SPM. • AFM measurements of relatively “thick” (up to 1 m) PPy films showed that morphology of the films is strongly influenced from synthesis conditions, dopant ion nature, and thickness of film. A new simpliest way to produce ultrathin overoxydised PPy films was discovered during the investigations. Such films are applicable in different sensors.
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dissertatsioonid, keemia, polüpürrool, elektrokeemia, elektritjuhtivad polümeerid