Sequencer model with variable domain based on mathematical concepts and abstract art
Ajakirja pealkiri
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Köite pealkiri
TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia
The aim of this project is to design and develop a sequencer model as an artistic template
which will allow the artist to develop, modify and use his own abstract patterns in real time. The
basic idea of this project comes from the investigation of possibilities of analogue sequencers,
such as Doepfer A-142 Quad AD/LFO and A-143 Complex ADSR models. These processing
blocks provides user with number of possibilities of pattern developing, yet they are not precise
and quite inconvenient in use. The main objective of the instrument is to provide the artist with
flexible workflow for artistic live performance and improvisation. The approach the author has
used considers both mathematical and creative perspectives on the structure, equilibrium,
aesthetics and "painterliness" of sound as both an individual object and as part of a pattern. The
author implements a new approach to the development of sequence functions, in which the
method used is the alteration of function domain.
magistritööd, helitehnika, sekventserid, järgnevused (muus.), muusikatarkvara, elektrooniline muusika