О метаязыке Юрия Лотмана: проблемы, контекст, источники
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Silvi Salupere doktoritöö “Juri Lotmani metakeelest: probleemid, kontekst, allikad” uurib Juri Lotmani metakeele geneesi, dünaamikat, muutusi ja arenguid. Töö keskendub Lotmanile kui semiootikule, st vaatluse alt jääb välja eelstrukturalistlik periood. Eelkõige rahulolematus tolleaegse kirjandusteaduse esitusviisidega viis Lotmani tõdemuseni, et kirjanduse uurimine peab saama teaduseks. Jälgitakse Lotmani metakeele suhestumisi strukturalistliku ja semiootilise, matemaatika ja informatsiooniteooria, küberneetika ja lingvistika mõistetega. Näidatakse, kuidas strukturaalpoeetikast, kunstitekstide analüüsist kasvas välja kultuurisemiootika ja kuidas kultuuri enda mõiste muutus järjest “subjektiivsemaks”, päädides arusaamaga kultuurist kui kollektiivsest intellektist. Dissertatsioon käsitleb Lotmani metakeelt tervikliku süsteemina, mille modelleerimisel lähtutakse Lotmani poolt esitatud semiootilise süsteemi dünaamilisest mudelist, mis ehitub vastandustele staatika–dünaamika, süsteemne–mittesüsteemne, ühetähenduslikkus–ambivalentsus, tuum–perifeeria, kirjeldatud–mittekirjeldatud. Lotmani viimasel elukümnendil oli tema huvikeskmes just nende vastanduste teine pool, küsimus sellest, kuidas adekvaatselt kirjeldada mittediskreetset, kontinuaalset, mittesüsteemset – nn “kontrastne semiootika”, kus kohtuvad teadus ja kunst, loogika ja retoorika.
Silvi Salupere’s doctoral dissertation On Juri Lotman’s Metalanguage: Problems, context, and sources explores the genesis, dynamics, change, and evolution of Juri Lotman’s metalanguage. The study focuses on Lotman’s semiotic work and does not extend to the pre-structuralist period. Dissatisfaction with contemporary methods of literary scholarship led Lotman to see the necessity of developing the scientific study of literature. The dissertation explores the impact of structuralist, semiotic, mathematical, information theory, cybernetic and linguistic concepts on Lotman’s metalanguage. It demonstrates how the semiotics of culture germinated in structural poetics and the study of artistic texts, and how the concept itself of culture, increasingly “subjectified”, culminated in the understanding of culture as a collective mind. The dissertation considers Lotman’s metalanguage as a systemic whole, as based on the Lotmanian “dynamic model of a semiotic system” structured by the oppositions of statics and dynamics, systemic and non-systemic, monolingual and multilingual, center and periphery, described and non-described. During the last decade of Lotman’s life, the focus of his interest lay in the second part of the opposition and the possibility to capture and adequately describe the non-discrete, continual, and non-systemic – the so-called “contrastive/contrast semiotics” where science and art, logic and rhetoric meet.
Silvi Salupere’s doctoral dissertation On Juri Lotman’s Metalanguage: Problems, context, and sources explores the genesis, dynamics, change, and evolution of Juri Lotman’s metalanguage. The study focuses on Lotman’s semiotic work and does not extend to the pre-structuralist period. Dissatisfaction with contemporary methods of literary scholarship led Lotman to see the necessity of developing the scientific study of literature. The dissertation explores the impact of structuralist, semiotic, mathematical, information theory, cybernetic and linguistic concepts on Lotman’s metalanguage. It demonstrates how the semiotics of culture germinated in structural poetics and the study of artistic texts, and how the concept itself of culture, increasingly “subjectified”, culminated in the understanding of culture as a collective mind. The dissertation considers Lotman’s metalanguage as a systemic whole, as based on the Lotmanian “dynamic model of a semiotic system” structured by the oppositions of statics and dynamics, systemic and non-systemic, monolingual and multilingual, center and periphery, described and non-described. During the last decade of Lotman’s life, the focus of his interest lay in the second part of the opposition and the possibility to capture and adequately describe the non-discrete, continual, and non-systemic – the so-called “contrastive/contrast semiotics” where science and art, logic and rhetoric meet.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone
metakeeled, terminid, semiootika, Tartu-Moskva semiootikakoolkond, Lotman, Juri, metalanguages, terms (words), semiotics, Tartu-Moscow Semiotic School