Informatsiooni teisenemine ajakirjandusliku töötluse käigus

dc.contributor.advisorHarro, Halliki, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorRähn, Maria
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduskondet
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni osakondet
dc.descriptionWriting a story is a complicated process. The initial version of the text is unprocessed and full of errors, then it is processed and edited and after that it only needs small corrections in order to complete the final version of the text. The aim of every journalist is to write stories so that they would be interesting, linguistically correct and would not contain errors. One of the most important priorities of the journalists should be preventing the transformation of information. In order to do that, all of them have to use the most effective editing methods in their view. The topic of this research is "The transformation of information during journalistic editing" and it consists of a research on three county newspapers. During the research of these newspapers it became evident that the transformation that has a positive effect is not considered as an error, but the necessity of correct and self-righteous editing methods in the daily work of a journalist is still recognised. Therefore it can be said that the information always transforms a little during journalistic editing. The important thing is that the facts remain true. There are many reasons for the transformation, starting from the carelessness of the journalists to the time given for writing a certain story. One of the most important transformation of information definitely lies or inadequate editing methods. The author of this research gave her best to bring out as many suggestions and guidelines as possible on how to avoid making errors. For the conclusion of the results of the research it can be mentioned again that the attitude of the sources towards the journalists and journalistic publications was favouring and understanding. The only negative source was a case by the Estonian Press Council.en
dc.identifierRähn, Maria (2007) Informatsiooni teisenemine ajakirjandusliku töötluse käigus. Other thesis, Tartu Ülikool.
dc.publisherTartu Ülikoolet
dc.subjectH Social Sciences (General)
dc.titleInformatsiooni teisenemine ajakirjandusliku töötluse käiguset
