Protseduuriline puude genereerimine
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Töö tuvustab protseduurilise puude genereerimise ülesannet ja näitab, kuidas realiseerida selle lahendust kasutades traditsioonilist Lindenmayeri süsteemidel põhinevat algoritmi. Töö on mõeldud ülesandest huvituvale lugejale, kes tunneb ennast mugavalt programmeerimiskeeles C++ ja objekt-orienteeritud paradigmas, kuid ei ole varem OpenGL-iga projekte teinud. Sellest lähtuvalt tuvustab töö ka OpenGL-i ning toob välja tähelepanekuid, mida seda kasutades arvesse võtta.
Thesis introduces the problem of procedurally generating trees and gives an implementation, that solves the problem using the traditional algorithm based on Lindenmayer system. The implementation is written in C++ with object-oriented paradigm in mind and is meant for readers who are learning OpenGL. Thus the thesis shows common methods and problems regarding 3D graphic generation with OpenGL.
Thesis introduces the problem of procedurally generating trees and gives an implementation, that solves the problem using the traditional algorithm based on Lindenmayer system. The implementation is written in C++ with object-oriented paradigm in mind and is meant for readers who are learning OpenGL. Thus the thesis shows common methods and problems regarding 3D graphic generation with OpenGL.